Follow Up from NYREB Thread


Rx. Senior
Sep 21, 2004
Nice way of getting off the subject. However any perceived problems you think I may have isnt the issue here and posting about my drinking habits and a bash on a poster over a year ago who like yourself was giving a false impression of his success shows how little you have to go on, at least Panther was Man enough to admit it. I find it ironic that while you consider me habitually drunk, I have no problem keeping my figures in order while you, apparently sober cannot. As for duping newbies I wonder why when one congratulated you on a great week ( one which you went down 12 Units) that you never set the record straight.

The bottom line here is your a losing Gambler who craves to be seen as a success, the emphasis you put on the Vegas bash only Highlights this. Whatever your gambling strategies are you are doomed by having too many selections and buying hooks on every second play. Maybe you need to take some more time off to reconsider your gambling approach and get away from the Adding Play. My first drink today will be a toast to your future enlightenment as a Gambler. :drink:

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000

Where the F are you while this is going on? Isn`t this a CFB forum? It`s descended into the soap opera category!!

Rx. Senior
Sep 21, 2004
You are correct in your view, one has to question Baldy's reasoning for placing this here in the first place. :think2:

Shaman; Prophet; Seer
Sep 21, 2004
wilheim said:
Excellent advice for NY Reb - I hope he decides to follow it.


Wrong side Wil. This was nysports post in my thread Oct 21. Why are you taking his side?


Still can't add em up correctly!! What a joke!! Oh, I forgot you're not good at math. Let me help you. 3 wins @ 5 each = 15
1 loss @ 5 (-1.3) = -6.5
Total = +8.5

It gets to be a bitch when you actually have to count the vig when you buy points. Monopoly game with extra money on the way to you for Xmas.

<!-- / message -->

May 29, 2005

My 2 cents.....

Kojak,Reb, why even comment/respond to any neg. retards
WhineBet, I do like your Analysing as we go Threads, TY. But youre a crusty old fuck. (Git)

If people come in here and follow someone, they have nobody to blame but themselves.
IMO, I look at the posted record and DONT give a shit if the person I decided to follow is off a few units.
I make note of games I like, then read posts from cappers I like, (eg. Kojak,Reb,Ace,Kapusta,CoachLT,Gyno,Rail,Chop,Panther,OMT,WinBet,Fish, BWorm, SkinRaSH, lol and a few others. THEN I pull the trigger on what I like, and for as many units that I want. :smoking:

We are here to help each other and make $$$ .....NO?

Sry, Im done :howdy:

BOL :toast:

Rx. Poster
Dec 26, 2004
wilheim said:
Excellent advice for NY Reb - I hope he decides to follow it.


i wasn't going to say anything until reb brought it up. looks like wil has the "goods" on you reb. like i said earlier, are you going to keep digging your hole deeper? :nohead:

Part Bionic and Organic
Feb 21, 2003
Kojak said:
Is it me or does it seem like more people are concerned with criticizing,getting onto somebody, bashing, or flat out discrediting people on the RX than simply helping each other find winners. Seems there is more concern about record keeping, how an individual rates a game, and other petty stuff instead of all of us getting along and helping each other get on the right side of games. If anyone checks out Insiders thread, there are several of us that disagree on MU/OU this week, but the way it has been handled is the way we should discuss things. Like men and with facts not calling names to each other and posting complete riff raff. If someone has a losing week, there is always somebody there to rub it in someone's face that they lost. I have lost more than I have won so far this year. I am not proud of that fact but still trying to help people win games. There are others on here that do the same thing. Does anybody else feel the same way? It seems like this is a big reason why we are losing quality posters who contribute. I would also like to point out when these bashers get onto somebody for losing, it is hurting the forum in another way. This poster may continue to lose which makes him/her a great fade. Who knows, this year I probably fall into that category but last time I checked, a great fade is money as much if not more than someone who is picking winners. Done raving but wanted to give some more feedback from REb's post which I thought was a very good post!

