Dow at 17,000. What's more likely to happen first: it drops to 15,000 or continues to 20,000?


New member
Oct 29, 2010
No shit, loser.

This forum is your life. Your whole existence. You literally having nothing to do, despite things being "so good" for you than to obsessively read this forum.

You're a pathetic joke.

Im your life. Without'd be even more miserable

you have nothing else. Your wife won't touch you.....the community avoids you and the cops are watching you.

Its gametime coming up.....have fun talking to yourself pyschopath stalker. Thanks for cancering another thread with your idiotic blather

Jul 4, 2012
Youre not making any sense and you're doing that thing when you become unhinged and start talking to yourself

I'm making complete sense, idiot.

Which is why you can't actually respond. What is so great about your dumbfuck posts is that every bit of fact and logic needs explained to you.

But you're so smart.

Jul 4, 2012
Im your life. Without'd be even more miserable

^ That's projection, you dumb little boy.

But go ahead a prove it moron. Go away, you lost the bet after all, and it will reveal what you're saying is true.

Of course you won't, because you can't.

Jul 4, 2012
Thanks for cancering another thread with your idiotic blather

Enough laughing emoji. You're not're constantly miserable and angry......especially at women.

You never laugh either. Get some makes life better. Even though you, acebb and Willie have intense hatred towards women.....I'm telling will help

Cant imagine the internal hell you must live in.

You really think you're the guy to mock somebody else's predictions?

you have never been right ...that's why you stopped making predictions

Youre not making any sense and you're doing that thing when you become unhinged and start talking to yourself

"bitch woman prosecutor"

"of course woman cop was a loudmouth"

why do you hate women so much?

Nothing to read in poly forum. It's as dead as the woman you stalked.

I read all Vitterd threads.

Im your life. Without'd be even more miserable

^ Self awareness score: Minus infinity

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Tokens should put your posts all together like that. It should make you rethink your entire awful life

Youre a true pyschopath and the cops should have kept you in that cage.

Next time.....she will testify.

Sorry to interrupt you talking to yourself. Go back to pounding the keyboard.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
More than 30,000 posts about politics, yet elections have no consequences.

You avoid making any predictions before the election and then mock others who get things wrong.

You are scared to death to voice an opinion.....every once in a while, you slip up and come up
with gems like these:

"I still don't think Hillary will actually run"

but for the most part, you're one of those after that fact guys. It's pretty sad what a pussy you are. Get some guts....and guts is not shooting at a bullseye target at a range on Saturday afternoons.

Gutless hack.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
After eight years of blaming America’s problems on George W. Bush, the press that got the election wrong is rolling out a new line — that President Obama is handing President-elect Donald Trump a booming economy.

That takes some brass.

The jobless rate is down to 4.6 percent, and the growth rate is up above 2 percent or even 3 percent, with housing prices getting back to pre-recession levels. Stocks are soaring. So the idea seems to be that Obama has solved the problem in the nick of time.
“Obama’s gift to Trump” is the headline on CNN. “Trump inherits healthy economy” is the way the Financial Times is headlining the yarn. Politico reckons that Trump is being handed an “Obama boom.”

Plus, the Economist magazine is out this week with a cover featuring George Washington’s image from the greenback. Except that he’s shirtless, with his arms crossed and biceps bulging, and the headline says “The mighty dollar.”

These geniuses remind me of Mark Twain trying to palm off the idea that “Wagner’s music is better than it sounds.” If the economy is so all-fired ducky, how come Americans just tossed out the party that’s claiming credit for it?

The truth is that the Obama years have been among America’s worst for the economy. His eight years will go down in history as the Great Recession, even though for much, even most, of the span, we weren’t technically in a recession.
It just felt that way. And no wonder. Obama’s is the only modern presidency that failed to show a single year of growth above 3 percent, a point Trump stressed during the campaign (and that was conceded even by the website Politifact).

Plus, the Obama economy failed to prosper even though the Federal Reserve had its pedal to the metal. Its quantitative easing, $2 trillion balance-sheet expansion and zero-interest-rate policy all produced zilch.

Except for pumping up Wall Street and producing what Trump calls a “false economy.” The recent declines in the unemployment rate are due less to the uptick in employed persons than to an increasing number of persons leaving the labor force.

In a “true economy,” what people would boast about would be the number of employed persons rising faster than the size of an expanding workforce. In reality, the job participation rate is the lowest in decades, as millions are too discouraged to seek a job.
And the recent record Dow Jones average? It’s pumped up by the Federal Reserve. It’s nowhere near a record if the Dow is calculated in the most traditional measure of value. The gold value of the Dow peaked way back in 1999.

All this is why Bloomberg News has been reporting the “Rust Belt’s transformation into the Trump Belt.” It cites this week new research on “how bad things have become” in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

For older men in those states, Bloomberg reports, inflation-adjusted pay is below the level in — wait for it — 1979. That’s two generations lost. In those swing states, the idea that Obama is handing back a booming economy will be seen there as an absurd boast.

Even if, in the last month or so, what economists call the “animal spirits” of economic activity have begun to stir. That’s because of the possibility that the credit already belongs to Trump.

Even though he’s not yet president. My own theory is that the millions of minds that make up the American electorate knew way before the pollsters that Trump was going to win this election.

