Ever had a warrant for your arrest?


Jan 16, 2010
I consider myself to be libertarian/conservative........but really, there are certain trade-offs we make in society.

When your loud-ass muffler is waking up the neighborhood, I think a fine/penalty is reasonable. Why should one person inconvenience hundreds of others?

If it's too loud you're too old.

jokes aside, fart cannons sound like shit anyways...

Nov 4, 2009
I consider myself to be libertarian/conservative........but really, there are certain trade-offs we make in society.

When your loud-ass muffler is waking up the neighborhood, I think a fine/penalty is reasonable. Why should one person inconvenience hundreds of others?

Well Said.

So well in fact that you've, with about 27 words, torpedoed and completely destroyed the political philosophy of Anarchy which has been held Dear by Philosophers, Activists and Punk Rockers for Thousands upon Thousands of Years.

Any Hope we had now vanquished, we're left here struggling to survive on this planet now with nothing whatsoever.


Nov 4, 2009
If it's too loud you're too old.

jokes aside, fart cannons sound like shit anyways...

A side Absurdity to the claim of the Muffler being too loud was the fact that my entire Trunk was Subwoofers, EQ's, whatever the hell else Audio stuff was able to be fit in there blasting this at ear shattering decibel so the fuggin' muffler could not even be heard was drowned out altogether.


New member
Sep 19, 2005

Any "offense". My Noisy Muffler, whatever you got....your refusal to remove that Felled Tree that was Just Another Brick In The Wall of War 'tween you and your HOA, whatever your Warrant is for or what other guy's warrants was for...

1.) "Who" amongst us is possessing of Attributes worthy of them being a Judge and deciding what qualifies as an "Offense". We are al born naked Babies here. I maintain that there is nothing possible which could come after that which would qualify any man (or woman) to become "above" another thus able to decide what behavior is acceptable or not.

example: Who decided my Muffler was "Too Loud"? Was there, at some point, a determination that a specific level of Loudness should not be surpassed? If so...what was this determination based upon? In the end seems to me it had to be based upon some guy's opinion. Who the hell is this guy and what qualifies him to sit in judgement of me? What are this guy's qualifications to determine what level of Loudness from a Muffler is acceptable or not?

2.) What does "money" have to do with it? Or any Offense?

If I get caught urinating in public (or commit any other "offense") I get locked in a cage for a while and then someone demands that I give them money.

How does giving them money make it "all better" as though them getting money is some sort of Band-Aid or...."Medicine" that rectifies the problem, wipes from the slate the offense?

Where did people pee before there were all these buildings everywhere?

Where I peed was still the same place as where they peed just some people built a building there at some point. So now suddenly all the rules are changed just because some people built a building there so now its no longer acceptable to take a pee in that spot?

How is people's need to urinate less valuable than those people's need to have that building there?

Money. Like You said.

Its no Mystery.

In Ohio 95% of the Traffic Stops made on the Interstate on the major drug trafficking thoroughfare are in the SOUTHbound Lanes.

The Drugs come in from the South so the actual Drugs are in vehicles on the other side of the Freeways.

These are ignored, the drugs are allowed to get to their detonations and the Mules are allowed to get their $$$$.

Then those Mules with their money....

....they have to head back South.

Using those Southbound Lanes.

With that $$$$ they got from selling those Drugs.

Laws and Law Enforcement are a For Profit Enterprise, a Business.


There's no way this is true. So for every 20 traffic stops made on the interstate in Ohio, there will be 19 in the South bound lane and 1 in the North bound lane? That's not remotely plausible. Where did you come up with that?

Nov 4, 2009
There's no way this is true. So for every 20 traffic stops made on the interstate in Ohio, there will be 19 in the South bound lane and 1 in the North bound lane? That's not remotely plausible. Where did you come up with that?

I phrased that very Poorly. I should have been less Lazy and tightened that up, not put that out there in that broad manner.

I get Lazy like that bcuz I figure no one here pays much attention to what I post anyways.

I Meant to say: "stops that find seizures of cash take place are in the Southbound lane"....to that overwhelming percent.

Came from a discussion in a Forum, post by an Ohio Cop, link below.

I did some research to verify what he said, as best I could anyways, didn't have any real success but Google Search while it never uncovered verification of the number he puts out there (what I wanted of course) did lead to some interesting talk of "Profiling" of Southbound vehicles and/or Drivers along the Corridor PRIMARILY in question, 1-75 which runs South from Detroit thru Toledo, Cincy then South thru Kentucky etc.


"Profiling" though....like thats any surprise.

And that talk, had to go pretty deep before I found that so I'd have no prayer of re-finding those links, like, page 18 of Google Search for 1-75 Corridor, Ohio Drug Route, Kentucky Drug Corridor, Atlanta Drug Corridor....could have been any of those I just blast them out rapid fire style so....finding those links again like looking for a needle in a haystack but Profiling anyways...not like there is gonna be a webpage from Ohio State Patrol detailing how they use Profiling and anyone with an IQ higher than a cop's nightstick is gonna realize Profiling is employed by the Squads out on 1-75 who's primary task and very possible ONLY JOB is to seize as much money as they can.

