OK so let me ask you this. Say I'm flying to Michigan to go hunting. How do you suppose I get my rifle there if I can't check it onto a plane? Come on man, literally millions of times a year citizens check a firearm in the airport. One time some wack job that should be publicly hanged commits a horrible crime and it shouldn't be allowed?
Do you know why people don't fall off skyscrapers that have a sealed observation deck? Because they don't make it possible for anybody to fall off.
This is not about "one time". This is about common sense.
You don't release a child molestor and put him in housing next to a fucking kindergarden, do you?
I am 100% for guns and I respect your right to do whatever you want. But this shit is common sense.
Information on this piece of shit has been slow to come out but I am sticking with "start with islam" and work your way backwards. You have this reference to isis directly from the assailant, you have him holding up his finger in another picture.
You can thank our wonderful govt for all this mess. Going to fight unnecessary wars, bailing out these banks, sending billions of dollars to other countries, losing trillions of dollars, electing and egomaniac, oppressing the minorities, failure to amend out dated laws. Letting people hold their seats for decades(most of which are old racists fucks).
Most people are just brainwashed. It all starts with your diet. I choose life not death. 99% of therx and this country eat death. Something that was was killed in fear and cold blood. Change your diet and get rid of your idiot box. Our govt is the problem. All they do is feed us posion.