Friend's Play Part II


Sep 3, 2006
what a bust........but all the people here were patting him on the back and encouraging all went to his's a shame to lose a good capper.........but if anybody thinks they are better than the rest......then they ought to take note......YOU AINT SHIT.......what this gentleman ought to do is refund all his client's for his own wedding just like we all had to do.......and get down on his knees and beg for forgiveness.........will he do it.........NO WAY..........he's got the big head now..........I'd like to see his record compared to Mr Flava's now......and Mr Flava is free

New member
Mar 21, 2008
i agree with furm...i can't blame box for what he did. hopefullly he comes home and gets his groove back....having "clients" no doubts fucks with one's head and effects one's money management.

New member
Mar 21, 2008
what a bust........but all the people here were patting him on the back and encouraging all went to his's a shame to lose a good capper.........but if anybody thinks they are better than the rest......then they ought to take note......YOU AINT SHIT.......what this gentleman ought to do is refund all his client's for his own wedding just like we all had to do.......and get down on his knees and beg for forgiveness.........will he do it.........NO WAY..........he's got the big head now..........I'd like to see his record compared to Mr Flava's now......and Mr Flava is free

yeah but iirc flav went tout and came back...please correct me if i am wrong i don't want to disparage anyone unnecessarily....i appreciate flav's contributions but i thought this was the case.

Sep 21, 2004
It's a matter of personal preference IMO. If I had been hitting at a 60% clip for 4 years, and getting the views that he was getting, I could see myself doing the same thing. I personally don't need to do it because of my position, but is it wrong for someone to try and capitalize on being on of the most successful and proven cappers on this site over 4 years??? One of the most viewed capping sites on the internet.

I don't pay for services, but if I had one that I would trust for plays, it would be someone who has hit at his rate on a consistent basis for 4 years....that's just what I think.

I think that Randizzle got in over his head after 1 very solid year, and it's really catching up with him. I don't see these 2 as in the same situation.

Take your bootlicking of the tout to his thread in the Promo Forum where it belongs! You don't know the story behind why this is happening. Call it proving a point on my behalf but it's more like he messed w/ the wrong person and that includes the sycophants that ponied up! GL!



A recent trip back to Nam.
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Sep 21, 2004
It's a matter of personal preference IMO. If I had been hitting at a 60% clip for 4 years, and getting the views that he was getting, I could see myself doing the same thing. I personally don't need to do it because of my position, but is it wrong for someone to try and capitalize on being on of the most successful and proven cappers on this site over 4 years??? One of the most viewed capping sites on the internet.

I don't pay for services, but if I had one that I would trust for plays, it would be someone who has hit at his rate on a consistent basis for 4 years....that's just what I think.

I think that Randizzle got in over his head after 1 very solid year, and it's really catching up with him. I don't see these 2 as in the same situation.

BTW, I could post Randy's plays if I wanted to. He at least discussed his situation w/ me like a man.

Sep 21, 2004
I just want to say this.....

There are a lot of bloodsucking touts out there that are solely in existence to scam people out of money and don't put 2 seconds of thought into their picks.

I don't see Box as that person. He has spent hours upon hours over the past 3-4 years capping games and everyone thanked him for his or lose.

I don't understand why you guys want to bash someone like him who was loyal as hell to this site (and probably will be again) for having a rough patch of games.

Damn fellas, cut the guy some slack.....he deserves it for the years of free work he did here. I have PM'ed with him over the past couple of days, and he seems like a good dude unlike almost all the other scamdicappers out there.

"Tell Mike I always liked him. It was only business."

Sal Tessio
Godfather Part I

New member
Sep 18, 2006
Lt. Dan/Dante...

You post that "you don't know the story about why this is happening....he messed with the wrong person..."

Can you explain further.

New member
Sep 18, 2006
Actually I am.

For the past several years I've played some of Boxslayer's picks. I read his write-ups and if I agreed with them I made my bet.

Having experienced how well he had done the past several yrs, I chose to buy his bowl package this year.

Did anyone force my to buy? No.

Am I happy that he's down over ten units? No again.

The write-ups are well thought out and well written. At a cost of less than $10/game I made a decision that purchasing his information was worthwhile.

Just wondering why you're so bitter and vengeful....

Everyone here is an adult, and should be capable of making their own decisions...who designated you as the protector of the poor hapless purchaser?