I appreciate that the Source here = simple Heresay but I believe him because he sounds like an Ohio Cop. The vast majority agree with me and believe that he is a Cop too.

Sorry for phrasing my initial post so poorly though.




Active member
Jun 20, 2000
What was it for?

What did you do?

I'm embarrassed by this but

Sadly yes .. It was 1998 and I wanted some Dr pepper badly .. I was unemployed at the time. Was doing everything I could to find work ... I never did anything against the law before... Went into a gas station convience store .. Had my sons watergun in my pocket , I figured if I get caught it wasn't real gun... I went to the counter and said I'm taking these 2 Dr peppers and then I said to the clerk with my water gun pointing thru my jacket pocket ..and give me a pack of damn skittles and make it quick!!! I felt bad as I saw the fear in his eye but took the bag and ran from the store.... Never got caught they didn't have cameras in that store ..luckily :smoking:

Nov 4, 2009
Has it ever occurred to you Dante to apply for a job that involves the manufacture or sale of Dr. Pepper?
May 8, 2014
This all sucks.

Charged with a felony. I feel like I am being treated like a hardcore criminal. Started as a simple DUI and then shit multiplied. Cop tried to get every charge he could in there including "intimidation". What a joke.

It will all work itself out but it feels like a maze with no true ending.

Mar 2, 2006
This all sucks.

Charged with a felony. I feel like I am being treated like a hardcore criminal. Started as a simple DUI and then shit multiplied. Cop tried to get every charge he could in there including "intimidation". What a joke.

It will all work itself out but it feels like a maze with no true ending.

So are they trying to say you assaulted an officer or something?

Nov 4, 2009
So are they trying to say you assaulted an officer or something?

Intimidation would simply be expressing a perceived intent to do that. Threatening in some manner.

I got a DUI when I wasn't even driving, had not been driving.

GF's Birthday party the chicks started watching that stupid Ghost Hunter show where most of the show is in Green and Gray cuz they are filming through night vision and they never ever find any Ghosts.

Dudes & I went outside to escape the stupid Ghost Show, used my car as a Stereo, had to put key into play music, drinking beers of course just partying in the yard, Sheriff pulls up and I wind up getting a DUI.

He wrote his report 8 hours later in a Donut Shop or....Denny's. I forget.

Report NOTHING like what happened.

It may seem like I am just an asshole for coming off negative to Law Enforcement, I'm really not and I overall Support Law Enforcement just....I have had a few bad experiences.

Some of those deserved. Much less bad than they could have been and should have been.

Mar 2, 2006
Intimidation would simply be expressing a perceived intent to do that. Threatening in some manner.

I got a DUI when I wasn't even driving, had not been driving.

GF's Birthday party the chicks started watching that stupid Ghost Hunter show where most of the show is in Green and Gray cuz they are filming through night vision and they never ever find any Ghosts.

Dudes & I went outside to escape the stupid Ghost Show, used my car as a Stereo, had to put key into play music, drinking beers of course just partying in the yard, Sheriff pulls up and I wind up getting a DUI.

He wrote his report 8 hours later in a Donut Shop or....Denny's. I forget.

Report NOTHING like what happened.

It may seem like I am just an asshole for coming off negative to Law Enforcement, I'm really not and I overall Support Law Enforcement just....I have had a few bad experiences.

Some of those deserved. Much less bad than they could have been and should have been.

You got a DUI in your front yard?? Holy fuck!!

Yeah if your keys are in the ignition and you're in car drinking then you will get a DUI. I knew a guy who slept behind the bar and had keys in ignition who got one. He said had he just been passed out drunk with keys out of ignition he wouldn't have gotten one. I got a DWI when I was 20 just 2 blocks from my house. Exited doing 90 and kept telling cop I hadnt been drinking when clearly I was drunk. Misdemeanor charge with 1 year probation and 80 hours community service.

Nov 4, 2009
You got a DUI in your front yard?? Holy fuck!!

Yeah....in the end I provoked it but that was after literally after a HALF HOUR un-arrested wherein everyone present said I wasn't driving but the cops just would not leave.

Lieutenant finally showed up, "Commander" or whatever....when it became obvious he wasn't gonna show No Mercy either despite wholly knowing that I'd not been driving due to everyone explaining this to him again (for at least the 5th time some of us had explained it....to various cops that showed up as we waited for the commander to get there) I wound up slamming the keys on the Roof of the car and saying "Your Move Dickhead" so they arrested me after slamming ME onto the Hood of my car and I'm like: "Thats all you got?" so they slammed me again and that one kinda dented the hood (Rocked Me, too. If I am to be perfectly honest....that was a much better slamdown than the first one) so I shut up.

