Freedom Convoy Canada


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Justin Trudeau is about to go all Castro Jr on the truckers.

The end result will be the entire country turning against the soy boy communist dictator.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Didn’t Biden claim “BlueCollar Roots”?
Didn’t the MSM claim Biden was for the working class?
Didn’t Biden proclaim Antifa & BLM had a right to peaceful protest?

How can Biden now encourage Trudeau to do whatever is necessary to end this peaceful protest?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Because of losers like Ford, Trudeau, Macron, Schwab, Fauci, Gates, Whitmer, Newsom, Jacinda, Biden, Morrison and every single liberal wannabe dictator of the World Economic Forum, we have lost our businesses, our jobs, our health and our time!


Active member
Nov 23, 2011

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
COVID-19 Vaccinations are not required for in-person attendance at the Oscars.

But they are for the truckers delivering their caviar.

Oct 12, 2008
Interesting you would bring this up know instead of 2 weeks ago when this started. The whole propose of the Truck Convoy is to wake people up that those freedoms are being eroded by Government tracking and restrictions.
agreed, but they have stepped their bounds. Freedom to protest is legal under our Charter. Freedom to intentionally economically harm your fellow Canadian is not, They are NOT elected officials adn will not dictate policy. Made their point.

btw, i was asleep at the wheel-- best way to have played this was short auto sector - F, GM, Magna. How do you miss that? good grief

not surprisingly it took the private sector to get an injunction to clear the blockade LMFAO. Volpe well done. Trudeau and Ford -- Dumb and Dumber. The Americans have the big guy concerned at this point? must be more economically impacted than i thought ! lol

now's the fun part. Civility or do these guys want to be tough? :)...get the popcorn out. As high as $100,000 in fines and a yr in prison.......... Surely they stand their ground? :) i'd hit them in the pocket with the fines, the irony would be awesome ;'hit them where it hurts' as one proud protestor said. $100,000 @ 2.5% from TD bank> easy peazy ....Deer in the Headlights

It's a choice.

Jan 13, 2019
In the news is that a Canadian judge has ordered the funds sent to Givesendgo for the Canadian trucker convoy to be seized. Here is a message from Givesendgo on GAB:

We know what you’re thinking and here is our answer:
We're very glad you asked. Know this! Canada has absolutely ZERO jurisdiction over how we manage our funds here at GiveSendGo. All funds for EVERY campaign on GiveSendGo flow directly to the recipients of those campaigns, not least of which is The Freedom Convoy campaign. Thanks for your concern but this recipient is receiving funds. Donate to Freedom Convoy 2022 Campaign here!

Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Sep 29, 2021
Interesting you would bring this up know instead of 2 weeks ago when this started. The whole propose of the Truck Convoy is to wake people up that those freedoms are being eroded by Government tracking and restrictions.

People in Canada have done everything the GOV (90% vaxed, stay home from holidays and don't see friends) has asked of them and every time we hit a milestone the GOV moves the posts . Time for us to get back to making our own choices, where we go, who we see, when we will travel ...

This BS cant go on, kids are getting hurt , businesses are folding & people are clueless becasue they half pay attention to the mainstream media while playing wordle on their hand held and message sinks in through subliminal messaging.

Did you know the FED GOV - Gave SNC Lavalin $150,000 M to erect field hospitals for covid patients in 2020? They never did it and no body can say where the money went. If you want to know more about what a crooked company that SNC Lavalin is just hit the google machine.
Just saw this thread and I decided to put my 2 cents in.

I'm telling you guys that you don't know the value, freedom and opportunities of North America. Our guys flat out refuses to participate because they love their new country and success that they achieved.

If the government is sooooo bad as you guys say, then who elected the government? Who elected these officials?

I believe political guys from ALL SIDES need mental evaluation or rounded up and get sent to a country that doesn't practice democracy. Then you guys will have something to cry and whine about.

Jan 13, 2019
Just saw this thread and I decided to put my 2 cents in.

I'm telling you guys that you don't know the value, freedom and opportunities of North America. Our guys flat out refuses to participate because they love their new country and success that they achieved.

If the government is sooooo bad as you guys say, then who elected the government? Who elected these officials?

