Favorite RX Moderator


Favorite RX Moderator

  • Dante

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  • Dante

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  • Dante

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New member
Sep 21, 2004
Originally posted by Patrick McIrish:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I also will tell you I have lost complete respect for you man. My phone bill was $40 a month before I started here. It is now up to $600 a month sometimes. I work long hours trying to give players somewhere to go.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

krackman? pat has taking some lessons

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
<wipes brow>

Don't forget to tip your waitresses.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I think players are at severe risk with Homebets operating out of Mexico. Mexico will rip them a new one as soon as they catch up to them. Now if they never catch up to them then everything will be fine.

But as long as they are there then I think this site should not invite trouble and take them down.

As a guy who grew up near the border in the south part of Texas I know how brutal Mexico's justice system is. They may avoid taxes there and commission fees but it is far worse to run a book out of Mexico than the US and I doubt the Rx would take a book run illegaly out of the US(I hope not anyway). Ditto for Mexico.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
I thought there were books operating legally out of Mexico? How do you know where they are if they are hiding it? Is their banking done there too? I've got too many questions right now to even have an opinion but wll ask Ken about it. Is there a thread where this was discussed? Thanks.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Buzz, Until this year every book in Venezuela, Domincan Republic and Costa Rica were operating illegally. Costa Rica passed some mickey mouse law and Venezela and Domicican Republic books are still violating their own laws. How many books in Costa Rica refused to pay the tax and are still operating? Mexico is just as safe IMO as Costa Rica or the DR has been. How or why would the Mexican authorties ever go after Homebets, especially if they don't know they are there.

Sep 21, 2004
Ttinco has always seemed to be a good guy from what I can tell. I can't interject to much because I haven't been here a long time. I can say since I have been here McIrish seems to treat everyone very fairly. In fact he's part of the reason I am here. This place wouldn't let me register for some reason. I tried to email a couple of other people affiliated with this site and got no response. Pat responded when I found his email and I was registerd the next day. Anyways, McIrish seems like a very fair guy to me. He always seems very helpfull towards the players that approach this site and some of them don;t really deserve it.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
It's legal if you have a license so I should say if they have a license to operate from Mexico then its OK. Mexico is very protective of Caliente and all industry. And worse Caliente is very protective of Caliente.

maybe I'm over reacting because they say they are in Curacao when they are really in Mexico. I do agree that if they are smart there is little chance they will be caught. But if they are what happens to players money?

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Valdosta - Not sure what I did to Tin either, I always thought we were fine. Unfortunately I have learned long ago you can't change anyone's mind for them, I will stay clear when I can. This was a real eye opener tonight, guess I will work a little harder.

Thank you for the nice words Valdosta, I swear I can't remember EVER not helping a player that has asked me.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Its no biggie. You got 8500 posts and 6000 of them were as a rebel. You wrote sooo many scathing pieces against the Rx and how it allowed crap books to fleece the players.

Certainly you remember those days?

For the rest of us rebels you left behind when you took the mod job I think we thought you would be a rebel with a mod title. Turns out you are a company man and a dam good one.

The rest of us rebels are still doing what we have always done, just as you did. We take on the establishment ehether they be Shrink, mods or whoever and speak our piece. We miss you in the trenchs fighting along side us. TT and the rest of the old time rebels will just have to adjust to the mod Pat who is a different cat than the poster Pat. still a good cat though

Feb 26, 1999

Pat still IS the SAME person he used to be.

Just because he doesn't blatantly attack my position ON THE FORUMS doesn't mean his VALUES have changed....

He and I talk frequently about the direction this site should take..

Just yesterday when we you and I spoke Buzz, you told me that this site has never been running any better that you believe TheRx.com to be the number one sports betting forum on the net! You also said it wasn't even close!

Why do I get this feeling that many posters, including you, would like for Pat and I to tango on a thread?

I guess it makes for good drama, but as Pat stated, we handle our differences OFF the forum these days and NO, we don't always see eye to eye...

If you can't accept the fact that both Patrick and I have respect for one another, than you have a problem...

Pat will always go to bat for the player, and he has done a lot more OFF the FORUMS for gamblers in trouble without coming in here to applaud himself!

While I do appreciate your constructive feedback, I don't see any significant difference with PAT, other than the fact that he and I no longer fight on here...

Now as for Homebets, I will talk to you today about this issue because I have tremendous respect for your rating system and if you can present some more facts to convince me that gamblers are at significant risk, I will gladly remove Homebets from the site, just as I did with Royal..


Active member
Jun 20, 2000
IMO, my 2 cents

This site has its direction because of Shrink and Pat knowing the industry as much as they do.I have learned alot about the industry since my over 1 yr Modding here but do not know 10% of what these guys know. I have never heard or seen anything that would lead me to believe these 2 are not here for both the Player's and the Books. There is a fine line and they try to walk it ..It is not easy to walk but they try.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I probably should mind my own business, but if moderators argue on this site thats bad business in any sense! Both Pat and The Shrink will go to bat for a Player OR Sportsbook whichever is in the right! As if any Moderator arguing with another moderator, people here would bring it across the street as the RX mods not getting along,lol!Pat, Shrink, and all moderators you are doing a great job, keep up the great work guys! You have the tops Gambling forum in the world! Yes I believe you should lean a little in favor for the advertisers, but when they are wrong I'm sure you'll jump on them ! As far as how you guys wre before this mod job means jack sh-- to me and every one else here, well I hope so anyhow,and what only counts in my eyes is how you handle things while in charge here!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
And I said earlier in this thread the Rx is great these days and that as far as I can tell Pat is doing a good job.

It's just tough when you loose rebel posters like Sting, Peep and Pat. And yes, I loved that when you and Sting would go at it. Man that was great stuff. You and Pat had some tremendous threads too. He was a much tougher out than Sting too.

But I like the Rx mod Pat, although he gets a little defensive at times. Kind of miss the both guns a-blazing poster Pat of yesterday but things change and thats cool.

Now if we could just get Lady-O to post more hmm.....

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Shrink- Very professional response.

All of us posters here at the RX, including myself, should show a great deal of gratitude for what McIrish does for us players.......on the forums and the relentless hours he puts in for the players behind the scenes. The offshore world is a MUCH better environment for us players with McIrish around. I think sometimes we expect to much from McIrish because he has always been there to give a helping hand to the player when needed and goes way above the call of duty on most occasions. You are not going to ever hear BS out of McIrish's mouth ever. For those that feel the opposite, your loss.

ps- Thanks to the posters in this thread for their kind words on my behalf. They did not go unnoticed.

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jjgold:
I guess Dante signed up for BP's service.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

what is "BP's Service" JJ?
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