Harbaugh the source of the rumors now? what a classic if true, fucking loser
of course ESPN is reporting it, I think it's their 4th or 5th version of reality
1) a ref threw a ball out of play to begin the 2nd half which he was suspicious of (totally false)
2) the Colts defensive back who intercepted Brady at the end of the first half thought the ball was too soft (totally false)
3) the Colts equipment manager thought the aforementioned intercepted ball was too soft (trending false)
4) the Colts management called the NFL (trending true, but why?) (may very well be the whole Harbaugh family is a bunch of classless whining bitches)
C-U-N-T-S, if you can't beat them, if you can't host a playoff game because you have to back into the playoffs, well you might as well create a false narrative to impugn the reputation of your conqueror because you're sick and tired of him schooling you. Why now he's going so low you don't know who the eligible receivers, and yet you still stay in a man to man defense are. That's as dumb as it comes for such a supposedly good coach.
I hope it's true, then the loser will become the next Eric Mangini or Walter Frey, abandoned. Better hope his brother can keep his Michigan job, but I don't think another Andrew Luck is walking through his door either.
The Pats will be exonerated in the court of law, but that won't matter to the haters who will be telling this same lie until they die