Face masks or plastic face shields or both?


New member
May 24, 2018
I don't know where you are from Illinois. but I am just watching the news, and 36 High School girls just got Covid from a summer camp. And you dont think they gave it to their parents when they got home? LoL.

So no one is social distancing either. And it's not being enforced. When you are forced to wear mask. First of all that can be enforced, and if you are more likely to social distance.

Another story of a youth boys football camp. No one is social distancing. One coach is wearing a mask. Thats all.

Most the cases in Chicago now, are 18-29. Who are going out, to bars. Some live at home. They dont know they have it until weeks later, after symptoms, after tests. abd in that time, who do you think the give it to? Everyone, lol

My point is, You might social distance. I might. But kids wont. So if you make masks mandatory, it reminds people to social distance.

Miami hospitals are full now. Its the new hot spot. No one social distances there now. Does anyone watch the news these days? These are simple facts. There is no agenda to control peoples lives, nor claim that masks work 100 % But If you wear a mask and someone sees you, they are more likely to keep your distance.

The fact is to me, masks or more of a reminder to people to keep your distance. This is all from today. And Chicago might soon go into another lock down. You have to connect the dots my friends. I mean if you only care about yourself, then that's cool , then I understand your point. Maybe you live in a farm town, but in Chicago and in the Suburbs, no one is social distancing.

You state it is fact that Miami hospitals are full.

Like it was fact that New York hospitals were overwhelmed and were about to start leaving dying patients in the hallways. Literally never happened.

Like it was fact that New York needed 40,000 ventilators. They needed 10% of that.

If you blindly accept everything you hear from people who have a blatant and admitted agenda, then you aren't really worth talking to. No offense. That applies to anyone who blindly accepts the media's fear mongering. They admit they have an agenda, then they tell you the news, and you blindly accept it as fact. That seems quite dumb. You do you though.

New member
May 24, 2018
I don't know where you are from Illinois. but I am just watching the news, and 36 High School girls just got Covid from a summer camp. And you dont think they gave it to their parents when they got home? LoL.

So no one is social distancing either. And it's not being enforced. When you are forced to wear mask. First of all that can be enforced, and if you are more likely to social distance.

Another story of a youth boys football camp. No one is social distancing. One coach is wearing a mask. Thats all.

Most the cases in Chicago now, are 18-29. Who are going out, to bars. Some live at home. They dont know they have it until weeks later, after symptoms, after tests. abd in that time, who do you think the give it to? Everyone, lol

My point is, You might social distance. I might. But kids wont. So if you make masks mandatory, it reminds people to social distance.

Miami hospitals are full now. Its the new hot spot. No one social distances there now. Does anyone watch the news these days? These are simple facts. There is no agenda to control peoples lives, nor claim that masks work 100 % But If you wear a mask and someone sees you, they are more likely to keep your distance.

The fact is to me, masks or more of a reminder to people to keep your distance. This is all from today. And Chicago might soon go into another lock down. You have to connect the dots my friends. I mean if you only care about yourself, then that's cool , then I understand your point. Maybe you live in a farm town, but in Chicago and in the Suburbs, no one is social distancing.

I just realized that you cite proof of a future Chicago lockdown as proof the virus is serious...

You are literally citing the decisions of far left liberal retards as proof that the decisions they make are justified. LOL.

Why don't you explain to me why I can go to a bar right now in Chicago, but can't go to a wide open beach? That's the opposite of science. Bars are WORSE than beaches for spreading viruses. That is a fact, and yet, in Chicago, I can go to a bar, and can't go to a beach.

These people are fucking retarded. Do you understand that? Look at Lori Lightfoot... she looks like a goblin that Pritzker shit out of his football field sized asshole. And you trust her? She's literally fucking retarded. If she was a white man, she'd be working at McDonald's... but because she's a black lesbian midget, she's the mayor in a city like Chicago. Can't beat triple minority victimhood at the ballot box.

New member
May 24, 2018
Oh golly gee, the black lesbian midget with a 72 IQ says the city lockdown is essential... I better obey... the news told me hospitals were *almost* full... I'm sure any day now a hospital will run out of space and turn away a Covid patient here in America... any day now... any day now... any day now... been waiting since March.

New member
May 24, 2018
Also, I will point out something important that is often times missed... MOST hospitals across the country have laid off staff or cut hours of their staff. How can you ignore that, since you are so based in logic and reason?

Do you think that hospitals that were at full capacity and one more COVID patient from running out of beds and rooms would need to lay off their employees or slash their hours dramatically? But I guess that reality doesn't fit the narrative, so here we are discussing this nonsense.

Dec 29, 2006
Mask plus face shield combo:



Thinking about wearing a shield like that after the humidity becomes more tolerable.

New member
Aug 17, 2020
Hi Everyone!

