Gaza horrors sow seeds for future violence

Oct 30, 2006
Funk's just letting you know he has no clue FZ, er, in case you weren't already aware.
Well I have a clue..... Lets go find oil someplace else...Turn our back on the whole damn thing & let them blow each other up nothing we do works so fuck it.

Sep 22, 2004
Gaza horrors sow seeds for future violence
Spot on.

Hamas didn't even EXIST until the 1990s, nobody had ever heard of them.

Jewish occupied Palestines treatment of Palestinians created Hamas, just as Israeli policies will create Hamas-2 and Hamas-3 in the future.

It's like Africa, there's really no point in bothering about 'em, it's tribal butchery and no-one can help.
Just leave them to kill one another.

The reason most folk even notice is because the media is obsessed about the place, like it is with Britney Spears.

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
Jewish occupied Palestines treatment of Palestinians created Hamas, just as Israeli policies will create Hamas-2 and Hamas-3 in the future.
:ohno: another bleeding heart, enabling moron....

cry me a river and go back to egypt and jordan

Aug 6, 2006
It is no coincidence that the haters of Israel are the same idiots who think the US government murdered its own people on 9/11. Stupidity crosses all moral issues.

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
lol at the US govt sucking anyones cock

how fin stupid are you?

Israel is the USs pawn, their card for oil negotiations

long ago Israel sold their soul to the US...

Israel MUST buy US made weapons or pay the consequences

Russian military technology would suffice to subdue the dumb arabs and costs 20 times less

you people are complete idiots who dont have a clue

Oct 8, 2006
its just always gonna be a fucked up situation

the muzzies gonna hurl a few random bombs at israel and than the jews gonna "tactfully" retaliate killing many innocent bystanders and the ones that survive this ordeal will be scarred for life and some will be the next generation of muzzies hurling random bombs at israel

gaza is such a concentrated area too as far as people per square mile or what not that indirect casualities and injuries in a significant amount are hard to avoid regardless if the jews are trying their best to target what they think are the bad guys and what not

i really have no clue what the solution is

other than the jews just moving to montana
first let me say that i condemn rocket attacks by hamas, period. that said, i think israeli retaliation is too extreme. for every random rocket that is fired, most falling harmlessly in desert ares, every once in a while an israli dies. for each israeli death, israel has killed hundreds of civilians. today, 2 UN schools were bombed, killing 30 women and children. every time they bomb a school, they give the lame excuse that its being used by hamas, which is a lie, according to all foreign journalists, media, the UN, and the red cross. this is why israel tries to deny foreign reporters, because they dont want the truth to be known worldwide. as long as the palestinians are living under occupation and supression, and having to live in brutal humanitarian conditions, there will never be peace. there is no military solution to this, only a diplomatic one.

New member
Apr 21, 2007
lol at the US govt sucking anyones cock

how fin stupid are you?

Israel is the USs pawn, ...

If that is so, could you tell me, please, what are the advantages the U.S. get from supporting Israel? I don't claim to be an expert on the issue but I don't see how America would be worse off if Israel would not exist. No matter what you think about Israel (personally I like the Israelis a lot more tghan the Palestinians), it's just a constant source of trouble.

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
israel could level any muslim country they wanted to if need be and the US depends on ME oil

Oct 8, 2006
If that is so, could you tell me, please, what are the advantages the U.S. get from supporting Israel? I don't claim to be an expert on the issue but I don't see how America would be worse off if Israel would not exist. No matter what you think about Israel (personally I like the Israelis a lot more tghan the Palestinians), it's just a constant source of trouble.
preussen, it is the US foreign policy in the area that causes the trouble. we back israel 100%, even when they are in the wrong. this is what creates hatred by arab countries against the U.S. if we stand back and be more even handed, and be fair to both sides, then it would be different. until we quit backing israel blindly, things will never change.

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
If that is so, could you tell me, please, what are the advantages the U.S. get from supporting Israel? I don't claim to be an expert on the issue but I don't see how America would be worse off if Israel would not exist. No matter what you think about Israel (personally I like the Israelis a lot more tghan the Palestinians), it's just a constant source of trouble.

