Do you believe in RE-INCARNATION ?

Aug 17, 2019
Here is the only truth that can not be challenged with proof.

No one knows if there is a heaven. No one knows if there is re-incarnation.
No one knows where the end of the universe is.
We are humans that tell stories and offer speculation.
The day God shows up on live TV and shows us all proof with miracles and a video of heaven with all our loved ones waiting, is the ONLY day it becomes fact and real.
Until then - we all have only hope and "believe".

No other answer is fact.

The truth is "the kingdom of heaven is in you" and every religious text references this. Again, "IN YOU" so people need to stop looking outwardly and go inward to find the truth...start sitting in silence (meditation) and you will understand what this means. In this silence is where you find God and all your answers. Follow the ancient eastern world yogis because they understand this better than anyone. Also, the day God shows up on live TV proves nothing except that you've been swindled by a demi-god or satan itself because God isn't human, doesn't have a face and doesn't know gender and certainly would never "show up on live TV". God is all creation... everything you see, hear, touch, smell and feel is God. You were created with the 5 senses so you could experience God at all times in all things you do. Most humans don't understand this because if they did they wouldn't abuse their bodies, hate each other, pollute our planet or do the many other things they do. The sun in the sky that warms us and provides the energy for our foodsource is the "Son of God" religious texts refer to and, again, most do not understand this but it is fact. The truth is you can't know God until you experience God... I have and if you want to then you need to be willing to discount everything you have ever been taught and be willing to seek truth.

Nov 11, 2007
The truth is "the kingdom of heaven is in you" and every religious text references this. Again, "IN YOU" so people need to stop looking outwardly and go inward to find the truth...start sitting in silence (meditation) and you will understand what this means. In this silence is where you find God and all your answers. Follow the ancient eastern world yogis because they understand this better than anyone. Also, the day God shows up on live TV proves nothing except that you've been swindled by a demi-god or satan itself because God isn't human, doesn't have a face and doesn't know gender and certainly would never "show up on live TV". God is all creation... everything you see, hear, touch, smell and feel is God. You were created with the 5 senses so you could experience God at all times in all things you do. Most humans don't understand this because if they did they wouldn't abuse their bodies, hate each other, pollute our planet or do the many other things they do. The sun in the sky that warms us and provides the energy for our foodsource is the "Son of God" religious texts refer to and, again, most do not understand this but it is fact. The truth is you can't know God until you experience God... I have and if you want to then you need to be willing to discount everything you have ever been taught and be willing to seek truth.

Again I agree wholeheartedly with what you state here and in other posts.

God guides me every day in what I do, and for lack of a better, my life on Earth in this day and what I do is a mere stepping stone to my

next level of existence when die, whether it be simple reincarnation to another being on Earth or just some other kind of bodiless shape or form,

I believe my Soul moves on with the experiences on Earth and prior ones in time and space as learning tools to better my Being/Spirit toward

Universal Love and Goodness.

I fully believe is what you stated in your own NDE as well as those of others.

Imo it is a mistake to use human logic to try to define out existence because our minds are finite and can understand the meaning of our lives

here on Earth to a limited extent.

I also believe in a lot of what Dr. Ben Carson says re: the human brain and its relation to God.

Jun 4, 2018
Here is the truth... God does not judge at all.
If God / jesus doesn't judge anybody then how do you explain this , the JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST ( for believers ) & The GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT ( for non - believers )
Aug 17, 2019
If God / jesus doesn't judge anybody then how do you explain this , the JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST ( for believers ) & The GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT ( for non - believers )

You simply do not understand the metaphorical references you have read and continue to read. You are interpreting things literally but nothing about the Bible is literal. Again, it was written in metaphors and parables that most can't understand, not even those who teach it. It was done intentionally and by design. In your statement you say "God/Jesus" in the same breath as if they are the same... they are not. You also keep saying Jesus and Christ ("Jesus Christ") in the same breath as if they are the same... they are not! Christ is "Christ Consciousness" and Jesus is "Jesus the Christ" or Jesus the human who achieved Christ Consciousness during is time here on this planet. Buddha and other adepts and ascended masters achieved the same. So you are making a huge mistake by continually putting Jesus and Christ together. You reference "The Judgement Seat of Christ"... notice is says Christ and NOT Jesus Christ. It is you and other humans who automatically assume that when Christ is referenced it automatically means Jesus Christ... it does not! It means Christ Consciousness and not Jesus the Christ-ed Human. And as I already stated before, there IS judgement when you "die" but it is YOU that judges YOU... NOT GOD, not Jesus or any other face or name you believe! Again, to think God (Creator of All) judges or cast out makes him evil and God is not that, nor does it make sense to think God would judge or cast out any of his creations. God loves all, even Satan and has called it one of it's greatest creations. If you truly want to understand the Bible, or most religious texts, you would need an deep understanding of Astrology because most metaphors and parables are actually astrological references. As I stated previously the "Son of God" is actually our SUN (the one in the sky) and NOT a person like most believe. Son = SUN.