Almost 6 months into the pandemic, accumulating evidence and collective experience argue that children, particularly school-aged children, are more effective than adults. Therefore, serious consideration should be paid toward strategies that allow schools to remain open, even during periods of COVID-19 spread. In doing so, we could minimize the potentially profound adverse social, developmental, and health costs that our children will continue to suffer until an effective treatment or vaccine can be developed and distributed or, failing that until we reach herd immunity.In these pandemic situations where a mask offers more benefit than risk.For more info visit here.

Public health is supposed to be about balancing risks and benefits and choosing interventions that will provide a net overall benefit. Hybrid schooling is not a public health measure. It’s just another expensive charade.

Be Safe and Healthy.

Jul 16, 2020
380 Trillion viruses live in the human body at all time. Most of then are dormant and asymptomatic like coronavirus. %20 of all common colds are coronaviruses. When you take the test and test positive it says you MAY have covid key word being may or it may just be that you have a common cold. They could test for any of the other 380 trillion viruses living inside of us and get positive test results and cause mass hysteria. The real virus is msm its absolute poison. The province that I live we haven't had one death under the age of 40 the average age of death is 85 we had more heroin overdose deaths in one month than 6 months of covid but now the government is mandating masks at schools and public transit with absolutely no scientific evidence to support it. And hospitals are always near capacity anyway long before covid. Hospitals are for profit more patients =more $. Plus they laid off thousands of workers because they cancelled all elective surgeries. Those people are now long dead.

Sep 18, 2006
380 Trillion viruses live in the human body at all time. Most of then are dormant and asymptomatic like coronavirus. %20 of all common colds are coronaviruses. When you take the test and test positive it says you MAY have covid key word being may or it may just be that you have a common cold. They could test for any of the other 380 trillion viruses living inside of us and get positive test results and cause mass hysteria. The real virus is msm its absolute poison. The province that I live we haven't had one death under the age of 40 the average age of death is 85 we had more heroin overdose deaths in one month than 6 months of covid but now the government is mandating masks at schools and public transit with absolutely no scientific evidence to support it. And hospitals are always near capacity anyway long before covid. Hospitals are for profit more patients =more $. Plus they laid off thousands of workers because they cancelled all elective surgeries. Those people are now long dead.

Feb 20, 2002
380 Trillion viruses live in the human body at all time. Most of then are dormant and asymptomatic like coronavirus. %20 of all common colds are coronaviruses. When you take the test and test positive it says you MAY have covid key word being may or it may just be that you have a common cold. They could test for any of the other 380 trillion viruses living inside of us and get positive test results and cause mass hysteria. The real virus is msm its absolute poison. The province that I live we haven't had one death under the age of 40 the average age of death is 85 we had more heroin overdose deaths in one month than 6 months of covid but now the government is mandating masks at schools and public transit with absolutely no scientific evidence to support it. And hospitals are always near capacity anyway long before covid. Hospitals are for profit more patients =more $. Plus they laid off thousands of workers because they cancelled all elective surgeries. Those people are now long dead.


792,000 dead from C-19 & counting.

And - that - was WITH lockdowns, masks, distancing, excessive hand washing, shields, barriers, contact tracing, cleaning, etc.

It's also probably under counted by a large number & more like a million.

Would be several millions if treated "like another flu".

And that's not even counting the long term negative health effects to survivors.

New member
May 24, 2018
Population of Quebec: 8.485 million

Deaths from Covid in Quebec: 9,060

Population of Tennessee: 6.829 million

Deaths from Covid in Tennessee: 1,470

Canada is doing great with Covid. LOL.

Oh, and by the way:

Quebec: 644,000 square miles

Tennessee: 42,181 square miles

Tennessee is insanely more densely populated than Quebec.

This is stuff you won't hear on the news when they say Canada is handling this great while Trump and Republican states are botching it.

Use your head.

Mar 6, 2005
Wearing masks and shields are useless. I've yet to see anyone in public wearing a mask that will prevent any virus from sailing through it like a fruit fly through a chain link fence. People wearing handkerchiefs and allergy masks? Seriously? "Yeah man, gotta stop Covid" How stupid can you be. The ones who are wearing a mask almost never wear them correctly, either, but even if they did, it's not stopping the virus, it's just hurting your lungs ability to get oxygen to your brain. Does anyone honestly think if someone in the next aisle from you in a store sneezes into their mask, that you're safe from breathing in those germs because they had a mask on? Delusional! 30 seconds later those germs are sailing through your mask, too.

Mar 6, 2005
I saw two Asian women at a FedEx yesterday wearing something very similar.

We will beat this virus if everybody complies.

I felt naked only wearing a mask.