Laws nowadays though, in some states, your Drunk & in your car? You're going down for DUI.

They use to say: "Pull over and sleep it off" then that became that Plus: "With your keys not in the ignition" which became: "With your keys placed in the most remote corner of the car farthest from the ignition" which became "put your keys in your trunk" which became: "If you're drunk in a car you're going." which became "if you're Drunk and any where NEAR a fucking car we are getting $$$ from you."

....because they added that one could get DUI....and dig this....

"If an Officer felt you had been driving less that 2 Hours prior to engaging you OR...(and this is the killer)...


According to that last thing mine was a Valid DUI Arrest.

We had to wait for the Commander to show up though because of that. Initial Sheriff on scene was a Rookie so it got used as a Training Exercise cuz that Rook had not encountered yet such a "Fine Line" situation....If

I'd not been cheap and hired a Lawyer I would have beaten it. Instead I bought the $135 Book the lawyers use, State Laws and Defensive Strategies tried to go to Court being all Perry Mason-like, hammered the crap out of The Prosecutor for Discovery Pre-Trial, Documentation relating to everything it said in that book (and there was a TON....if I told you even HALF of what I requested you'd rflyao).

Blew it when I tried to take it too far and prove the cop wrote a false report on Purpose, Cop was on the Stand and I was totally trying to be on Perry Mason-like.

Judge finally goes: The Court does not find credibility in the suggestion that this officer would risk his entire career to submit a false report just to convict you of DUI. Further the court finds that you are Guilty of DUI per the letter of the DUI law."

Much Longer than that but that was the jist.

On me, in the end for being a Dumbass but yeah.....DUI while partying in my Front Yard.



New member
Sep 21, 2004
Well Said.

So well in fact that you've, with about 27 words, torpedoed and completely destroyed the political philosophy of Anarchy which has been held Dear by Philosophers, Activists and Punk Rockers for Thousands upon Thousands of Years.

Any Hope we had now vanquished, we're left here struggling to survive on this planet now with nothing whatsoever.


Hey, it happens --- sooner or later, every punk grows up.

Typically, it happens when they're 34, they've got an important interview @ 8am, they're trying to sleep, and some jerk rips through their neighborhood in a buzz-buzz-pip-fart 2002 Honda Civic.

On a related note:

Punk is dead. At least Joe Corre, son of legendary Sex Pistols manager Malcolm McLaren, would have us believe. Corre is so outraged that punk has been co-opted by the mainstream — and even endorsed by the Queen — that he plans to burn a collection of punk memorabilia worth around £5 million ($9.4 million).


Mar 14, 2016
Yeah....in the end I provoked it but that was after literally after a HALF HOUR un-arrested wherein everyone present said I wasn't driving but the cops just would not leave.

Lieutenant finally showed up, "Commander" or whatever....when it became obvious he wasn't gonna show No Mercy...blah blah, long disjointed story that doesn't really go anywhere

This sounds embellished, made up and not true, imho.
May 8, 2014
I am so above this. I am tall, have a college degree, white... All of this is so beneath me

A stupid blonde girl making $9.50 an hour is calling me. She's a girl..

What's next? A black judge? I will take that seriously.

"Vlad I must axe you dis, we has laws for dis reason......."

My God

New member
Sep 24, 2012
I am so above this. I am tall, have a college degree, white... All of this is so beneath me

A stupid blonde girl making $9.50 an hour is calling me. She's a girl..

What's next? A black judge? I will take that seriously.

"Vlad I must axe you dis, we has laws for dis reason......."

My God

wtf does your height have to do with anything

Nov 4, 2009
Hey, it happens --- sooner or later, every punk grows up.

Typically, it happens when they're 34, they've got an important interview @ 8am, they're trying to sleep, and some jerk rips through their neighborhood in a buzz-buzz-pip-fart 2002 Honda Civic.

On a related note:

Punk is dead. At least Joe Corre, son of legendary Sex Pistols manager Malcolm McLaren, would have us believe. Corre is so outraged that punk has been co-opted by the mainstream — and even endorsed by the Queen — that he plans to burn a collection of punk memorabilia worth around £5 million ($9.4 million).



Corre could just give that stuff to me and I would distribute it like the Punk Version of Bill and Melinda Gates Charity to people like yourself and others that lived it so they could pass it down to their kids and so on.

He has obviously inherited his dad's Good Sense, Compassion, Intellect and Complete Lack of a Soul.

That Fag damn near starved to death a band that made what is among the Greatest Albums in the whole history of Music. All the way back to when Caligula was getting Flute Command Performances from Botilda.

Eerie as sh*t 34 is exactly when I grew up.

You're like some sort of Lovechild of Penelope Spheeris and Nostradaumus or something.


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