Sep 21, 2004
You simply do not understand the metaphorical references you have read and continue to read. You are interpreting things literally but nothing about the Bible is literal. Again, it was written in metaphors and parables that most can't understand, not even those who teach it. It was done intentionally and by design. In your statement you say "God/Jesus" in the same breath as if they are the same... they are not. You also keep saying Jesus and Christ ("Jesus Christ") in the same breath as if they are the same... they are not! Christ is "Christ Consciousness" and Jesus is "Jesus the Christ" or Jesus the human who achieved Christ Consciousness during is time here on this planet. Buddha and other adepts and ascended masters achieved the same. So you are making a huge mistake by continually putting Jesus and Christ together. You reference "The Judgement Seat of Christ"... notice is says Christ and NOT Jesus Christ. It is you and other humans who automatically assume that when Christ is referenced it automatically means Jesus Christ... it does not! It means Christ Consciousness and not Jesus the Christ-ed Human. And as I already stated before, there IS judgement when you "die" but it is YOU that judges YOU... NOT GOD, not Jesus or any other face or name you believe! Again, to think God (Creator of All) judges or cast out makes him evil and God is not that, nor does it make sense to think God would judge or cast out any of his creations. God loves all, even Satan and has called it one of it's greatest creations. If you truly want to understand the Bible, or most religious texts, you would need an deep understanding of Astrology because most metaphors and parables are actually astrological references. As I stated previously the "Son of God" is actually our SUN (the one in the sky) and NOT a person like most believe. Son = SUN.

Your erudition is obvious. But, you are engaging an idiot who I hope you understand is baiting everyone for the attention he craves. He obviously is ignorant when it comes to biblical study from a contextual and historical perspective as the vast majority of Christians are. He will not take anything away from your comments other than to keep the thread going and continue the divisiveness he foments.
Aug 17, 2019
Your erudition is obvious. But, you are engaging an idiot who I hope you understand is baiting everyone for the attention he craves. He obviously is ignorant when it comes to biblical study from a contextual and historical perspective as the vast majority of Christians are. He will not take anything away from your comments other than to keep the thread going and continue the divisiveness he foments.

Thank you for your comment. I am fully aware of who/what this rwjr is... I feel sorry for him and others like him honestly. And I mean this sincerely with a heavy heart. My only wish is that something I said in my few posts will motivate someone somewhere to want to seek truth.

Jun 4, 2018
The truth is "the kingdom of heaven is in you" and every religious text references this. Again, "IN YOU" so people need to stop looking outwardly and go inward to find the truth...start sitting in silence (meditation) and you will understand what this means. In this silence is where you find God and all your answers. Follow the ancient eastern world yogis because they understand this better than anyone. Also, the day God shows up on live TV proves nothing except that you've been swindled by a demi-god or satan itself because God isn't human, doesn't have a face and doesn't know gender and certainly would never "show up on live TV". God is all creation... everything you see, hear, touch, smell and feel is God. You were created with the 5 senses so you could experience God at all times in all things you do. Most humans don't understand this because if they did they wouldn't abuse their bodies, hate each other, pollute our planet or do the many other things they do. The sun in the sky that warms us and provides the energy for our foodsource is the "Son of God" religious texts refer to and, again, most do not understand this but it is fact. The truth is you can't know God until you experience God... I have and if you want to then you need to be willing to discount everything you have ever been taught and be willing to seek truth.
So your saying that the SUN ... the star at the center of the solar system is actually ' the son of god ' ? , is that what your crazy Ass is telling us . because if that's what your saying your fucking nuts to put it nicely .

Jun 4, 2018
By the way , during your NDE ( sportsbookdata ) where was jesus ?