They grasped that the Democrats’ high taxes and onerous regulation were drawing to an end. They’ve already begun betting that The Donald, no professional politician, will make good on his promises.

So when the New York Times runs out a headline, as it did Saturday, saying that “Obama is handing a strong economy to his successor,” it’s already behind on the story. Nice, but no cigar.

The economy is already Trump’s. And also his to lose, if he and the Republican Congress fail to put through his promised strategic program — tax cuts, deregulation, monetary reform and a “big beautiful door” for legal immigration.

That’s the only way to turn the stirrings in the stagnant Obama economy into the kind of boom that really would be — how might Twain put it? — better than it sounds.


this author spelled it out, so I don't have to

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
8 years of economic growth averaging 1.8%, the worst in recorded history

not one decent year of economic growth, not one year even attaining 3%

despite government spending BILLIONS to grow it, even the brain trust for QE admitted they failed

despite interest rates being near all time lows for 8 years

despite getting his nearly trillion dollar economic stimulus, another colossal failure

over regulation, increased taxes, Obamacare and anti-business rhetoric were economic anchors, Obama sucks

for eight years, he was "the least prepared man in the room". He worked at nothing and accomplished less.

as for the equity markets, their growth in value is obviously not dependent on economic growth, because there was no economic growth to speak of. Their profits grew because they cut expenses, like jobs and payroll, and their balance sheets improved because they're hoarding cash. That combination of events makes stock prices soar.

Unemployment? if the Labor Participation Rate were the same today as when he took office, instead of being near all time lows, the UE rate would be 3% higher. Unemployment is really 8% or more today, Obama takes credit for the fact that people stopped looking for jobs, simply shameful.

Oct 12, 2008

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Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!


Looks like the cyber mocking /bullying will continue as President!! .....did anyone really expect a geriatric would change colours ? He's 70......I thought he would ! Was waaaaaay off . In my defence he's president elect not president ....yet .Anyone think therapy would help ? Or a twitter ban only way to go?

We are in Neverland . Enjoy

Active member
Jun 18, 2007

Sep 21, 2004

<button class="UserCell-followButton u-sizeFull FollowButton Button Button--textBlue Button--small" jsaction="follow" jsnamespace="FollowButton" aria-label="Follow" style="color: rgb(29, 161, 242); font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-variant-caps: inherit; line-height: 1.5em; margin: 0px; overflow: visible; -webkit-appearance: none; cursor: pointer; border-color: currentcolor; padding-top: 0.4em; padding-bottom: 0.3em; border-top-left-radius: 0.35rem; border-top-right-radius: 0.35rem; border-bottom-right-radius: 0.35rem; border-bottom-left-radius: 0.35rem; position: relative; -webkit-user-select: none; display: block !important; width: 100% !important; background-position: 0px 0px;">
<svg viewBox="0 0 78 72"><use fill="currentcolor" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="/i/rw/svg/d59db662aca906e7d567f8c0732ec807/icon#icon-follow"></use></svg></button>

Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!


Looks like the cyber mocking /bullying will continue as President!! .....did anyone really expect a geriatric would change colours ? He's 70......I thought he would ! Was waaaaaay off . In my defence he's president elect not president ....yet .Anyone think therapy would help ? Or a twitter ban only way to go?

We are in Neverland . Enjoy
Donald is spot on with that tweet,FUCK these union thugs who continue to steal money,give it to the Dems,and destroy jobs

Active member
Jun 18, 2007

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Donald being handed a well oiled cash machine......just like he did 70 years ago.

Hopefully he doesn't take the company of the United States into bankruptcy like his other companies.

Obama is handing you a boom.....don't fuck it up.

Oct 12, 2008
national debt...

Bush- 4 trillion to 8 just 4 yrs?

Obama- 8 to over 19 .......ugh..WOW...

Trump? appears, it's FUCK IT TIME. We will run this 'as i see fit', we will tell companies what to do, to 'negotiate' . We will keep jobs in USA. We will build bridges, roads...increase public spending (further increase jobs) and we will decrease taxes. AND we will de-regulate

ALL IN.....:)............

the % of interest on the national debt has actually decreased via the Fed's mandated low interest rates. Those days APPEAR to be done. Mortgage rates are INCREASING, they are at a 2016 high since Mr Trump's stock market roll continues and bond yields are rising. The Fed to likely INCREASE rates in a week and a half or so ., we are in wild wild wild times. If shit doesnt go too well, does Mr Trump snap and send a tweet at 2:00am blaming the Fed for increasing rates and demanding they decrease rates?...........

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

something rarely talked about anymore, the interest on national debt

Obama benefited from record low interest rates for 8 years (usually there's some period of growth and interest rates increase)

any moderate increase in interest rates and the deficit soars

the goal is to have more tax revenues from a growing economy, something we haven't done in a decade, grow the economy

a growing economy will solve a lot of problems, "a rising tide raises all boats"

Oct 12, 2008
we will see how that works out....

a 'growing economy'WILL have to increase, as the Fed is set to increase rates AND most say increase rates TWICE in 2017. It has more debt to service.

from a personal standpoint , i want rates to increase. No more easy money . PAY for my money

Oct 12, 2008

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