We will beat this virus if everybody complies.
This is the take I truly don't understand. In the same family as "we'd be playing college football this year if Trump had taken this seriously".
The virus will go away when it runs out of available hosts.
Let's say for argument's sake we do a 100% complete quarantine - no grocery store, no food delivery, no leaving your house period - for, oh, idk, 3 months. Covid would go away in the US. No new cases! The virus is beaten!
Then what? How do we prevent it being reintroduced to our population by someone coming into the country? We saw this happen in New Zealand already. Do we just keep the borders locked forever? What about Americans abroad wanting to come back home? SOL?
When that does inevitably happen, the 40-50M that have already had it...the studies you and your chronies keep citing say that their immunity doesn't last very long. So they can all get it again. Any progress we have made towards herd immunity is gone, and we are right back where we started - except we're all broke.