Jun 4, 2018
Your erudition is obvious. But, you are engaging an idiot who I hope you understand is baiting everyone for the attention he craves. He obviously is ignorant when it comes to biblical study from a contextual and historical perspective as the vast majority of Christians are. He will not take anything away from your comments other than to keep the thread going and continue the divisiveness he foments.
if re-incarnation existed ( which it doesn't ) I'm pretty sure Sal has been the ' village idiot ' more than a few times in his past lives :):)

Jan 13, 2019
So your saying that the SUN ... the star at the center of the solar system is actually ' the son of god ' ? , is that what your crazy Ass is telling us . because if that's what your saying your fucking nuts to put it nicely .

He has obviously confused Jesus with Horus! There is abundant historical proof that Jesus existed. Whoever doubts that just ask yourself what year we are living in and why is it 2019?
Aug 17, 2019
He has obviously confused Jesus with Horus! There is abundant historical proof that Jesus existed. Whoever doubts that just ask yourself what year we are living in and why is it 2019?

I never said Jesus wasn't real. In fact, I acknowledged more than once that he was a real person. Jesus was a human, like you and me, and he had a soul like you and me. Jesus awakened his soul during his time here and achieved Christ Consciousness, thus Jesus THE Christ or Jesus Christ for short. Jesus called this awakening of the soul the "rebirth by spirit", meaning he was no longer controlled by the material mind but rather his spirit. But he is not the real Son of God referred to in text... the Son of God is actually the SUN as I stated. I recognize this may confuse most but it is 100% truth. The Son of God in text is a metaphorical reference for our actual SUN. Many bow down to Jesus as if he is God himself or the actual Son of God, meaning physical Son of God Creator of All but they are confused again by the many metaphorical references and parables. Jesus said "I am in Father, you are in me and I am in you." meaning we are all brothers and sisters or "SONS" of God. Jesus also said "I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to your God and my God", again meaning we are all brothers and sisters who come from the same source and will go back to the same source. Jesus was never a self-proclaimed "God" or anything "Divine", he was a human who achieved Christ Consciousness, something that is very tough to do in one lifetime here. He, in turn, shared his experience as a teacher, or Guru in the East, because he wanted people to know the truth of their existence and awaken their souls. This was evident when he said "I will ask the Father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever". Notice he said "THE Father" and not "MY Father"... there is a huge difference between "the" and "my". In this statement Jesus wanted others to know he would ask for another helper to always be available to assist all humans in awakening their own souls. He did NOT mean "let me physically go to God MY Father and have a one-on-one talk with him". He meant that from a spiritual perspective he would ask through prayer and meditation. And these teachers have arrived and departed since Jesus left and have taught us the same message. But Jesus was not the first teacher (Guru), nor was he the "beginning" to anything. He was one of the many important teachers in a long line of others who achieved the same Christ Consciousness, most notably were Buddha and Krishna prior to Jesus and Paramahansa Yogananda most recently. Many may know Yogananada from his book "The Second Coming of Christ", but many misinterpreted his work thinking Jesus himself was coming back in physical form to save us and people are actually sitting around waiting as if he really going to show up at their doorsteps... wrong! If you truly understood the teachings you would understand "Jesus" already arrived! He is all around us everywhere... this is evident by "The Great Awakening" we are currently experiencing as a race, planet and universe. We have entered a time of higher consciousness (Christ Consciousness), a more spiritual time where peace and unity are rising above "divide and conquer".... turn off your TV, power off your computers and cell phones for a moment and look around... look closely and listen closely... you will see the real truth and not what a control group wants you to think is real through mass media brainwashing. Peace, love and unity... it is the reality now! Always remember, there is only one God... it is the Creator of All and doesn't have a face, name or physical form... it just is. We are all brothers and sisters, or "sons of God" so if you hate another you, in effect, hate yourself and hate God. It's the undeniable truth!

