Don't understand all the hubbub for lynching VICK


New member
Feb 7, 2007
she so horny



See, I thought you looked retarded. I said that guy looks like he has a touch of down syndrome. I was right. You are retarded.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
cant stand kimchee either but i agree this is way overblown. a huge ring was busted here a year ago and the guy paid a 10k fine and did community service. mike vick does it and he's going to jail. people didn't care about it before, but i guess now they do since mike vick did it and not some regular joe like all the other times before. it amazes and scares me at the same time how we didn't give a shit all these past years when it happens, and now all of a sudden vick does it, media perpetuates the situation and the feds are sending him off. and this comes from someone who hates vick to.

if the charges are just the dogfighting and he goes to jail for that then it's a problem. if there are other charges though, then i may fall into the other camp depending on the other charges. at the moment though i don't think he should go.

New member
Jul 27, 2006
if the charges are just the dogfighting and he goes to jail for that then it's a problem. if there are other charges though, then i may fall into the other camp depending on the other charges. at the moment though i don't think he should go.

Should he not got to jail because you dont think dogfighting is not worthy of jail time OR because other people only pay 10K and do community service?
I would love to see anybody that does it serve time.Just because others have done it and avoided jail time,does not mean the general public has not cared until now.
I wish they would all rot in jail.If you have such little regard for life then I could care less if you are around.
Sure its made into a 100 times bigger thing because its a NFL superstar.But if they want to use him as a example to scare others and to bring a Dirty,disgusting,sick sport out in the open-then so be it.The guy is a scumbag.Hanging dogs and electrocting them?Anybody that feels sorry for the guy is pathetic.

New member
Aug 18, 2006
Should he not got to jail because you dont think dogfighting is not worthy of jail time OR because other people only pay 10K and do community service?
I would love to see anybody that does it serve time.Just because others have done it and avoided jail time,does not mean the general public has not cared until now.
I wish they would all rot in jail.If you have such little regard for life then I could care less if you are around.
Sure its made into a 100 times bigger thing because its a NFL superstar.But if they want to use him as a example to scare others and to bring a Dirty,disgusting,sick sport out in the open-then so be it.The guy is a scumbag.Hanging dogs and electrocting them?Anybody that feels sorry for the guy is pathetic.

i don't feel one bit of sorrow for this VIck shmick...He's An asshole ....But It is Obvious Like It or Not ...THIS STORY Is WAY OVERBLOWN !!! :party:

New member
Jul 27, 2006
Let me put it this way.Even "If" it is overblown then I am glad.Many people think dogfighting is not a big deal.Maybe now they will think different.

Woah, woah, Daddy's wrong, Mommy's right.
Feb 25, 2006
While Kimchee may not have said it in the most eloquent of manners, there is some truth to what he says. Vick is a scumbag and what he did is idiotic, inhumane and reprehensible, but where is the outrage for Leonard Little? Jayson Williams? Even Pac Man and his clowns that crippled a bouncer and ruined a family aren't as reviled as Vick.

New member
Feb 3, 2007
While Kimchee may not have said it in the most eloquent of manners, there is some truth to what he says. Vick is a scumbag and what he did is idiotic, inhumane and reprehensible, but where is the outrage for Leonard Little? Jayson Williams? Even Pac Man and his clowns that crippled a bouncer and ruined a family aren't as reviled as Vick.

Exactly, Little kills a wife and mother of 3 children and then gets another DUI but the fans can't wait to cheer him on. Ray Lewis was involved in the murder of two people but once again it's no big deal to most fans. There is less outrage when children get raped, tortured, and killed. WTF is wrong with our society? Vick is no doubt a scumbag and should pay the consequences but it's gone way too far.

Would there be as much outrage if Vick was fighting roosters instead? If not, why? Why is one animal any better than another?

New member
Jul 21, 2006
The crime is horrid, nobody will debate that, but we Americans care more about are dogs then people. Kids get baked alive in microwaves and it's so passe, this happens and it's a national controversy. Now I know why Al Quaeda used a dog to gas on national TV instead of just some prisoner. There is more uproar over the death of a dog then a person which is a sad commentary on are society.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
kimchee made the RR that is 84 threads in a row

I say vee cut off your Chonson !!!!
Sep 21, 2004
The crime is horrid, nobody will debate that, but we Americans care more about are dogs then people. Kids get baked alive in microwaves and it's so passe, this happens and it's a national controversy. Now I know why Al Quaeda used a dog to gas on national TV instead of just some prisoner. There is more uproar over the death of a dog then a person which is a sad commentary on are society.

