Gen Petraeus To Begin Renewed Call For Slaughter of Americans in Afghanistan


Aug 6, 2006
Well, actually it's fairly easy to not agree with that Imaginary Boogeyman Scenario considering the Taliban pace of killing citizens wasn't even a tenth that in the decade preceding the United States invasion and occupation of Afghanistan.

But hey...maybe they're just waiting for the U.S. to exit so they can start killing at 10x their historical pace.

Yeah I'm sure if we pulled out tonight all would be well. The peace-loving and tolerant taliban wouldn't execute people by the thousands like they did from 1994 through 2001. Nor would al Queda return to its base and plan more attacks on our soil. Nah!

Aug 6, 2006
Well at least those Little Girls who make it to school intact without having body parts blown off by either a U.S. or "insurgent" (aka - The native residents of Afghanistan) rocket that is being tossed to 'n fro thanks to the dynamics of The Forever War.

Well if that happens the soldiers escorting them to school will be blown up as well. But I'm sure the girls would rather return to the wonderful picnic in the park era of early 2001 where they remain illiterate, keep everything but their pupils covered and never be allowed to leave their homes. Er-right!

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Yeah I'm sure if we pulled out tonight all would be well. The peace-loving and tolerant taliban wouldn't execute people by the thousands like they did from 1994 through 2001. Nor would al Queda return to its base and plan more attacks on our soil. Nah!

Well at least you've modified the forecast down to "thousands", which is nearing a point of reasonable possibility.

As for them "planning more attacks on U.S. soil", no problem. They managed to pull off two in my 50 years of life so far. I think that's a reasonable risk to take and we're certainly more able to impede any such action if we've returned over 200,000 U.S. military back home to the USA

That noted, if anyone in the now 500 or so known members of AQ really, really really wants to do something on American soil, there's actually not much anyone - including the U.S. military home or abroad - can do to stop them.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Well if that happens the soldiers escorting them to school will be blown up as well. But I'm sure the girls would rather return to the wonderful picnic in the park era of early 2001 where they remain illiterate, keep everything but their pupils covered and never be allowed to leave their homes. Er-right!

Yeah.....illiterate and alive or reading a book in your lap because both arms are blown off by U.S. or "insurgent" military tussling.

Imaginary Choices are fun!

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
At least this chipper Thread of discussion illustrates one serious point of agreement among us here at the PPub.

That is - the primary and prevalent mission of U.S. military in Afghanistan in the year 2010 is to serve as mercenary security and protection forces serving one half of the Afghani population against the other half (Taliban-led) of the Afghani population, with a now secondary mission to do the same for one half of the Iraqi population against the other half.

The fraudulent Pentagon and GW-Bush (now Obama) mantras of "Protecting American freedoms and capturing Osama Bin Laden" have been fully exposed as utter lies nine years and well over 5000+ American lives later.

OBL and AQ have cheerfully raked 2x the number of American dead during the past nine years as they could ever have nailed on 9/11/01 and they've also succeeded in assisting a virtual financial collapse of the USA at the federal goverment level.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
The President of Afghanistan has set a renewed deadline for removal of the truest core of mercenaries (aka - 30-40,000 in 'security firms') to disband operations within his country.

It will of course be interesting to observe how much respect the Pentagon chooses to give to the President of the sovereign nation of Afghanistan on this very important matter.

Karzai Orders Private Security Firms To Disband

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
The whiskey swilling General Petreaus might want to step up that media bullshit campaign....Would hate to see him fail to convince the American people how smart it is to continue sending their sons and daughters into the meatgrinder of his Forever War

Poll: U.S. opposition to Afghan war at all-time high

Unpopularity with the war in Afghanistan reached an all-time high in CNN polling with 62 percent saying they oppose it, according to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey. Moreover, confidence in the Afghan government is low. Seven in 10 Americans are not confident that Hamid Karzai's government can handle the situation there.
In an interview with NBC on Sunday, Gen. David Petraeus, the top general in Afghanistan, made clear that it will take a lot of time and commitment to achieve the overall goal of preventing Afghanistan from again becoming a haven for international terrorism.
"I didn't come out here to carry out a graceful exit or something like that," Petraeus said of taking command in Afghanistan this summer to replace ousted Gen. Stanley McChrystal.
Petraeus also repeated the administration line on plans to begin withdrawing some troops from Afghanistan in August 2011, saying the "transition" will be based on conditions on the ground.