Jun 4, 2018
I never said Jesus wasn't real. In fact, I acknowledged more than once that he was a real person. Jesus was a human, like you and me, and he had a soul like you and me. Jesus awakened his soul during his time here and achieved Christ Consciousness, thus Jesus THE Christ or Jesus Christ for short. Jesus called this awakening of the soul the "rebirth by spirit", meaning he was no longer controlled by the material mind but rather his spirit. But he is not the real Son of God referred to in text... the Son of God is actually the SUN as I stated. I recognize this may confuse most but it is 100% truth. The Son of God in text is a metaphorical reference for our actual SUN. Many bow down to Jesus as if he is God himself or the actual Son of God, meaning physical Son of God Creator of All but they are confused again by the many metaphorical references and parables. Jesus said "I am in Father, you are in me and I am in you." meaning we are all brothers and sisters or "SONS" of God. Jesus also said "I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to your God and my God", again meaning we are all brothers and sisters who come from the same source and will go back to the same source. Jesus was never a self-proclaimed "God" or anything "Divine", he was a human who achieved Christ Consciousness, something that is very tough to do in one lifetime here. He, in turn, shared his experience as a teacher, or Guru in the East, because he wanted people to know the truth of their existence and awaken their souls. This was evident when he said "I will ask the Father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever". Notice he said "THE Father" and not "MY Father"... there is a huge difference between "the" and "my". In this statement Jesus wanted others to know he would ask for another helper to always be available to assist all humans in awakening their own souls. He did NOT mean "let me physically go to God MY Father and have a one-on-one talk with him". He meant that from a spiritual perspective he would ask through prayer and meditation. And these teachers have arrived and departed since Jesus left and have taught us the same message. But Jesus was not the first teacher (Guru), nor was he the "beginning" to anything. He was one of the many important teachers in a long line of others who achieved the same Christ Consciousness, most notably were Buddha and Krishna prior to Jesus and Paramahansa Yogananda most recently. Many may know Yogananada from his book "The Second Coming of Christ", but many misinterpreted his work thinking Jesus himself was coming back in physical form to save us and people are actually sitting around waiting as if he really going to show up at their doorsteps... wrong! If you truly understood the teachings you would understand "Jesus" already arrived! He is all around us everywhere... this is evident by "The Great Awakening" we are currently experiencing as a race, planet and universe. We have entered a time of higher consciousness (Christ Consciousness), a more spiritual time where peace and unity are rising above "divide and conquer".... turn off your TV, power off your computers and cell phones for a moment and look around... look closely and listen closely... you will see the real truth and not what a control group wants you to think is real through mass media brainwashing. Peace, love and unity... it is the reality now! Always remember, there is only one God... it is the Creator of All and doesn't have a face, name or physical form... it just is. We are all brothers and sisters, or "sons of God" so if you hate another you, in effect, hate yourself and hate God. It's the undeniable truth!
New age quackery leads straight to hell

Jan 13, 2019
I never said Jesus wasn't real. In fact, I acknowledged more than once that he was a real person. Jesus was a human, like you and me, and he had a soul like you and me. Jesus awakened his soul during his time here and achieved Christ Consciousness, thus Jesus THE Christ or Jesus Christ for short. Jesus called this awakening of the soul the "rebirth by spirit", meaning he was no longer controlled by the material mind but rather his spirit. But he is not the real Son of God referred to in text... the Son of God is actually the SUN as I stated. I recognize this may confuse most but it is 100% truth. The Son of God in text is a metaphorical reference for our actual SUN. Many bow down to Jesus as if he is God himself or the actual Son of God, meaning physical Son of God Creator of All but they are confused again by the many metaphorical references and parables. Jesus said "I am in Father, you are in me and I am in you." meaning we are all brothers and sisters or "SONS" of God. Jesus also said "I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to your God and my God", again meaning we are all brothers and sisters who come from the same source and will go back to the same source. Jesus was never a self-proclaimed "God" or anything "Divine", he was a human who achieved Christ Consciousness, something that is very tough to do in one lifetime here. He, in turn, shared his experience as a teacher, or Guru in the East, because he wanted people to know the truth of their existence and awaken their souls. This was evident when he said "I will ask the Father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever". Notice he said "THE Father" and not "MY Father"... there is a huge difference between "the" and "my". In this statement Jesus wanted others to know he would ask for another helper to always be available to assist all humans in awakening their own souls. He did NOT mean "let me physically go to God MY Father and have a one-on-one talk with him". He meant that from a spiritual perspective he would ask through prayer and meditation. And these teachers have arrived and departed since Jesus left and have taught us the same message. But Jesus was not the first teacher (Guru), nor was he the "beginning" to anything. He was one of the many important teachers in a long line of others who achieved the same Christ Consciousness, most notably were Buddha and Krishna prior to Jesus and Paramahansa Yogananda most recently. Many may know Yogananada from his book "The Second Coming of Christ", but many misinterpreted his work thinking Jesus himself was coming back in physical form to save us and people are actually sitting around waiting as if he really going to show up at their doorsteps... wrong! If you truly understood the teachings you would understand "Jesus" already arrived! He is all around us everywhere... this is evident by "The Great Awakening" we are currently experiencing as a race, planet and universe. We have entered a time of higher consciousness (Christ Consciousness), a more spiritual time where peace and unity are rising above "divide and conquer".... turn off your TV, power off your computers and cell phones for a moment and look around... look closely and listen closely... you will see the real truth and not what a control group wants you to think is real through mass media brainwashing. Peace, love and unity... it is the reality now! Always remember, there is only one God... it is the Creator of All and doesn't have a face, name or physical form... it just is. We are all brothers and sisters, or "sons of God" so if you hate another you, in effect, hate yourself and hate God. It's the undeniable truth!

