Favorite RX Moderator


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SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000

Give me an example on what you are concerned about me not "speaking up" on. I don't do anything for the players now.....
Sep 21, 2004
Patrick, you seem to be MUCH less outspoken now.

You certainly don't seen to be the old\real you.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
If the decision to get your respect is to either work here and do what we can as a team, or get out here in the public forums and kick the shit out of General, Dante and the Shink guess I will do without it.

Not sure how old you are but once you become satisfied with your lot in life and who you are, you don't try and impress others. Maybe some insecure people would go to great lengths to show you he still spoke his mind but I quit trying to prove myself to people long ago. A little long in the tooth for that, I'd rather focus on things you can control. I will respect all the people I work with out here in the public forums. ALL of them. If I have a problem you won't be reading about it out here to satisfy some readers who like the soap opera stuff. If you want fireworks, insults and namecalling go somewhere else to read about it, not our thing here Tin. Thanks.
Sep 21, 2004
"If you want fireworks, insults and namecalling go somewhere else to read about it, not our thing here Tin. Thanks"

Whatever....you already have that-JJ.

That comment is about about as absurd as Ken's regarding requiring facts when bashing books.

It's your place, do as you wish & deny what you want. Hopefully the posters aren't blind enough to buy it.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TTinCO:
"If you want fireworks, insults and namecalling go somewhere else to read about it, not our thing here Tin. Thanks"

Whatever....you already have that-JJ.

That comment is about about as absurd as Ken's regarding requiring facts when bashing books.

It's your place, do as you wish & deny what you want. Hopefully the posters aren't blind enough to buy it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What are you talking about? LOL. I am totally lost here. You are pissed at me for not fighting with Shrink in the forums? LOL. What are the posters too blind to see? At least give us a clue what we are looking for.

It's always a poster you are one of the last guys to defend that comes up with this sort of stuff. Man put down the kool-aid Tin. I won't EVER be out here kicking the teeth in of other employees. If I thought I couldn't work with them I would not be here now. Does Grandfather, Steve, Minnow or anyone else take on Major in the forums? I am really lost with what you are saying.
Sep 21, 2004
Jman...go run-you have a lot of work to do if you really want to hit 5 min.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I don't know why you get defensive. I think you would even agree you have changed drastically. You work here and you respect your employer. Like you told me when I made the same observation; if you have a problem now with the Shrink/mods/Rx, you settle it in private.

And that's all cool...

TT, myself and probably a few others thought you would still be the same old Pat who came in here with guns blazing. But it can't be like that anymore because you have a job to do. Maybe you should just explain it like that and not take a stand on everyone who notices the change.

I can respect that you have a job to now and I think you are doing a good job, the Rx is a great place.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Buzz, I'm not defensive about it. I would not EVER take a job if I thought I could not work out things with someone man to man. I guess it sounds so silly to me I am caught off guard. If I worked 3rd shift at McDonalds I would respect the people I work with enough to not jump their ass in front of the customers. I guess we are all raised differently. I really don't take any offense to it other than I was surprised at the person who said it. Thanks for the good words about the site.

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
McIrish is cool, only he reason he got a little upset before was becasue of all the bs russ pulled. I think we have an allstar mod crew right now, perfect the way it is, especailly since butter left. Dante,angie,journey,general and fish are all great.
Sep 21, 2004
Pat, anyone with half a brain can realize that you are no longer the REAL you. To deny that you are not a bitch to Ken is insulting to every reader here.

You used to stand up for the little guy-the player-any legitimate player. Now you appear to be Ken's bitch, and that's sad.

I liked you much more as a poster, but like they say "Money is the root of all evil".

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Give me an example Tin, when have I not stood up for a player? Please tell me because I want to know if I can do better. I know I don't have all the answers, I am happy to hear feedback on things. But to say Shrink and I don't disagree because we don't fight in the forums so you can read it is a ridiculous statement to make.

Now not speaking up for a player is a real issue, tell me who and we can get somewhere. Maybe I made a mistake, it happens. What's odd is other sites send problems to me here, I am very proud of that. I have gotten stiffed off shore before and that is one of main reasons I am here, if you know a player I have turned down let me know who it is. That would bother me.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
rail...you missed one, RPM

It's a good team. I would rather see them mix it up once in a while but that's not the choosen plan and that's cool.

Works for me...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Homebets Pat

With the evidence we have so far it is clear this is a dangerous situation. But the Rx still has a Homebets link. (which by the way has not worked for a week hehehe!! seriously, click on the Homebets link on the home page and you will see what I mean)

Sending players there is like sending sheep to slaughter. For Gods sake they cant even spell their own name right on their home page. Shrink offered to bet me $10k they operated out of Curacao, remember?

