I'd still like to see a regiment of illegal Mexicans move these stones with ancient technology.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_megalithic_sites#List_of_efforts_to_move_and_install_stones (from the previously listed link
they are not mexicans....but

Mark Lehner and NOVA organized an experiment to tow stones and to build a pyramid 9 meters wide by 9 meters deep by 6 meters high. They were able to tow a 2 ton block on a sledge across wood tracks with 12 to 20 men. Approximately 6 to 10 men pulled each ton. The pyramid was 54 cubic meters total estimated weight 135 tons. It was built out of 186 stones. The average weight of each stone was almost 1,500 lb (680 kg). (.75 tons) They found that 4 or 5 men could use levers to flip stones less than a ton and roll them to transport them
Giovanni Battista Belzoni organized an effort to pull a 7.5 ton fragment of a statue of Ramses on rollers with a group of 130 men in 1815. This statue was towed to the river and loaded on a barge where it was sent to London. Progress increased with practice as they went along. Approximately 17 or 18 men pulled each ton