Meanwhile events like the Iraq war get little to no coverage in the media thanks for our fascination with the likes of Michael Vick , Linsey Lohan , Paris Hilton and whatever the fukk Nicole Richie decided to have for breakfast. Its pathetic actually that we have to even watch the Michael Vick saga and talk about it so vehemently while US Soldiers are dying every day. I don't condone dog fighting , but let's real , 13 US soldiers died the two days from yet another car bomb attack and we're sitting around drooling at the prospect of Vick ( who killed a few dogs ) getting the maximum sentence. At the same time pedophiles and rapists are getting let out of prison early for good behavior and then they commit disgusting acts again. These highprofile celebrity cases have always been a tool of the Media to shift attention away from whats really important, and it works.

New member
Aug 18, 2006
Meanwhile events like the Iraq war get little to no coverage in the media thanks for our fascination with the likes of Michael Vick , Linsey Lohan , Paris Hilton and whatever the fukk Nicole Richie decided to have for breakfast. Its pathetic actually that we have to even watch the Michael Vick saga and talk about it so vehemently while US Soldiers are dying every day. I don't condone dog fighting , but let's real , 13 US soldiers died the two days from yet another car bomb attack and we're sitting around drooling at the prospect of Vick ( who killed a few dogs ) getting the maximum sentence. At the same time pedophiles and rapists are getting let out of prison early for good behavior and then they commit disgusting acts again. These highprofile celebrity cases have always been a tool of the Media to shift attention away from whats really important, and it works.


You Are Absolutely 100% correct In Your assessment . ..You couldn'tve said it Any better !:toast:
MY god ...We All know that Vick is A Total ASS , But Where The Fvck is the media's Coverage of This Fvckn war with our innocent soldiers just dyin everyday ?? sometimes I feel as Though The media really is in cahoooots With the government tryin to Invade our minds with Absolute OVERBLown Nonsense News !

Again , We All know Vick is horrible n I Hope he does Pay For Being inhumane , but Let's Focus on The Real PRoblems On this Earth instead of This Sensational journalism .
Sometimes, When I see How Some Americans are Gobblin Up This coverage along with sum Idiots on the Rx , i Don't Blame the Media .....They are Feeding Basic,overblown , Sensational ,propaganda to STupid Dumbfvcks Who Love Gossip ! Wake The Fvck Up People !!!!
Feb 20, 2002
Has Vick confessed to any crimes or been found guilty?
It sounds like everyone here is talking like he eloctrocuted dogs.
Would you feel better if someone shot or euthanized {needled} them instead?
How many millions of preborn babies have been murdered {aborted} in the USA?
By having their arms & legs ripped off first?

I say vee cut off your Chonson !!!!
Sep 21, 2004
Korea does big time , I googled eating dogs and all kinds of crazy shit came up ... Including this ....

This is a wake up call for all westerners who love dogs and cats and who keep them as valued members of their families. Did you know that in Korea there is an evil, cruel practice of killing dogs for food. Dog meat is touted as being a substance which can boost the sexual prowess of men. The fact that this theory is absolutely false, makes no difference. A profitable commerce has been established. Big money is involved and has corrupted the Government.
Dogs, waiting their turn & knowing the cruel end they are about to meet.
The eating of dogs for food is not a new controversy for South Korea, as this photo from 1988 indicates. The photo originally accompanied a story on dog meat sales by The Sun's Lorrie Goldstein during the 1988 Seoul Olympics. The government banned the killing of dogs for food, in locations frequented by visitors, during the Olympics. They were afraid of upsetting Westerners visiting their country.
The Koreans who eat these poor dogs, take great delight in watching the poor animals die, wagging their tails in a last moment's desperate, but futile plea for mercy. It is believed the more the dog suffers in death, the better tasting the meat! You better believe it, they know how to make it prolonged and painful. Slow hanging and burning the hair off with propane torches is common practise. Cats receive equal treatment, shoved into sacs which are then smashed against brick walls until the poor animals are pulverized. Then they are liquified in blender machines and sold as drinks.
Let it be clearly understood, we, at are not anti-Korean. We are dog lovers, and we just want this slaughter stopped. Many Koreans have told us, they want it stopped too, Saying that "they are ashamed and embarrassed".
Something to Think About!
Dogs and man have been living together, helping each other, for more than 30,000 years according to anthropoligists. That represents about 1000 generations. Geneticists believe the figure is closer to 100,000 years.
They were dangerous times, 30,000 years ago. Man's weapons for hunting and protection were primitive and enemies were everywhere, two legged and four. Often, a dog's warning of danger was how a man survived. If a dog saved the life of its master 30,000 years ago, then all descendants of that man, also owe their existence to that dog. Supose a man had two children in each generation and that there have been 1000 generations since that time, it means that 2 to the power of 1000 or 21000 would represent the number of people today, who owe their existence to that dog. That number, 21000 is a number greater than all the people who have ever lived! Saving its master's life was common place until fairly recent times. In the last 300 years St. Bernards alone, have been credited with saving over 3000 people from snow avalanches in Europe. Think about how many people today owe their existence to those St. Bernards. Newfoundland Dogs, better not forget them, because over the decades they have saved countless children, adults, and shipwrecked mariners from drowning. It doesn't take a genius to figure that every man and woman on the face of this earth probably owes his/her existence to some dog, way back. Don't you think that dogs have earned special protected status, worldwide. We do!
What can we do about this insidious practice?
Boycott all products made in Korea
We at have joined the boycott of all goods manufactured in Korea. We ask you to do the same. Everyone has the right to this decision. If the practice of slaughtering dogs and cats upsets you, you certainly have the right to choose other products. It is very easy. Just look at the label to discover where the product was made. If it was made in Korea, look some more. Spread the word to all dog and cat lovers and ask them to help. Tell the Korean government embassy in your country that you won't buy their goods.