I hesitate to post threads because its one of the worst forums for bashing. sometimes I type a new thread and then just dont submit it cuz I realize it will just get flamed.
Feb 20, 2002
X-Files said:
I am surprised this thread isn't in the RR yet.

Will make it to the RR -110

Will not get there -110

Will +120

Won't -122


Can't we all just get along? :cryingcry

Why does the truth matter? :smoker2: :drink:

Let scammers have free reign,
to eat up the less evolved. :monsters-

So who's your Daddy now? :suomi:

Don't worry, be happy. :puppy:




Shaman; Prophet; Seer
Sep 21, 2004
X-Files said:
Will +120

Won't -122


Can't we all just get along? :cryingcry

Why does the truth matter? :smoker2: :drink:

Let scammers have free reign,
to eat up the less evolved. :monsters-

So who's your Daddy now? :suomi:

Don't worry, be happy. :puppy:




LOL, X-Files, that's the best and most perfectly timed post I've seen in a good while.

You reminded me that I was taking myself a bit too seriously there for a moment. Thank you for that.

My master once said, 'Remain laughing, loving, and a little bit looney.' I succeed a lot, but now and again I fail. Thank you for your insightful reminder.

I come here as a hobby, and for the enjoyment of sharing insights and info with others.

It is my conscious intention to remain lighthearted and compassionate to those who attack me, and sometimes I forget.

Wil, sorry if I sounded disrespectful. I was just curious, but now I see that it does not matter. I have trained myself to pick up subtle hints when they come, and I will be open to yours.

husker, you are right, I give up, I surrender. Before I offered to drop this conflict we have and to start all over, and you just tell me to shut up. So, just to make it clear once again, here in front of everyone who reads this, that I have no beef with you. I have given my opinion of your a few times because I did not like the way you attack people, but since your way seems to be acceptable here, then my work on myself is to come into harmony with the way it is. So, peace, brother, even though you might be too young to remember what that means, lol.

nysports, you are right, and I promise here and now to never bring your name up again. In fact, I will do my best to forget irrelevant issues of the past altogether, and hopefully someday you can do the same. I know that you mean well, and that you don't want anyone to be misled by someone who cheats on his record. I acknowledge that in you, and I appreciate your efforts to do so. As of now, I will consider that you and I are in harmony, and that we have a clean slate.

If I forgot anyone, please let me know. I want to make sure that I am in harmony with all. It's just what I do.
Jan 19, 2006
ClubmanCoop said:

My 2 cents.....

Kojak,Reb, why even comment/respond to any neg. retards
WhineBet, I do like your Analysing as we go Threads, TY. But youre a crusty old fuck. (Git)

If people come in here and follow someone, they have nobody to blame but themselves.
IMO, I look at the posted record and DONT give a shit if the person I decided to follow is off a few units.
I make note of games I like, then read posts from cappers I like, (eg. Kojak,Reb,Ace,Kapusta,CoachLT,Gyno,Rail,Chop,Panther,OMT,WinBet,Fish, BWorm, SkinRaSH, lol and a few others. THEN I pull the trigger on what I like, and for as many units that I want. :smoking:

We are here to help each other and make $$$ .....NO?

Sry, Im done :howdy:

BOL :toast:


Shaman; Prophet; Seer
Sep 21, 2004
ClubmanCoop said:

My 2 cents.....

Kojak,Reb, why even comment/respond to any neg. retards
WhineBet, I do like your Analysing as we go Threads, TY. But youre a crusty old fuck. (Git)

If people come in here and follow someone, they have nobody to blame but themselves.
IMO, I look at the posted record and DONT give a shit if the person I decided to follow is off a few units.
I make note of games I like, then read posts from cappers I like, (eg. Kojak,Reb,Ace,Kapusta,CoachLT,Gyno,Rail,Chop,Panther,OMT,WinBet,Fish, BWorm, SkinRaSH, lol and a few others. THEN I pull the trigger on what I like, and for as many units that I want. :smoking:

We are here to help each other and make $$$ .....NO?

