Does anyone here sports gamble for a living??????


New member
Sep 21, 2004
This is by far one of the best threads ever as far as seriousness goes. Great posts from several people and I admire the fact that Oilman has posted honestly about his experiences. Lots of people don´t like to share their successful ideas but this thread has been different. Good job fellas and keep up the good work.

Sep 21, 2004
Once again guys, thanks for all the great responses. I've read all of them and each one gives me a good perspective on how each of you feels about gambling for a living. It's been my life long goal, but obviously it takes a lot more than I ever thought.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I imagine a constant supply of pepto bismol is required.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I'm making my first attempt at doing this for a living or maybe it would be better put if I said doing nothing else vs for a living.

One thing that may be obvious is to see the sport your putting action on. If I didnt have NBA inside dish TV I would probably not attempt this.

Allt he information you gather is just soeone's interpretation of what they saw. You cannot do it on just numbers so you have to witness whats going on. I stick with NBA and within that I often keep close tabs on 12 or so clubs at once.

Hopefully I will be proudly unemployed this time next year.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Billdozer- Welcome to the RX. Although some successful gamblers hardly ever watch a game, I am like you and find it very useful. Hope to see you around more Bullhead.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
mjred or anyone else. what kind of bankroll for that example he used? 2 dimes a game lets say my goal is 40 units. I bet flat units no matter what. i play 1-3 games per day in MLB, NCCAB, some NBA some NFL but maybe 5 on CFB saturday (my best sport).

what kind of bankroll do I need for a full calander year, lets say sep-aug since the focus is really CFB?!?!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
BillDozer ,I have different opinion about it,if you can watch 80-90% of ALL matches,then ok,otherwise the most probable is that you ll start jumping to conclusions without many evidences (this player is fantastic,this team sux etc&gt

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MAXIMUM VALUE:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>You don't really contribute to the well being of your society/country in terms of what you do. But you can donate money to charity and this usually will make you feel better.

This is very true.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, you can make the same argument about day traders, too... or any 'trader' for that matter. It's the "I'm smarter/faster than everyone else" mentality which allows certain individuals to excel at these types of jobs.

Come to think of it, how many of us really have 'rewarding' jobs? Not many, I'd imagine. If I was on my death bad tomorrow, I sure wouldn't look back on my life and think how much my job really helped society. Only a lucky few will be able to say this in the end. However, oil/red/dime all make the excellent point that the friendships you sacrifice by working alone is a major factor, and I would imagine would lead to a high rate of depression in this "field".

New member
Sep 20, 2004
like people said... maybe in the old days you could find the value with just the use of math but not today and def not me.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

You need a balance. I beleive the key to handicappn is to figure out which factors are not actually relevant for that specific contest.

If i see the heat playing the Mavs score a million points and then they play the Mavs again 3 days later I wanna know how the Heat scored. Was Dallas softer than usuall inside and rebounded more. Did morning hit 5 3 pointers which will never happen again? The writeups and the numbers won't telll you exactly what happened.

With league pass you can watch 80% of games. Every time you seea blowout you can tune in and see Shaq's body language and how he looks when hes getting torched by the Nuggets. Its a perspective you don;t usually get. It mortalizes superstars and emphasizes the fact that each team and person all have a % of a liklyhood to perform at his/her avg level.

I'm not sure if I'm makin sense outside my own brain at this point. DOn't get me wrong I'm not saying you should bet like a sports fan or on hunches but its a factor not to be overlooked.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I tell most people don't watch games live, especially if you have money on it. Its a rare man that can watch a game he has money riding on and be completely bias free. And if you are biased you aren't going to come to good conclusions. And I also think even without action its often best to avoid live games. I think the best analysis is done with taped games where you know the score and have read the box. If you see that team A turned it over 4 times, you start looking at the tape to see what was causing those. If team B had a 150 yard edge, note how much was earned in garbage time and what types of schemes they were doing it against. Things like that are huge insights that you can use, but if you are watching a live game you will miss them or have to watch the tape over to get them. And I will also add that a lot of guys make a living without ever really watching games, they might watch some for entertainment or whatever, but they aren't habitually on the TV. TV time clouds judgement and gets you away from quiet "sober" time where you do good uninterrupted analysis. If you are betting seriously and not getting the results you would like, I would suggest trying this and seeing if you can't improve. You would be amazed how many good insights just come to you if you get away from the TV and get away from your stats or the net and just think things through without forcing yourself to jump to conclusions.