What she's wearing will not prevent a virus from entering her lungs. Despite that 'get up' that woman, and the rest of us, will still inhale 500,000 microorganisms of bacteria and fungi, every day, with our immune system easily handing 99.9999% of them. What she's wearing will prevent the liquid of spit from hitting her, but the microorganisms in that spit will be in her lungs in seconds.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Hot damn it’s good seeing school buses and Friday night high school football. Can’t wait till kickoff tonight

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Wearing masks and shields are useless. I've yet to see anyone in public wearing a mask that will prevent any virus from sailing through it like a fruit fly through a chain link fence. People wearing handkerchiefs and allergy masks? Seriously? "Yeah man, gotta stop Covid" How stupid can you be. The ones who are wearing a mask almost never wear them correctly, either, but even if they did, it's not stopping the virus, it's just hurting your lungs ability to get oxygen to your brain. Does anyone honestly think if someone in the next aisle from you in a store sneezes into their mask, that you're safe from breathing in those germs because they had a mask on? Delusional! 30 seconds later those germs are sailing through your mask, too.

Lol. I think X just trolls. If he is really that clueless he is one ignorant muther fkr
Feb 20, 2002
Population of Quebec: 8.485 million

Deaths from Covid in Quebec: 9,060

Population of Tennessee: 6.829 million

Deaths from Covid in Tennessee: 1,470

Canada is doing great with Covid. LOL.

Oh, and by the way:

Quebec: 644,000 square miles

Tennessee: 42,181 square miles

Tennessee is insanely more densely populated than Quebec.

This is stuff you won't hear on the news when they say Canada is handling this great while Trump and Republican states are botching it.

Use your head.

Does it even need to be stated that a comparison between a - CHERRY PICKED - state and a - CHERRY PICKED - province...does NOT equal a comparison between two countries? Apparently so.

New Zealand = 22 dead
USA = over 170,000 dead

Canada = 9000 dead
USA = over 170,000 dead

Look how flat the curve is in Canada:


Now compare the USA:


Why the USA has failed - so very miserably - re C-19:

Feb 20, 2002
Wearing masks and shields are useless. I've yet to see anyone in public wearing a mask that will prevent any virus from sailing through it like a fruit fly through a chain link fence. People wearing handkerchiefs and allergy masks? Seriously? "Yeah man, gotta stop Covid" How stupid can you be. The ones who are wearing a mask almost never wear them correctly, either, but even if they did, it's not stopping the virus, it's just hurting your lungs ability to get oxygen to your brain. Does anyone honestly think if someone in the next aisle from you in a store sneezes into their mask, that you're safe from breathing in those germs because they had a mask on? Delusional! 30 seconds later those germs are sailing through your mask, too.

So wrong, wrong & wrong yet again.

"Wearing a Mask: Myths and Facts"


Feb 20, 2002
Wearing masks and shields are useless. I've yet to see anyone in public wearing a mask that will prevent any virus from sailing through it like a fruit fly through a chain link fence.


"[FONT=&quot]“Many people argue that cloth masks can’t be effective because they can’t filter out viral particles, which are extremely tiny,” [/FONT]she said[FONT=&quot]. “Most of these particles leave the mouth and nose in much larger droplets that become smaller through evaporation as they move away from the body. Trapping droplets with the mask means not nearly as many viral particles escape. So, when all parties in a gathering are wearing well-constructed, well-fitting masks, it provides an extra layer of safety for everyone.”[/FONT][FONT=&quot]The COVID-19 particle is indeed around 0.1 microns in size, but it is always bonded to something larger.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“There is never a naked virus floating in the air or released by people,” said Linsey Marr, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Virginia Tech who specializes in airborne transmission of viruses.


[FONT=&quot]“Breathing and talking generate particles around 1 micron in size, which will be collected by N95 respirator filters with very high efficiency,” said Lisa Brosseau, a retired professor of environmental and occupational health sciences who spent her career researching respiratory protection.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Surgical and cloth masks do not protect the wearer from COVID-19 particles as well as medical N95s. (The type of N95 masks used in construction are not effective against the novel coronavirus because they have valves.)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]But the CDC does note, “A cloth face covering may not protect the wearer, but it may keep the wearer from spreading the virus to others.” By wearing a cloth covering in public, the spread of the virus can be slowed by lessening the transmission to others.


[h=2]Evidence shows masks help slow the spread of COVID-19[/h][FONT=&quot]A study published in June in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by researchers from Texas A&M University, University of Texas, California Institute of Technology and University of California, San Diego found that masks were instrumental in lowering the number of infections in hot spots like Italy and New York.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“We conclude that wearing of face masks in public corresponds to the most effective means to prevent interhuman transmission, and this inexpensive practice, in conjunction with extensive testing, quarantine, and contact tracking, poses the most probable fighting opportunity to stop the COVID-19 pandemic, prior to the development of a vaccine,” the scientists wrote.


[FONT=&quot]A study by University of Iowa researchers published in Health Affairs Journal in June found similar results.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“The study provides evidence that US states mandating the use of face masks in public had a greater decline in daily COVID-19 growth rates after issuing these mandates compared with states that did not issue mandates,” researchers wrote.


Sep 18, 2006
If someone farts around you & you can smell it thru the mask, you can get the virus thru the mask, don't fool yourself, lol.

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