If Assange, yeah.....Has It.
A Bomb MORE YUGE than anything you could have imagined.
And everyone who was all over his case for not "Releasing" anything for a while, a few weeks back is gonna feel embarrasment, regret for getting on his case more yuge than they ever felt before.
....if he has it.
Damn, if he does?
maybe we still never see it cuz this is the biggest Ticket To Ride one could possibly have.
"Ticket to Ride" equaling of course Freedom from The Ecuadorian Embassy, Safe Passage to where ever he wants to go and No Hassle thereafter.
What could buy all that?
Its been mentioned, within a recently moved thread, those paying attention know.
Specificity -EV tho cuz Odds of American People ever learning of it are not very good at all.
If Assange has it tho, and Releases?
"Oh My".
A Bomb MORE YUGE than anything you could have imagined.
And everyone who was all over his case for not "Releasing" anything for a while, a few weeks back is gonna feel embarrasment, regret for getting on his case more yuge than they ever felt before.
....if he has it.
Damn, if he does?
maybe we still never see it cuz this is the biggest Ticket To Ride one could possibly have.
"Ticket to Ride" equaling of course Freedom from The Ecuadorian Embassy, Safe Passage to where ever he wants to go and No Hassle thereafter.
What could buy all that?
Its been mentioned, within a recently moved thread, those paying attention know.
Specificity -EV tho cuz Odds of American People ever learning of it are not very good at all.
If Assange has it tho, and Releases?
"Oh My".