Since you pretend to know what you're talking about, please tell us what you think is a reasonable interval of time to sample data to determine that the
earth is indeed warming. Also, please let us know in your own words how one should determine a baseline in order to determine this "warming."
Now, keep in mind that the earth is ~4.5 billion years old. Since you pretend to know what you are talking about, let us know how long we've been
tracking data which is relevant to this purported global warming, and then compare it to the age of the earth.
Once you've done that, please explain in your own words how to prove that 1. global warming is indeed occurring and 2. that the actions of mankind is responsible.
These are very straight-forward questions, so don't even try to copy/paste.
If you have problems in comprehension with the questions, I'm willing to help you there, since we're all familiar with the grade level at which you think.
Oh one more simple question: Please explain in your own words why, if global warming is indeed occurring did these same "scientists" claim that
the earth was cooling just a few short decades ago?
A better question would be, "Was Obama born in America". I have a reasonable suspicion the graph would look the exact same. That's why you guys belong to the retard bar, lol.
Actually, there are zero. And if there were any, you'd cite one.
But of course you're a scientific illiterate so you'll just lie.
No there are not, or you would post 1.
Scientific illiterate.
We used a multi model archive to obtain fingerprints of atmospheric
fingerprints are estimates of the climate
responses to external forcing by the combined effects of anthro-
pogenic factors, volcanoes, and solar irradiance. The primary
components of external forcing over the past century are human-
caused increases in well-mixed greenhouse gases, depletion of
stratosphericozone, andchanges inatmospheric burdensofvarious
aerosol particles (20, 57). Our
fingerprints, therefore, mainlyre
flecthuman in
fluences on climate (7, 19, 29).
When global mean changes were included in our detection
method, we were able to identify the model
fingerprints with high
statistical confidence in 53 of 55 model data comparisons. For
changes in TLS from 1979 to 2011, S/N ratios varied from 26 to 36,
depending on the choice of observational dataset. For changes in
TLT, S/N ratios ranged from roughly three to eight. Although the
TLT ratios are lower than for TLS, they are still highly significant.
There are thousands. That's why 97% of climatologists who write papers on climate change agree that it is happening.
again, why not 100%?
If 97% of experts claimed Salmon swim upstream to lay eggs, wouldn't you be curious as to why its not 100%. The fact is, 100% do agree. duh!
I will await your hysterical reply and insult.
That comment is of course projection. That paper does not 'prove' global warming is happening, nor does it ever make any such claim.
You are a comically dimwitted individual.