I believe political guys from ALL SIDES need mental evaluation or rounded up and get sent to a country that doesn't practice democracy. Then you guys will have something to cry and whine about.
Your guys are so happy to be in America. LOL. They are the type of mindless stooges that the powers that be want to replace Americans with!

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Just saw this thread and I decided to put my 2 cents in.

I'm telling you guys that you don't know the value, freedom and opportunities of North America. Our guys flat out refuses to participate because they love their new country and success that they achieved.

If the government is sooooo bad as you guys say, then who elected the government? Who elected these officials?

I believe political guys from ALL SIDES need mental evaluation or rounded up and get sent to a country that doesn't practice democracy. Then you guys will have something to cry and whine about.
So does someone that tells stories he was in medical school but dropped out because he was a winner at gambling but down over a thousand units posting here.
Sep 29, 2021
Your guys are so happy to be in America. LOL. They are the type of mindless stooges that the powers that be want to replace Americans with!
Not mindless.. These guys are highly educated in their old country and more qualified than most people currently doing the jobs today. A few guys get certified in North America and most guys don't. But 100% of those guys are more successful than you political lunatics.

I take it that you're not happy in America. So I suggest you GTFO America and find yourself another country.

Dec 27, 2011
I have a partnership in Trucking company that runs across Canada,United States and Mexico. Majority of our Truckers are bada*s Sikh Owner Operators and newly arrived guys on these Western shores. We have a program for them to own their Trucks out right in 4 years. 100% of those guys complete the program and do extremely well in Trucking. They all fly under our Company flag.

We didn't even have to put a memo out about the Convoy in Canada and United States. Our guys automatically refused to participate. They love the freedom and opportunities that Western shores bring. They think people who participate are idiots who don't know the value, freedom and opportunity that these countries have. Very inspiring statement indeed!

I saw Sikh drivers there in their trucks , fired up for the cause.

Dice, Sports & Cocktails
Mar 19, 2008
If the government is sooooo bad as you guys say, then who elected the government? Who elected these officials?
Okay seeing as you asked here is a brief history of Canadian Politics

In 2015 he was elected Prime Minister after a decade of conservative rule under Stephen Harper. He said that his first legislative priority was to lower taxes for middle-income Canadians and raise taxes for the top one per cent of income earners HE DID NEITHER, 2015.[179] Trudeau also issued a statement promising to rebuild relations with Indigenous peoples in Canada and run an open, ethical and transparent government. IN FACT HE HAS MADE THINGS WORSE.

Every woman I talked to during the election campaign said they were voting for Trudeau because he was cute :eek:.

In 2019 there was another election and Trudeau hoped he could hold his Majority stake in parliament power . While Trudeau's Liberal Party lost 20 seats in the House of Commons (lowering its total from 177 to 157) from the time of dissolution, they still won the most seats of any party—enough seats to allow Trudeau to form a minority government.[268][269] For the first time since 1979, the party that garnered the largest share of the national popular vote did not win the most seats; Trudeau had 33.1 per cent of the popular vote, while Conservative leader Andrew Scheer had 34.4 per cent.

So there is your answer only 33.1% voted for him in 2019 So when you hear him say I speak for all Canadians this is false!

In 2020 he thought he could grab a majority so he called another election - most of the people in Canada where against it and the with drawal from Afganistan had a negative impact in the view of the public let alone the Pandemic was still an issue. If it was not for th einepitude of then Tory lead Erin whats his name Trudeau would of lost but...

In the 2021 federal election, Trudeau secured a third mandate and his second minority government after winning 160 seats. He received 32.6 percent of the popular vote, the lowest percentage of the national popular vote for a governing party in Canadian history.

But because he bandied together the the BLOC quebecois and NDP parties support while make concessions to this parties he has been able to hold power.

So there you have it only 1/3 of Canadians support this clown, But he has a done a good job of paying of the media to keep his narrative going.

Hope that helps you understand why there is so much distrust.

Here is another issue in Canada the 3 most wealth provinces reside out west but they have the lowest representation in parliament. So we cannot get a our message across and to make matter worse we have to send Transfer payments to the Have not provinces like Quebec, Ontario and the Maritimes ( excluding New Foundland)

I am sure you have heard of the term Taxation with representation before

No wonder people out west are fed up.

The print in Italics is cut and paste from Wikipedia

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