F*ck this shit! I want George Bush back!


Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Can't believe it while we had a president who allowed Wall St to have less regulations than a street corner dice game. Or concocted a housing program that was so catastrophic for the lower class they still haven't recovered from it. Or whose drug and crime agenda put 2.4 million people in jail for petty crimes, 160,000 life sentences handed down for committing 3 petty crimes. Or who absolutely decimated our manufacturing industry that eliminated 5+ million American jobs that will never come back. Or who stood by and watched our troops suffer nearly a dozen deadly terrorist attacks and didn't do a damn thing about it except summon a fat slob the Oval Office to suck his cock and use her snatch as a humidor for his cigars. Or who lies to his wife, his daughter, his cabinet, the American public, the FBI, Congress, and even when confronted with his own lies and his own discharge on a fat slob's dress pretends it didn't happen because we did not understand what the meaning of "is" is. A perverted, slimy, corrupt to the core douche. And Carter for being completed duped by the Iranian ayatollahs, and King Obama who has the worst economic growth rate for any president in modern times (even lower than Bush's) aren't too far behind Clinton. Those two may be clueless idiots that I wouldn't let run a lemonade stand much less the US, but at least they weren't using the Oval Office to score blowjobs.


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Iraq is a sovereign country. I don't care what happens there. Leave them be.

I don't understand why the US feels the need to try to force itself or political system on everyone else and why we feel we need to lead everything.


Jul 14, 2007
Iraq is a sovereign country. I don't care what happens there. Leave them be.

I don't understand why the US feels the need to try to force itself or political system on everyone else and why we feel we need to lead everything.

Yeah but if you leave them be then the guy who replaces Saddam makes him look like a choir boy.

That is why I said you need to install your own dictator almost, like the US and CIA basically did with Iran in the 1950's.

It is just tough for a virtuous nation to have that mindset in the 21st century. Unfortunately it is probably the most realistic solution.

Then hope with the internet opening up and technology that the younger generation wants to be westernized and slowly changes. There is atleast more hope for that to happen than there was in previous generations.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
You wrote it wrong on purpose and got caught in a bear trap. Your credibility with me is now zero.

Lmao....ok. You gotta know that doesn't matter to me right?

You tried to play that link shit with me the other week and I posted it and you did the same thing.

I made a one word mistake but I understand why you gotta play this game. It's popular here.

May 27, 2007
Lmao....ok. You gotta know that doesn't matter to me right?

You tried to play that link shit with me the other week and I posted it and you did the same thing.

I made a one word mistake but I understand why you gotta play this game. It's popular here.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Can't believe it while we had a president who allowed Wall St to have less regulations than a street corner dice game. Or concocted a housing program that was so catastrophic for the lower class they still haven't recovered from it. Or whose drug and crime agenda put 2.4 million people in jail for petty crimes, 160,000 life sentences handed down for committing 3 petty crimes. Or who absolutely decimated our manufacturing industry that eliminated 5+ million American jobs that will never come back. Or who stood by and watched our troops suffer nearly a dozen deadly terrorist attacks and didn't do a damn thing about it except summon a fat slob the Oval Office to suck his cock and use her snatch as a humidor for his cigars. Or who lies to his wife, his daughter, his cabinet, the American public, the FBI, Congress, and even when confronted with his own lies and his own discharge on a fat slob's dress pretends it didn't happen because we did not understand what the meaning of "is" is. A perverted, slimy, corrupt to the core douche. And Carter for being completed duped by the Iranian ayatollahs, and King Obama who has the worst economic growth rate for any president in modern times (even lower than Bush's) aren't too far behind Clinton. Those two may be clueless idiots that I wouldn't let run a lemonade stand much less the US, but at least they weren't using the Oval Office to score blowjobs.

That you Sheriff Joe?

May 27, 2007
Yeah but if you leave them be then the guy who replaces Saddam makes him look like a choir boy.

That is why I said you need to install your own dictator almost, like the US and CIA basically did with Iran in the 1950's.

It is just tough for a virtuous nation to have that mindset in the 21st century. Unfortunately it is probably the most realistic solution.

Then hope with the internet opening up and technology that the younger generation wants to be westernized and slowly changes. There is atleast more hope for that to happen than there was in previous generations.

They are on the net now PF. Every day.

Jul 14, 2007
Yeah, Iran has a young population that really doesn't seem all that nuts. They aren't the US or Europe but from what I read they don't seem to want to smash a brick over someones head for looking at them the wrong way. That's a start.

May 27, 2007
Yeah, Iran has a young population that really doesn't seem all that nuts. They aren't the US or Europe but from what I read they don't seem to want to smash a brick over someones head for looking at them the wrong way. That's a start.

I just can't say a lot to you on an open forum if you catch my drift.

Aug 6, 2006
AQ has always operated in Iraq just on a smaller scale. Whether it be AQ or ISIS or the pillow biter terrorist gang, a group will always operate within the Iraq, Iran, Syrian region. It makes no difference if we had invaded, not invaded or not. They will continue to operate there for the next 1,000 years and that has nothing to do with what one president does or doesn't do.