Sep 18, 2006
Michael Vick is suddenly Public Enemy#1 in this country and that is ridiculous! Unquestionably what he did (I have not read all the gory details)was cruel, inhumane, asinine etc. but a part of me thinks if he was not a celebrity but a stupid backwood schmuck he would not be looking at time, more like heavy fines with much probation. Sadly I'm guessing these dogs were raised for this intention, it is not like he stole your pet dog off the front porch. Not defending any of this but keep it in perspective, there are true, dangerous criminals out there who would think nothing of killing a human to get his wallet - those are the ones that I want behind bars.

Actually they do this all the time. They steal family pets from backyards to offer as an easy "kill" to new dogs as a way to break them in and get the dogs a first taste of blood and killing.

On top of that, if the family pet that they steal appears to have any type of fight in its character, they routinely duct tape the dog's mouth shut before throwing it into the pit with the trained (and starved) fight dog.

These people have zero morals, zero sense of right or wrong and zero regard for life. And like most things, this one facet is probably just the tip of the iceberg and just a hint of all the other things they are capable of doing and the things they wrongfully endorse.

Screw jail time, fines or suspensions. Take Michael Vick and THROW HIS ASS INTO A PIT WITH TEN OF THESE DOGS (starved and ready to go of course) and if....if Vick makes it out alive, then perhaps he should meet the same fate as his dogs that did not perform up to par.

Dec 12, 2006
Just watch the current Real Sports on HBO and you will see some sick shit. They have a segment on dogfighting and it's unreal what these sadomaschist mf's put these dogs through.

New member
Jan 30, 2006
Big fucking deal, some dogs died. If I were a dog id prefer death over licking my ass and eating my own shit every day. They are filthy creatures that live a filithy life.

I saw on TV last week some guy taking his cat to have acupuncture treatment. Sticking needles in this cats body supposedly to treat pain but that cat sure didnt like it one bit he looked like it hurt! WTF? How come no outcry about this guy doing this to a cat? Then it hit me - this guy probably paid a couple hundred bucks to get this done to a furball while some poor kids at the local elementary school wont even have a jacket to keep warmthis winter - but does he care ? No! Because hed have to speak to HUMAN beings to communicate with the kids needing coats, why not blow it on some dumb animal that makes your house smell like urine.

Ive never understood people having pets. Even the word 'pet' itself sounds simpleton and foolish.

Boy Toy
Apr 16, 2007
Big fucking deal, some dogs died. If I were a dog id prefer death over licking my ass and eating my own shit every day. They are filthy creatures that live a filithy life.

I saw on TV last week some guy taking his cat to have acupuncture treatment. Sticking needles in this cats body supposedly to treat pain but that cat sure didnt like it one bit he looked like it hurt! WTF? How come no outcry about this guy doing this to a cat? Then it hit me - this guy probably paid a couple hundred bucks to get this done to a furball while some poor kids at the local elementary school wont even have a jacket to keep warmthis winter - but does he care ? No! Because hed have to speak to HUMAN beings to communicate with the kids needing coats, why not blow it on some dumb animal that makes your house smell like urine.

Ive never understood people having pets. Even the word 'pet' itself sounds simpleton and foolish.


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