Not only Ebola but the thousands of Central Americans Obama bought here are spreading across America spreading the EV-D68 virus,
The EV-D68 outbreak, the CDC and our Federal government are completely ignoring the fact this this virus seems to have been spread by illegal immigrants who’ve been dumped throughout the country – thanks in large part to the Obama administration.
Although it’s received very little mainstream media coverage, the current outbreak of EV-D68 is common to El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua, three countries where a bulk of the illegal immigrant children come from. These unaccompanied illegal immigrant children have been allowed into the nation’s school systems without medical screenings and without required vaccinations.
don't worry, the least prepared man in the room told us there's no risk of Ebola coming to America
and ISIS is a JV Team
and Iraq may be his greatest success
and you can keep you doctor (i don't even want to start with the nightmares I know about 1st hand. Those with a clue already know the truth, while scum and vile lying POS's will never know)
and our healthcare services will improve
our deficit will be cut in half
unemployment will stay below 7%
our economy will grow
we will regain international respect
yada yada yada
Basically what I'm saying is that you can do what you want, but you cannot prevent the spread of disease in our world.
Hussein is the first president to let Ebola into the US - FACT.
And yes, it was because of his anti-American policies. And yes, those anti-American policies were enacted for no other reason than the Kenyan's affinity for his third-world shit-hole African roots.
Congress could never be bothered to investigate this traitorous POS look what happened. :>(