No one is defending this cop. He (the cop) has even admitted he fucked up. He'll burn at the stake (figuratively) for this.
Yeah.....the therapist asks the cop, "why did you shoot me sir".....the cop responds, " I don't know" he serious or just plain stupid? I wonder what charges will be brought up?
Damn, those cops, if it happens like they are saying. Cops like that have no business on the force, and their punishment should be MORE than the max. They are trusted to uphold the law, so they should be set to higher standards and laws when broken.
Is there a death penalty for these cops in Florida if this is 100% true of a story?
Willie, every action causes a reaction.....this didn't start by citizens shooting cops, this started by cops abusing their power, & beating the sh*t out of citizens which was finally caught on video tape after years of abuse.
I will not categorize all cops in.these situations, because there are great cops out there, but the bad ones f**k it up for the good ones, just like criminals make it bad for good citizens.
In this Florida incident, there's absolutely no excuse for this cop to shoot this man.....what was he scared of, a Tonka truck being rolled around by an autistic man? Or the unarmed black therapist yelling out I'm not armed? I understand what you mean about the ambush scenarios, but you can't go around shooting innocent people. I hope this action of the cop doesn't cause a reaction from some radical people shooting cops......but I have this feeling it will, & yes, it is spinning out of control & I don't see an end to it.
You are blind to the view of the minorities that have a history of being treated poorly by the majority...while the majority also wields all of the power and influence.people who commit crimes should be prosecuted, that includes cops
I think a far bigger problem today is all the trumped up racial charges against police officers leading to violent protests and multiple slayings
and with the increase in unwarranted violence against police officers throughout this country, they are going to start acting much more defensively
I'm not defending any particular action, I am attacking the concept that police are responsible for today's racial hatred. I place that blame squarely on race baiting political leaders and an adoring enabling biased media