Rus - I did see it and thanks for checking it out and responding. I agree we should try to limit the overlaps to the touts if we can.
As far as your inquiry on bases, it is the one sport that if you are going to invest in a tout, I strongly urge you to consider a service that offers a long term package and not the daily guarantee that many services offer. Also the package, if offered should not be just the daily guaranteed picks that are offered each day. It is better from a company that doesn't offer that type of daily sale.
The reason is if the tout is only going to be paid if the pick WINS, where is the incentive to offer a dog. It's obvious the favorites should win SU more than the dogs but will they profit more? A tout isn't concerned if you make money, he just wants to get paid and will offer nearly all favorites in order to accomplish that. I mentioned Ness. He's a perfect example. He picks all favorites except for his underdog of the week, month, and year which all lose.
A long term package company isn't so much worried about getting paid each day so they can afford to try and seek a profit by mixing favorites and dogs. They know if you have a monthly service you will renew if you profit. It's a different mentality to the daily guy.
If I was only going to get paid that day depending on a win or a loss on the call, I'd give favorites too. However, if I have a customer that is already locked in, that pressure is off and I'd try to actually grind out profits with him.
I used to go with Sports Reporter and Winning Points for bases. They did well. Not their newsletter which is informative but not profitable, but their telephone service. California Sports is good too but they seem to exel more in hoops. I used to use these services annually but due to health concerns that I've encountered, my plays have been cut back tremendously and I can't justify buying them at all. Chris James, Stephen Nover, and Alex Smart seem worthy too.
As mentioned above, avoid ATS in all sports!!! Their college football locks are decent but they are awful in everything else. Although I must say they are good at marketing.