Sry, Im done :howdy:

BOL :toast:

Excellent post, Clubman. Thank you. I love when people are rational and reasonable, and when they are good-natured to boot, you come up with very enjoyable posters.

jwunderwood, I agree with you, too. We have to take our entertainment when we can get it, lol. Still, harmony is important as well, as least in my world. Best of luck to you buddy.

New member
May 27, 2006
NY Reb said:
Wrong side Wil. This was nysports post in my thread Oct 21. Why are you taking his side?


Still can't add em up correctly!! What a joke!! Oh, I forgot you're not good at math. Let me help you. 3 wins @ 5 each = 15
1 loss @ 5 (-1.3) = -6.5
Total = +8.5

It gets to be a bitch when you actually have to count the vig when you buy points. Monopoly game with extra money on the way to you for Xmas.

<!-- / message -->
i'm behind the reb he's a hell of a capper, kojak, is right lets stop the bashing, i know i have done it in the past, and if i offended anyone i do apologize, we are all here to get information on games and cap the best we can to beat the books, lets use this forum to help each other and stop the bashing...........later macher........
May 16, 2006
I've read the entire thread and would like to add my two cents:

1)If a person is decieving the masses (members) with a false record I truly believe that this act should be annouced. No one here should put hard working people under the impression that we could help them when we truly cant

2) The bashing the goes on here comes with the territory. This forum has become popular to a fault. The more people that join the more likely we will endure such ignorance, immaturity, heckling, and obnoxious behavior.

Having said that we need to just ignore these people and dont concern ourselves with what we cant control. If you are some attention whore and truly care about every reply on your thread because ur reputation is on the line then this place isnt for you.
If you have thin skin and let people get to you knowing what thier intentions are then you need to find alternative ways to deal with the problem.
We need to all come together and work together. Their are some truly great cappers and minds in this place. No wonder why its been such a success .So lets not go overboard because things are not as peachy now like they were before. I dont say this to minimize the situation for thats not my intention with this message. What needs to be understood is that we all have one common goal and need to focus on that.

About the records please lets keep them real and if a mistake is made then lets not chop someones head of either. Now if they continously make mistakes then its different. People who consistenly alter their records should be exposed.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Boxslayer32 said:
bashing will never ever stop

youre all wasting your breath

Nor should it. Personally I cannot believe that someone could possibly get offended over what someone says to them on an internet forum. 90% of the people here lie about themselves and how successful they are. Let's face it, if you are posting on this forum their is a good chance that you are a loser.

By the way Kojak, what the fuk were you thinking when you capitalized every word in a couple of your previous posts. That was annoying.

Sep 20, 2004
sorry About The Caps Locks, I Simply Forgot To Turn Them Off. Just For You I Will Turn Them Off. Anyway I Assume You Will Be On Tigers For Games 4,5,6, And 7. What Is Your Analysis For Those Selections?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Kojak said:
sorry About The Caps Locks, I Simply Forgot To Turn Them Off. Just For You I Will Turn Them Off. Anyway I Assume You Will Be On Tigers For Games 4,5,6, And 7. What Is Your Analysis For Those Selections?

Kojak, I accept your apology. Yes I will be on the Tigers for whatever games remain. My reasoning is quite simple. They have the better hitting and pitching. Yes I do realize the Tigers hitters are slumping but so are the Cardinals. Both teams are hitting under.200. The Tigers superior pitching and hitting will eventually win this Series.

Sep 20, 2004
In all seriousness, I do respect you and other Tigers fans loyalty to their team as well as anyone who shows loyalty to their team. Obviously we are all going to find it difficult to bet against our team. One thing I have been doing when it comes to bases is simply not bet(very littly betting on bases) or be very selective when I place a bet on them and post it. Anyway I will keep my caps lock to a minimum except for Cards wins! BOL and would love to hear more of your indepth Tigers analysis.

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