Come on man, give the members a break. It was clear from the title of your thread that this was a slap at Willie. Ace is right, a simple Google search would tell you everything you want to know on how to report the income. Capitalizing REAL in the thread title was a rookie mistake in the art of successful passive aggressive behavior along with your last sentence above.
Just for the hell of it since you mentioned three different CPA's, what were their opinions on how to report the income? This should be interesting.
A shot? No.... He's not a real CPA so I asked for real CPA's.....none have come forward yet.
I notice you dont mention a word to him about shots at me all over this forum? Why is that? How bout you answer a few questions for once.
This thread was to hear from different CPA or others that have won similar amounts, to see what they did. If you don't think tax professionals have all kinds of ways to offset the taxes on things like don't know much.
Now please move guys are turning this thread into another shit show. Same people doing same things. Go start another one of your Vitterd threads and talk about me there. Thanks.