why cant we have two pro life choices? in my opinion Bush is the worst president for America I have seen since being able to vote. We are more polar than ever, more people hate us now than ever and he has us in a total mess. He also lacks respect for Democracy "You are either with us or against us" what kind of democracy is that? The +200 on Kerry was a steal 3 weeks ago as I pointed out first to everyone.
Bush has really struggled and let down many who voted for him 4 years ago. But with so many federal judges being appointed to the courts I just cant see voting for a person (Mr. Kerry) who supports legislation that kills (lets be honest an abortion is the killing of an unborn baby person) approx 2500 a day in this country (the horrible 9-11 attack killed 3000 in a few dreadful hours and we are all still sad about that). Abortion is every day. And it is LEgal. And 90% of these abortions that kill an unborn baby person are for convience reasons. I agree is a difficult, sad, scary, uncertain, hard situation to see a young gal or any gal with an unwanted pregency facing her. Very disruptive to her life, her future, her mind and her body. But we need to help/have her go through with those births and give the person inside a chance at a long life not just killing them after a few months in the womb. If killing an unborn baby is not a terrorist activity I do not know what is. When can we get a Pro LIFE Democrat?
Im really torn in who to vote for this time. And MN (my state) is a total toss up right now. which is strange for MN As we have not voted a REP since 1972! Kerry will likely get it but its razor close.
Guys/Gals I was adopted as a new born into a great family. Before Roe vs Wade. I don’t know my birth mother or father the tough situation of my birth or the people who supported her to give birth and give the baby up. But Im so glad for life and its a real life. But I know that if I Was born a few years later due to abortion being legal that there was a chance that I would not have even been born I could have been killed. Just like thousands per day in this country. ITs just not right. Yes I know the "acorn does not equal tree argument". Well Im proof, if I Was aborted I would not be typing and living right now so consider it "acorn = tree" if you need to. Please stop to consider that. Please consider a vote for Pro life people, and pro life domestic agendas, if the other issues are at least close in your mind, consider changing your own feelings on abortion. This has nothing to do with religion it has to do with stopping a common terrorist activities right here in the USA. There is nothing wrong with a flip flop that is well thought out. Most important support pregnant mothers in hard situations, support adoption. And don’t be afraid to speak out against abortion.