Tom Brady#1 said:
What is happening is that this is a science. You just cannot bet have to know a little more than just betting steam. There is a lot to it. Like anything else once you have it down you have mastered it and it may be easy. But it is not easy to people looking to learn. Ice did you get mentored is my question? SOmebody helped you which is important. Hard work.
real good question. I tell my partner (a guy I took under my wing) is that I like to teach people and really enjoy it but I think sometimes I think maybe assume they understand me a little more than they do.
I started scalping and mostly middling this time last hoops season as a poster (randy rohm) showed and expalined everythig to me. After a while I started to realize that I was beating the bad number way more than the good number so I asked around and few at Fezziks place (who IM'd me) and showed me some more tricks. I also read between the lines on a ton of posts as alot of guys don''t like to tell to much. They bascially said just bet the bad number (the one that moved). I then watched the Fezzdaq everyday. There was zero capping involved in that.
Go to the search function and look up Pinny lean to learn more. As for steam plays you need as many tools of the trade as you can get it makes your life alot easier. Dual monitors, dynammic lines, lots of outs, square books, line service and decent bankroll help. Can't stress 2 monitors enough. Like I have said earier practice scalping/middling and you will get way better. If it makes you feel better my partner has failed to make these bets online and I have just let him be in charge of calling locals only. If you have a local you willbuyr him if he is not up to date with line moves.