Quit being so cryptic and such a drama queen and just answer my question...since now I've proved I'm a "player" in this Soap Opera.

Sep 21, 2004
Actually I am.

For the past several years I've played some of Boxslayer's picks. I read his write-ups and if I agreed with them I made my bet.

Having experienced how well he had done the past several yrs, I chose to buy his bowl package this year.

Did anyone force my to buy? No.

Am I happy that he's down over ten units? No again.

The write-ups are well thought out and well written. At a cost of less than $10/game I made a decision that purchasing his information was worthwhile.

Just wondering why you're so bitter and vengeful....

Everyone here is an adult, and should be capable of making their own decisions...who designated you as the protector of the poor hapless purchaser?

Quit being so cryptic and such a drama queen and just answer my question...since now I've proved I'm a "player" in this Soap Opera.

Stay out of my threads! Hitler made good speeches (write-ups) and look where he ended up. Go down below to the Darkside (Promo forum) and bestow praise upon your hero tout!

New member
Sep 18, 2006
Tokens there's an appropriate comparison.

Show me where I called him my hero.

Not one for civil discourse are you.

New member
Aug 20, 2006
It's not your concern! You are not a player in this Soap Opera!

Perhaps not in your personal battle w/ Box.

What does concern me and is EVERY bit my concern is this pissing match that could potentially drive him away from the RX for next football season. This immature sour grapes stuff is taking $$$ out of my pocket should he cease to return.

Box has proven over the last 3+ years that he can handicap college football. It's documented and consistently profitable. Lt Dan does not provide that to the RX. So Box decides to charge for his bowl picks....get over it. ( it's a crapshoot anyway with having to select every game and dealing with motivation and suspensions). Give him a full slate of 50+ games and he's money. He's stated at the beginning of bowl season he'll likely be back next year for the regular season, same as before...but with the hailstorm of negativity thrown his way by a select group of posters, maybe not. And that is simply driving away free money.

We've got a long term profit maker in this guy and people are intent on making him feel uncomfortable here. If he decides to remain tout, then you can have at him. But until then, why spoil a good thing?

Feb 9, 2005
This immature sour grapes stuff is taking $$$ out of my pocket should he cease to return.

Lt Dan does not provide that to the RX. So Box decides to charge for his bowl picks....get over it. ( it's a crapshoot anyway with having to select every game and dealing with motivation and suspensions). Give him a full slate of 50+ games and he's money. He's stated at the beginning of bowl season he'll likely be back next year for the regular season, same as before...but with the hailstorm of negativity thrown his way by a select group of posters, maybe not. And that is simply driving away free money.

We've got a long term profit maker in this guy and people are intent on making him feel uncomfortable here. If he decides to remain tout, then you can have at him. But until then, why spoil a good thing?

the only thing taking money out of your pockets is tailing B's picks^<<^ is you that doesn't provide to the RX -- LTD's threads get over a 1000 hits, so it's safe to say that he's providing for people.

B's a tout now, so what's the problem? not only that, but he tried every trick in the book to guard his plays, including dishonest tactics. why cry for him? he undoubtedly made a nice chunk of change by selling picks that are getting people crushed....

yes, go on down to the site promotion forum and kiss his nuts and offer your encouragement.....he could use a little love right now....either that or start your own thread about him, it would be interesting to see how many people have already jumped off the sinking ship

Sep 21, 2004
To all the hangerons: Stay out of my thread! I didn't know who this person was and never even read 1 of his speeches. I don't handicap, I don't have the time. I pay 1 person to do that. I only play MNF and College Hoops. I intially came here to fade kids w/ no clue. This is the Promised Land! Take your comments down to the Promo Forum where your hero can see your accolades!


Feb 9, 2005
Sooner...what dishonest tactics?

you have not been keeping up, yet you come in here like you know what's going on! do a little research! if nothing else, it makes for some interesting reading.

maybe LTD will fill you in, i don't think it's my place to do so....but take some time to look around if you haven't already

New member
Feb 22, 2006
Perhaps not in your personal battle w/ Box.

What does concern me and is EVERY bit my concern is this pissing match that could potentially drive him away from the RX for next football season. This immature sour grapes stuff is taking $$$ out of my pocket should he cease to return.

Don't kid yourself. :think2:

If he has 100 paying clients, that's $20G's in the wallet. If he has 1000 paying clients, that's $200G's in the bank. Just do the math.

