No shit, loser.
This forum is your life. Your whole existence. You literally having nothing to do, despite things being "so good" for you than to obsessively read this forum.
You're a pathetic joke.
Youre not making any sense and you're doing that thing when you become unhinged and start talking to yourself
Thanks for cancering another thread with your idiotic blather
Enough laughing emoji. You're not're constantly miserable and angry......especially at women.
You never laugh either. Get some makes life better. Even though you, acebb and Willie have intense hatred towards women.....I'm telling will help
Cant imagine the internal hell you must live in.
You really think you're the guy to mock somebody else's predictions?
you have never been right ...that's why you stopped making predictions
Youre not making any sense and you're doing that thing when you become unhinged and start talking to yourself
"bitch woman prosecutor"
"of course woman cop was a loudmouth"
why do you hate women so much?
Nothing to read in poly forum. It's as dead as the woman you stalked.
I read all Vitterd threads.
Im your life. Without'd be even more miserable
More than 30,000 posts about politics, yet elections have no consequences.
Donald is spot on with that tweet,FUCK these union thugs who continue to steal money,give it to the Dems,and destroy jobs@realDonaldTrump
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Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!
Looks like the cyber mocking /bullying will continue as President!! .....did anyone really expect a geriatric would change colours ? He's 70......I thought he would ! Was waaaaaay off . In my defence he's president elect not president ....yet .Anyone think therapy would help ? Or a twitter ban only way to go?
We are in Neverland . Enjoy