As for bankroll, if you are serious you will never bet more than 2% on a single game unless you got backup bankroll or income sources. In time you probably will find 1% or so is the ideal amount, the point where no one game becomes a must win or where you feel you are betting at your proper level. You will always do your best when you bet underneath your resources. When the game doesn't mean that much and it just becomes an exercise of picking the right side, that is when you are betting at your optimal level and for most that is somewhere in the 1-1.5% level. Of course reality often dictates to the new guys that they bet higher %, but its a very risky road doing that and probably what both breaks and burns out those that might otherwise have the makeup to be winners at the game.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
hey sick, i was talking about people living off sports gambling, and not all gambling which would include lottories, poker, black jack, off course that would be a much bigger number but like i said it is extremeley rare for people to live off sportbetting and nothing else, i woluld honestly say this to any one attepmting to do this for a living, don't do it, it will take so much out of u u don't even know, i am lucky because i am good enough to only gamble 6 months out of the year, i could not imagine doing it year round, but like i said before i have zero chance of having a wife, or a family or even a steady girlfriend right now with this job , do not plan on having any where near a normal life, cause it is hard to keep your head up during a losing streak and feel good about the fact that your life is about hitting bets, and doubts about whether or not you will win again, i still get those thoughts even as succesfull as i have been, i do own a house san diego, i just do not have a lot of trust in foregin banks yet, but i am sure they are safe.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by red007:
I have a graduate degree in business <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My background is very similar to yours. I also have a graduate degree in business. But, I do have a "full time" job. I use my business skills (mostly investment management, corporate finance) to sports "trade". I bet part-time and its 100% analytical: based strictlly on statistics, probability. I am doing farily well for part time work (2 hours a day)

I'd be interested in learning what type of sports "trades" you make.

New member
Feb 20, 2001

I know it's rare to know people that do this for a living only. Believe it or not, I have met over 3000 sports gamblers in this city, and I swear, not one does this for a living successfully. They're all losers lifetime. It is very hard, I agree. Not anyone can do this. It's sorta like an art. You're either born with it, or you're not. No matter how many times you explain here to people how to only bet bad numbers, don't chase, etc.. it won't help for 99% of the posters here because if it is in your character to bet a tv game or to chase, you cannot teach someone not to. Just like if I asked Barry Bonds to teach me how to hit 500 foot homers, can i do it? NO WAY. You're either made for this, or you're not, It cannot be taught.. It comes from years of experience..You're either born with it, or you're not. If you are not good with numbers, how can you be good at looking at a screen all day long filled with numbers.. You'd go crazy..

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TK:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by red007:
I have a graduate degree in business <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My background is very similar to yours. I also have a graduate degree in business. But, I do have a "full time" job. I use my business skills (mostly investment management, corporate finance) to sports "trade". I bet part-time and its 100% analytical: based strictlly on statistics, probability. I am doing farily well for part time work (2 hours a day)

I'd be interested in learning what type of sports "trades" you make.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The two sports that I make most of my money are tennis and nascar.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i hear ya sick, i said it before and will say it again, don't give up your day job. gamble recreationally with money u can afford to lose, don't try to be a pro cause it is much more rare to be a pro sports bettor than to be a pro athlete, u would never try out for the nba, so why try to make it in a field that is just as rare and probably harder, don't think u r good and ready to be a pro cause you won three months in row, it means nothing until u quit your job and try to do it full time, when u know this is your only income pressure sets in and most people fold big time under pressure, suicide rate amongst gamblers has to be as high as any other group not higher. sick is right, this is not luck, it is a talenet mastered by very few, like i said most people have a better chance of playing in the nba than they do being a succesfull gambler. there is a reason why this is the fastest growing industry in the world, lots and lots of losers.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Your gonna meet more winners online and losers in person since no one here can see what we all drive, where we live, what we eat and wear. Im not gonna admit I gamble for a livingas I drive away in my 89 Escourt or tell people how to be a successful gamer and rent a 300 dollar apartment.

Most people online are like coaches. Big fat white guys telling all his big black players to dunk.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
hey billdozer
i drive a mazda pick up, but i have a half million dalloar house, who cares what u drive, i could go buy an $80,000 mercedes but stuff like that just draws too much attention from agencies, and attention is what no pro gambler wants, specially attention form the wrong people. by the way the only fat thing about me is my bankroll, take care and brush your teeth.

New member
Feb 20, 2001
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by scpnc:
hey billdozer
i drive a mazda pick up, but i have a half million dalloar house, who cares what u drive, i could go buy an $80,000 mercedes but stuff like that just draws too much attention from agencies, and attention is what no pro gambler wants, specially attention form the wrong people. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

EXACTLY. very well said.. And very true..

New member
Feb 20, 2001
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sick gambler:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by scpnc:
hey billdozer
i could go buy an $80,000 mercedes but stuff like that just draws too much attention from agencies, and attention is what no pro gambler wants, specially attention form the wrong people. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

EXACTLY. very well said.. And very true..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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