That is a bunch of new age baloney. New agers believe that everybody is a god. Jesus was God incarnate and in John 14:6 he stated "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." The celebration of the false day of his birth, called Christmas, was initiated by roman emperor Constantine around the year of 330 ad. Due to the growing number of Christ followers he declared christianity as the new official religion of Rome. To appease those that have been following the pagan religions in Rome he merged paganism with christianity and declared Christmas as the day of the birth of Christ to coincide with the pagan winter solstice drunken orgies celebrated in honor of the sun god. Jesus has nothing to do with the fictitious pagan sun god. Even our founding fathers knew this and did not celebrate christmas and worked on dec 25. Christmas was not even declared a national holiday until almost 1880.

Jun 4, 2018
That is a bunch of new age baloney. New agers believe that everybody is a god. Jesus was God incarnate and in John 14:6 he stated "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." . Jesus has nothing to do with the fictitious pagan sun god.
agree 100%
Aug 17, 2019
That is a bunch of new age baloney. New agers believe that everybody is a god. Jesus was God incarnate and in John 14:6 he stated "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." The celebration of the false day of his birth, called Christmas, was initiated by roman emperor Constantine around the year of 330 ad. Due to the growing number of Christ followers he declared christianity as the new official religion of Rome. To appease those that have been following the pagan religions in Rome he merged paganism with christianity and declared Christmas as the day of the birth of Christ to coincide with the pagan winter solstice drunken orgies celebrated in honor of the sun god. Jesus has nothing to do with the fictitious pagan sun god. Even our founding fathers knew this and did not celebrate christmas and worked on dec 25. Christmas was not even declared a national holiday until almost 1880.

It's NOT "New Age baloney", it's your inability to understand what you are actually reading. Your interpretation of your quote "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" is proof of this. You think this quote means literally through Jesus himself as if he is God or a gatekeeper... wrong! Again, notice the reference to THE Father in the quote... he's not saying HIS Father. The real meaning of this quote is the only way we get back to THE Father is through Christ Consciousness. Again, most people do not understand that Jesus and Christ are two separate things. Again, Jesus only became Jesus the Christ after achieving Christ Consciousness. Prior to this he was just a human like you and me, of course a more special one because his soul was far more advanced which allowed Christ Consciousness to be attained in one lifetime here.

As I have said before, organized religion is dangerous because it backs you into a box, a box that often prevents you from seeing the truth. This is why we see extreme groups inside most religions, people who will kill and die because they believe so strongly in a story that has been misinterpreted from the beginning of time. This RWJR references the Muslims in a previous post but the problem is he thinks ALL Muslims are extremists and, of course, they are not. It's only a VERY small percentage of the Muslims who are the extremists and they are the ones that give all Muslims a "bad name"... but extremists exist in all religions! And frankly, some of the worst are western world Christians. One could argue that RWJR is an extremist... he certainly is showing many signs of one and is clearly in a box that he, himself, doesn't even understand and probably will never get out of. It amazes me how aggressive he is in his posts about Jesus Christ, there is nothing anyone here can say that will ever change him but yet he doesn't even understand who Jesus really is or what he is reading in the Bible.... this is typical of religious extremists. Listen, if you want to truly understand God (Creator of All), or even Jesus, you need to have a very broad and deep understanding of certain Philosophies and Astrology. There's a reason why so many Indigenous groups worship the SUN GOD and always say "it's in the stars".

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