BTW, he said it himself, he's a $10-20 per unit player... so $20G's is a cool change in the pocket if you can get it.

Why would you give that up if you were in his shoes?

Once you've turned a trick, you'll forever be a Ho's.

It's easy $$$, so why go back and doing it for free? :ohno:

New member
Sep 18, 2006
Why is evertything so secretive and cryptic?

I asked a simple question...WHAT DID BOX DO THAT WAS DISHONEST???

In my dealings he has been honest...that is how I base my opinions of someone.

Dante, if you've been wronged...let's hear about it.

What drama and intrigue...

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
The story between me and Lt. Dan is VERY simple:

He approached me with with a story about money and an offer that he would send me "RAS's" college basketball plays in exchange for my plays instead of paying. I had and still have no idea who RAS is. I received Ras's plays in my email for about 3 days, I only played one play in that time out of boredom. I just never was able to get into college hoops growing up and I still really can't. That's why you have never seen me in the college hoops forum. I didn't take Ras's plays and turn around and share them with the world. I made a private trade, and kept them private in exchange for my plays.

I could have been a money grubbing, greedy asshole and said no to his offer. I did it on GOOD FAITH. I honestly gave 2 shits about Ras's plays. I never bet college hoops. I was trying to be a nice guy.

When I found out Dan was the one I made the trade with and he was posting my plays (my only rule I have is to not share my plays PUBLICLY on a FORUM), I had no choice to remove him from the list. I emailed him and told him I knew it was him posting the plays and after the arrangement we made, I thought it was a pretty classless move for him to turn around and do that. I told him although I was removing him from the list, it was nothing personal. We'd try an arrangement out again next year. That's why he keeps making that stupid Godfather quote. He apologized, said he was embarrassed, etc. Said it was his "relative" that did it and that he should get him straightened out. We never spoke since and the rest is history. Maybe the relative is Dan, maybe Dan is the relative. Lt. Dan has multiple people signing onto his rx name and multiple people signing onto his email. Or so he claims.

The bottom line, is Lt Dan can continue to have fun playing Robin Hood. Whatever makes him feel important. Karma is a bitch and the karma here is that he has busted his ass to share losing plays. And all of the people who are out there trying to take the cheap way out are paying the price. You can act like you have been fading, but you all know better.

The people on my list are obviously also losing, but at the very least they receive writeups and about handicapping fundamentals. They understand WHY I am choosing a certain side, they understand that we are putting ourselves in high percentage situations and sometimes high percentage situation plays lose. That's why we're gambling. They realize I am a 60% capper over 400 plays and everyone has hot and cold 15 play sample sizes. I haven't had 1 ball bounce my way yet and we aren't even haldway done with the season yet. If that high percentage Temple under stayed under, it's a winning bowl season right now, and that's a fine line between winning and losing so far. There is a long way to go, and unlike you amateurs, you don't hit the panic button after 16 plays when you're not even halfway through a season. Ask GoSooners who had one of the worst starts I have ever seen, but he is a good capper with good fundamentals and it always wins out.

They are learning how to do it on their own. I told them my goal is to teach them everything I know so they don't have to subscribe to services anymore. These people will win long term, even if it means I quit posting on therx and send them my plays for free instead of coming back to this immature hell hole.

And for a forum to try and band together and try to get plays for free, it is what it is. Can't say I'm for or against it. You gotta do what you gotta do.

But for Dan to do it in the manner that HE did and screw a guy over who made a good deal with him originally based on good faith, shows that he isn't the angel you guys think he is. The bottom line, he's being a dick plain and simple and trying to act like there is some story behind the scenes going on. The story is that he's a backstabber.

And yes, your guys hatred, jealousy, bickering, hoping I lose, sharing my plays, lack of class overall, laughing at my current cold streak, all has left a very bad taste in my mouth about returning. I was here for 4 years and you guys can't handle me being gone for 3 weeks. Even guys like Bennyshoe, who I thought was a friend of mine and we spoke on here for 3 years, keeps making comments about me. I guess that's the world we live in. Lesson learned.

Thanks for the daily drama. Back to work.

Sep 20, 2006
Take your bootlicking of the tout to his thread in the Promo Forum where it belongs! You don't know the story behind why this is happening. Call it proving a point on my behalf but it's more like he messed w/ the wrong person and that includes the sycophants that ponied up! GL!



A recent trip back to Nam.

I say we promote Lt. Dan to Captain .........Its long overdue .

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