The new talking point that you guys are holding onto dearly has already been shit on by the math wizard Patsfans. But you keep talking about it like something is going to change for you.
Its not.
And let’s be clear....your president made that claim about injecting disinfectant. Don’t try to clown Marylanders now because of what Trumps dumbass said. But we do have a lot of stupid trump loving clowns in Dundalk, Maryland. Look it up. 1000% trailer park trash. I guarantee you 98% of them love Trump...and I bet you 98% of the calls came from that district.
I am sure half the population from Texas, Kentucky, Ohio called in as well. My Republican Governor, Larry Hogan, is on top of shit. And clowned the fuck out of Trump and Trump knows dude is a real legit Republican and refuses to say anything bad about the guy. Even though Trump talks shit about every other governor. Doesn’t say a word about my boy Hogan though. Not a fucking bleep out of that clown.
You’ve been following all the guidelines. That’s great. Then you should realize we still have a long way to go and life as we know it will not be the same for God knows how long.
Im sorry, but anything that requires life as we know it to completely far from overblown.
Has the media overhyped up this to a degree? I’ve said many times yes they have. That is what they do. But the information that I provide here is all factual information. All real shit. I’m the realest
You can’t distinguish between fact and opinion. We’ve already clearly figured that out.