From what I read in a WSJ article, there are investigators within the FBI who want to pursue a corruption case against the Clinton Foundation, but others within the Bureau and Justice Department do not agree. I don't think this is a done deal.
Surprised that FOX went as HARD as they did with this.
"Sources" within FBI that FOX supposedly has, if any good at all these sources, would have delivered the opinion that Indictment will be seen along with the caution: "
Division exists within FBI" and watered down that Opinion of Indictment, advised Caution...
...counseled to not go as Hard with this as FOX did.
Just my opinion, that but there is definitely Division somewhere. FOX Fully knows this. To go as hard as they did with "Indictment Expected" I believe will be shown to be reckless, way premature. Even may be among the biggest mis-steps Media has made re: this election & premature conclusion.
Personally I think Division lies more between DOJ and FBI rather than within FBI. Is looking more and more reasonable to conclude that DOJ (
read: Loretta Lynch) has hampered FBI, at the least. At one point there might have been an "On
board Comey", to some degree...with Lynch but
more and more its looking like Comey came to a point where he had to choose between The Bureau, His Duty, whatever Honor he has left and Loretta Lynch/Obama/Hillary/not risking influencing the election.
Feels like,
if clouds are actually parted at all here, that what they're revealing is that Key points right now are:
The Clinton Foundation investigation
but chiefly.....
what is among the most TELLING statements made in all of this or ever in the History of relationships between Government Bodies and specifically Branches of Federal Law Enforcement:
4. Sources within the FBI have told him that an indictment is "likely" in the case of pay-for-play at the Clinton Foundation, "barring some obstruction in some way" from the Justice Department.
Thats an Earth-Shattering Statement.
Thats, to my knowledge anyways, a statement the type of which has never been made, on the playing field that is Relationship between DOJ, FBI, NSA, CIA etc.
Law Enforcement, at the Federal Level.
FOX focused on the wrong part of that statement, "Inevitable Indictment" yeah, that looks Juicy but
"barring some obstruction in some way" from the Justice Department.
FOX's FBI Sources,
if anyone actually made that statement at all, flat out TOLD FOX NEWS
that there is reason to anticipate that DOJ might Obstruct an Investigation.
I feel like Odds are really good that no one at FBI actually said that.
If I'm wrong and they did, if there are FBI that feel that then:
a.) reasonable conclusion to reach would be that they feel that bcuz they've already dealt with Obstruction from DOJ, within this investigation.
which if so is like: "Holy
Shit." Lynch is gonna Fall Hard.
Obstruction of Justice is about the most vile things an arm of Federal LE could do.
This is
very serious shit.
If anyone at FBI actually said that. Even if no one did though, rest assured just FOX putting this statement out there like that, saying someone at FBI basically intonated that they and DOJ are at War...
be assured this led to some of the angriest phone calls ever made, and/or most heated discussions in the History of this country, between US Federal Law Enforcement Officials.
These fools may be at
WAR, Yo.
"Sources within the FBI have told him that an indictment is "likely" in the case of pay-for-play at the Clinton Foundation, "barring some obstruction in some way" from the Justice Department."
Thats a potential
BOMB of a statement.
We just have not seen any thing like this, to my knowledge at least. Certainly not within recent U.S. History. If ever.
FBI does simply not freely suggest that The DOJ might commit Obstruction of Justice.
This does not happen.
For FBI to make such a statement is pretty much on par with a 1st Grader telling his Teacher:
"I'll see you tomorrow Ms. Cole, unless my Dad beats me again and I'm too bruised to come to school."
FOX's actions, using that comparison would be to make their report: "Timmy is likely coming to school tomorrow"
and not that Timmy for some reason fears his dad might beat him.