You are talking about Ansar-al-Islam. They were in the North of Iraq before Operation Iraqi Freedom. They were an offshoot of al-Queda.

I don't recall AQ in places like Baghdad, Mosul or Tikrit.

It's natural in Arab nations with minority rule dictatorships that are overthrown, such as Saddam (Sunni) for there to be backlash when the dictator is removed. It's even worse when Shia rule takes over and now its Sunnis being sidelined.

Bush probably made an error disbanding the entire Iraqi army, as some of the remnants became members of ISIS.

But I still think the two main mistakes belong to Obama. He let the SOFA expire. And worse yet (well, not for him) he played election politics and kept his promise when he told the big lie, "We must end the war in Iraq to fight the real war, which is in Afghanistan."

It's easy to see why he made this statement. Americans were sick of Iraq. Knowing he had the Dem vote locked up anyway he wanted to sway some of the (I) and (R) vote that he was still tough on terror. So he painted a picture that it was necessary to remove troops from Iraq and redeploy them to Afg. It was well-timed election sloganeering. And now ironically Obama isn't winning in either of those countries.

Jul 14, 2007
You are talking about Ansar-al-Islam. They were in the North of Iraq before Operation Iraqi Freedom. They were an offshoot of al-Queda.

I don't recall AQ in places like Baghdad, Mosul or Tikrit.

It's natural in Arab nations with minority rule dictatorships that are overthrown, such as Saddam (Sunni) for there to be backlash when the dictator is removed. It's even worse when Shia rule takes over and now its Sunnis being sidelined.

Bush probably made an error disbanding the entire Iraqi army, as some of the remnants became members of ISIS.

But I still think the two main mistakes belong to Obama. He let the SOFA expire. And worse yet (well, not for him) he played election politics and kept his promise when he told the big lie, "We must end the war in Iraq to fight the real war, which is in Afghanistan."

It's easy to see why he made this statement. Americans were sick of Iraq. Knowing he had the Dem vote locked up anyway he wanted to sway some of the (I) and (R) vote that he was still tough on terror. So he painted a picture that it was necessary to remove troops from Iraq and redeploy them to Afg. It was well-timed election sloganeering. And now ironically Obama isn't winning in either of those countries.

If SOFA didn't expire and we just ran it to completion then we would be there forever delaying the inevitable. Perhaps we pull it off, who knows? I wouldn't bet on it.

The worst mistake was invading in the first place.

Americans don't follow geopolitics so they have no clue what we're trying to do. If they knew the massive undertaking and the level of ambition we were attempting, the sheer amount of money and time this undertaking would take, then the majority of them would not have been on board with it. The invasion was not sold as nation building for a reason, because that shit is a lot harder than blowing shit up.

It all comes back to the goal of installing democracy in Iraq was the height of hubris.

Aug 6, 2006
Your thinking and my thinking are different on this topic. Extremists base actions on religion and Allah. They will not stop until all Christians are exterminated. Don't care about oil, dictators or anything tangible. There is nothing you can do to stop violent extremism short of bombing the entire region.

Extremism at its origin is bred by dictatorship. By definition a dictatorship is a slave nation. Everything is controlled including information. Naturally the dictator is pillaging the society. The society sinks to a level that makes the dictatorship unsustainable, UNLESS the dictator can find an outside source on which to blame all the nation's problems. Since the dictator controls the news cycle he can now cast blame on America. Now it isn't the dictatorship that has ruined the nation, it is "America." And "Western Values." And that is how you breed terrorism, and export it outside where it attacks other nations, and sustains the dictator inside.

What happened to the poster Moneyline? He was prolific in these discussions.

Aug 6, 2006
If SOFA didn't expire and we just ran it to completion then we would be there forever delaying the inevitable. Perhaps we pull it off, who knows? I wouldn't bet on it.

The worst mistake was invading in the first place.

Americans don't follow geopolitics so they have no clue what we're trying to do. If they knew the massive undertaking and the level of ambition we were attempting, the sheer amount of money and time this undertaking would take, then the majority of them would not have been on board with it.

It all comes back to the goal of installing democracy in Iraq was the height of hubris.

If you tell me this 5-7 years ago I disagree strongly. Now I just say I don't know what would have happened if we did not undertake OIF.

May 27, 2007
Extremism at its origin is bred by dictatorship. By definition a dictatorship is a slave nation. Everything is controlled including information. Naturally the dictator is pillaging the society. The society sinks to a level that makes the dictatorship unsustainable, UNLESS the dictator can find an outside source on which to blame all the nation's problems. Since the dictator controls the news cycle he can now cast blame on America. Now it isn't the dictatorship that has ruined the nation, it is "America." And "Western Values." And that is how you breed terrorism, and export it outside where it attacks other nations, and sustains the dictator inside.

What happened to the poster Moneyline? He was prolific in these discussions.

I don't think extremism is remotely bred by a dictatorship. We have extremists in the US.

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