OK if it's just around election time I guess it's acceptable then.
Still, I don't think this thread is silly at all because everyone who has bet offshore as much as I have knows that there are certain signs which correlate to potential trouble. True, asking for a phone call is minor, especially when there may be other circumstances involved, but let's be real...we know some books pay virtually instantly at the click of a button. These happen to be the top books and this is no accident. When a certain book is incapable of doing the same, that has significance IMO and sharing that info. with other players helps the other players. After all, isn't this info. exchange what the Offshore Forum is about?
There is a thread in Offshore at this moment about corned beef/pastrami sandwiches in Vegas. Nothing wrong with that as there is a lot of space in cyberspace, but to call something silly because it is unimportant but not call something else silly and unimportant which is obviously unimportant is a bit inconsistent, don't you think?