<article id="post-31726" class="post-31726 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-breaking-news category-main-feed category-red-headline" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px; color: rgb(10, 10, 10); font-family: monospace; font-weight: 700;">Former President Donald Trump paid respects to the “fallen heroes” of the United States on Memorial Day.
Trump spoke of their sacrifice and “immortal” legacy in a statement released by his post-presidency office on Monday.
“On this Memorial Day, we remember the fallen heroes who took their last breaths in defense of our Nation, our families, our citizens, and our sacred freedoms,” he said. “The depth of their devotion, the steel of their resolve, and the purity of their patriotism has no equal in human history. On distant battlefields, in far-off oceans, and high in the skies above, they faced down our enemies and gave their lives so that America would prevail. They made the supreme sacrifice so that our people can live in safety and our Nation can thrive in peace. It is because of their gallantry that we can together, as one people, continue our pursuit of America’s glorious destiny.”