The world knows now they have never operated in Curacao but no help from you or Shrink.

Now here's my beef; there is a thread going right now. This is where the old Pat would jump in and say "whoa Nelly, I smell a rat". Same deal in the Royal case, you were quick to back Royal and try to quell the negative comments until it became blatantly clear they were in trouble.(although I suspect you had a different opinion behind closed doors with the Shrink
, just a guess)

So you may still help players but you are not making a strong stand against shady Rx books anymore...at least it seems that way to me. And if you recall, it was NAB, and the fact the Shrink knew they were shady, that burned you and became your mission to stop. Well, Homebets is another NAB. We all now know there are problems, but on the list they stay. This is when we need the old Pat back to make a stand.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Homebets? What do you want me to do Buzz? You have your own site and you want me to do exactly what? They aren't a player one and number two you have never asked me to help you? I said I helped every player that comes to me for help, I have ZERO control over the books here. Frankly I don't even know the story, you are saying they are operating out of a place different than they say? Seems like they are paying everyone that I can tell. If they stiff someone let me know but there is nothing I can do on something like that. Heck we got real problems right now people need help on, where someone hangs their license I will pass off to you sir.

Royal - we PULLED them down off the site, the first one's to do so. It was Shrink's final decision but you are damned right my input was to pull them down. I never attacked your position at all Buzz, I don't even remember what it was to be honest. Once we got all the data we did what we thought was right. No shame there, that's something I was very happy about. Showed me the place will do the correct thing without regard to $$$. Same wth 911. Instead of us trying to get Pro 5 on the site like the old days we are taking real books down when trouble starts. Big improvement, I'm sure you agree.

PS - you must have been getting beat up across the street? Usually you come over here afterwards to try and take it out on us, LOL. I'll have to go take a look when I get caught up.

[This message was edited by Patrick McIrish on September 18, 2003 at 03:54 AM.]

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
I'm not going to call you names Tin, call me a bitch all you want. I'll leave that for you, I will however defend myself over this crap. I also will tell you I have lost complete respect for you man. My phone bill was $40 a month before I started here. It is now up to $600 a month sometimes. I work long hours trying to give players somewhere to go. Many people and sites don't care because there is little return for it. When you have 12,000 posters it is not making much of an impact to anyone other than the one player you are helping. I could be out here insulting other employees and gaining the respect of a whole group of guys like you instead.

To say I don't help players is total bullshit son and bothers me much worse than being a bitch. I have spent long hours working out gameplans getting people paid. Once another site sent a guy to me and the player himself said it was hopeless but I insisted we try. After months of it we got him every nickle, a pay out over 5 digits. When he posted about it people said he was a ghost even after all the effort we put in, LOL. You know what though, I'll be right here when the next one calls too. We just would rather they don't post about it later so we don't have to name the books involved. I have taken on books, software companies and anyone else who got in our way. For you to sit here and say I turned away anyone is complete crap. I can't say I won them all but never have gone down without a fight.

About your first response, "I didn't fight with employees enough" to earn your respect. Since I won't insult Shrink out here or tell him off I am his bitch now huh? Let me tell you something, everyone warned me you have your tongue up other sites ass but I have always defended you and your right to post here. When talk came up of banning you and BP (notorious Rx haters) I defended BOTH of you guys and that is why you are here now. Understand? Odd since I don't speak up for anyone. I am pretty sure you are attacking me for some reason but I honestly never saw this coming. Good luck to you regardless of this stuff.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Yea, go look across the street, post there too if you want.
I allways think I hold my own so I guess I'm not a good judge of if I'm getting kicked around. Sure is great for traffic though

OK, well you skirted the issue on Homebets. You said you have "ZERO control" of the books. Now you are making my point. Before you had zero control but that didn't stop you from demanding to see what the deal was with Bodog.

Take it for what its worth, maybe you could care less now I don't know. But helping players also means not leading them to slaughter ala NAB.....

The eveidence that "Houston we have a problem" is there clear as ever with Homebets(now clearly misspelled on their web site as Hombets..hehe!!"). If you ignore the eveidence and wait for a slow pay you still have made a decision that may or may not hurt players. Again, ala NAB and keep in mind there were no slow pays there either.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Buzz - I was kidding, LOL. You were getting bashed across the street? LMAO! I know you like a book. You normally defend the fort well....

What is your suggestion on Homebets Buzz? I'm asking you. You think they should not be able to advertise anywhere? I'd like to hear your opinion because others have said they don't care who or where a site is if they get paid. I shouldn't admit it but I guess I don't really feel strongly either way as I have never been asked. I'd like to hear your opinion though.
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