May 27, 2007
The whiskey swilling General Petreaus might want to step up that media bullshit campaign....Would hate to see him fail to convince the American people how smart it is to continue sending their sons and daughters into the meatgrinder of his Forever War

Poll: U.S. opposition to Afghan war at all-time high

Unpopularity with the war in Afghanistan reached an all-time high in CNN polling with 62 percent saying they oppose it, according to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey. Moreover, confidence in the Afghan government is low. Seven in 10 Americans are not confident that Hamid Karzai's government can handle the situation there.
In an interview with NBC on Sunday, Gen. David Petraeus, the top general in Afghanistan, made clear that it will take a lot of time and commitment to achieve the overall goal of preventing Afghanistan from again becoming a haven for international terrorism.
"I didn't come out here to carry out a graceful exit or something like that," Petraeus said of taking command in Afghanistan this summer to replace ousted Gen. Stanley McChrystal.
Petraeus also repeated the administration line on plans to begin withdrawing some troops from Afghanistan in August 2011, saying the "transition" will be based on conditions on the ground.

Don't worry about what servicemembers do or don't do. We certainly don't give a shit about guys like you.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Never fear, whiskey-swilling Petraeus is here!

General Petraeus is on the scene in Afghanistan — and by “Afghanistan” we mean “the Sunday morning political talk shows, in America” — to announce his intention to just stone cold win this war for you, whether you like it or not. “The president didn’t send me over here to seek a graceful exit,” Petraeus said, as he made his plans for a bloody, desperate exit midway through President Palin’s first term. In order to achieve these goals, he’s bringing in all the folks who helped him out in Iraq, including some dude from the American Enterprise Institute.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
Don't worry about what servicemembers do or don't do. We certainly don't give a shit about guys like you.

Translation: if you dont agree with the war(s), dont comment on it. Ignorance is bliss, Captain Beatty.

May 27, 2007
Translation: if you dont agree with the war(s), dont comment on it. Ignorance is bliss, Captain Beatty.

Not what it means Fletcher but translate to fit your agenda any way you see fit. Translation is don't worry about the safety of military members in harm's way as we volunteer to serve. No need for loons to worry about us at all.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Ignorance is bliss, Captain Beatty.


Is "Captain Beatty" > or < smakish than "Sgt Enfuego"?

I can't keep up with military ranks and I'm not sure which one kicks more ass.

I do recall that Captain Kirk pretty much was The Man on Star Trek, but that might be due to their being no Sgts in the sci-fi future.

May 27, 2007

Is "Captain Beatty" > or < smakish than "Sgt Enfuego"?

I can't keep up with military ranks and I'm not sure which one kicks more ass.

I do recall that Captain Kirk pretty much was The Man on Star Trek, but that might be due to their being no Sgts in the sci-fi future.

I retire in 9 more years at the age of 43 Baragenda. Keep that in mind each time you thrash on us. You can't keep a job as a moderator on a gambling forum and I'm retiring. Who made the better decision?

New member
Oct 20, 2005
I retire in 9 more years at the age of 43 Baragenda. Keep that in mind each time you thrash on us. You can't keep a job as a moderator on a gambling forum and I'm retiring. Who made the better decision?

Uh, am i supposed to be impressed?

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Uh, am i supposed to be impressed?

Why would anyone try to impress you? Or should I say could anyone impress you? Actually I am impressed. By the way I dreamed about GW last night, damn you Fletch.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
I retire in 9 more years at the age of 43 Baragenda. Keep that in mind each time you thrash on us. You can't keep a job as a moderator on a gambling forum and I'm retiring. Who made the better decision?

With slavery comes eventual freedom...I look forward to hearing of your exploits once you're no longer in thrall to the Pentagon.

New member
Oct 20, 2005

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