Mainly Israel is their bargaining card for oil, the trump card

nobody support Israel on this entire earth because they dont have the oil

Europe or Russia would take over the oil contracts etc

There was a time before the 1967 war when 6 arab nations attacked Israel at once

that the US was mroe on the fence, but the US likes winners

or oil could become nationalized as what might have been during the Iraninian revolution

and these rogue nations could put a stop to the free world

US imposes its will for a better world

its quite easy to see

thank us later or dont we dont give a fuck

make no mistake though the relationship benefits the US more then Israel

New member
Jul 8, 2006
first let me say that i condemn rocket attacks by hamas, period. that said, i think israeli retaliation is too extreme. for every random rocket that is fired, most falling harmlessly in desert ares, every once in a while an israli dies. for each israeli death, israel has killed hundreds of civilians. today, 2 UN schools were bombed, killing 30 women and children. every time they bomb a school, they give the lame excuse that its being used by hamas, which is a lie, according to all foreign journalists, media, the UN, and the red cross. this is why israel tries to deny foreign reporters, because they dont want the truth to be known worldwide. as long as the palestinians are living under occupation and supression, and having to live in brutal humanitarian conditions, there will never be peace. there is no military solution to this, only a diplomatic one.

over 9000 rockets were launched towards Israeli civilians for the last 8 years,would you be willing to live in terror for that length of time before your government reacts?did the Americans let anyone see what they did in Iraq or way back when put villages of Civilians in fire in Vietnam?The sad thing is that Hamas does Not have any value for life,their leaders sit in shelters hiding and sending others to die commite suicides and use children mosques and schools as place for producing their rockets,use childerns as human shields for snipers and list goes on and on..why do you see it your way,partially because the media doesn't show it all and the ignorants say Jews control the media..then why not show it?why not show the kids they use infront of their snipers?why not show the factories they have under their own mosques?why not show how they hide in civilian populated areas and avoiding any direct contact with Israeli forces?why not just say it the way it is..8 years they launch these primitive rockets on civilians..who do they target?army?solidiers?No,just civilians so how could you criticise the only true democracy in that region beats me..ignorance for some is a blessing.the bottom line is Hamas refuse to recognize the exsistance of Israel so what kind of diplomacy could solve that? and taking advantage of the suffering of the palestinians population for their own needs,do they care about Palestinian lives?not really,they exceute anyone without fair trial if doesnt hold their own views about the conflicts and you could show support to that kind of criminals?real joker:ohno:
Last edited:

Everything's Legal in the USofA...Just don't get c
Jun 27, 2007
preussen, it is the US foreign policy in the area that causes the trouble. we back israel 100%, even when they are in the wrong. this is what creates hatred by arab countries against the U.S. if we stand back and be more even handed, and be fair to both sides, then it would be different. until we quit backing israel blindly, things will never change.

A common misperception of people who are either too intellectually lazy or too biased to comprehend the true situation on the ground.

The US foreign policy vis-a-vis Israel and the Arabs is nothing if not FAIR. We support a Jewish state, and we support a Palestinian state. What could be fairer? Carter, Bush 41, and Clinton all put enormous pressure on the Israelis to make concessions in their vain attempts at bringing peace to the region. The problem is, the Jews support a Palestinian state, but the Arabs are committed to the destruction of the Jewish state. So naturally our policy, if it is to be fair, cannot be even handed. If it were we'd have to acknowledge that Israel's right to exist is subject to debate. Which it isn't.

And as for you and all of those in this forum who think the daily assault of rocket fire into Israel is no big deal - well of course it's no big deal to YOU tucked into your cozy little North American king size beds every night.

New member
Apr 21, 2007
Mainly Israel is their bargaining card for oil, the trump card

nobody support Israel on this entire earth because they dont have the oil

Europe or Russia would take over the oil contracts etc

There was a time before the 1967 war when 6 arab nations attacked Israel at once

that the US was mroe on the fence, but the US likes winners

or oil could become nationalized as what might have been during the Iraninian revolution

and these rogue nations could put a stop to the free world

US imposes its will for a better world

its quite easy to see

thank us later or dont we dont give a fuck

make no mistake though the relationship benefits the US more then Israel

I'm sorry, but this does not make much sense. In what way is Israel a trump card in the bargain for oil? What changes would there be concerning oil if no Israel existed (apart from the fact that the region would probably bemuch more peaceful, usually something that favours trade)?

And no, it is by no means easy to see in what way America by supporting Israel "imposes its will for a better world".

Everything's Legal in the USofA...Just don't get c
Jun 27, 2007
Plain and simple, Preussen, the US supports free and open democracies. Period.

Everything's Legal in the USofA...Just don't get c
Jun 27, 2007
and saudi arabia is a democracy? and kuwait?

Sir, I didn't say that all of the countries we support are democracies. I said that all countries that are democracies have our support.

Sep 22, 2004
Hamas was democratically elected.

I just can't see the point in the media frenzy over Palestine anymore.

Put simply.
The international community has put a heavily armed Catholic family slap bang in the middle of the Protestant Shankhill road, and there was only one thing that could happen once that happened.


But the Catholics were in Ireland first, so that makes it ok.

New member
Feb 13, 2007
Put simply.
The international community has put a heavily armed Catholic family slap bang in the middle of the Protestant Shankhill road, and there was only one thing that could happen once that happened.


But the Catholics were in Ireland first, so that makes it ok.

Well put.

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