Peanut man should drop to his knees every night and praise Jesus that Ronald Reagan followed him and cleaned up the mess he made.
Carter's administration brought the U.S. some of its worst economic conditions in living memory - with soaring interest and inflation rates - his worst failing as President was in the realm of foreign policy. His human rights policy led to human rights disasters in Nicaragua and Iran, where he facilitated the rise to power of Marxists and Islamist despots, respectively. Both of those new tyrannies far surpassed the brutality of their predecessors. The fruits of the Iran disaster are still very much with the United States today. If the U.S. would have supported the Shah or his successors, the history of the past 25 years in the Middle East would have been very different, and the Iranian people would have fared much better. Moreover, the Soviet Union would have hesitated greatly over invading Afghanistan in 1979. Carter's timid approach to international conflicts emboldened the USSR to extend its reach further into the Third World. By letting the Soviets know he would not respond if they invaded Afghanistan, Carter spawned a war that ultimately saw one million dead Afghans, five million displaced, and a situation of evil that nurtured the Islamic hatred and militancy that ultimately turned on the West and brought about 9/11.You are goofier than a road lizard. Ronnie inherited a pretty warm bed. Far far better than Carter got or Clinton got or Obama's going to get.
I was 33 when Carter took office and 37 when Regan took over. I got married and was always employed never was never broke and never had to fight a war. Not a bad president.
Carter's administration brought the U.S. some of its worst economic conditions in living memory - with soaring interest and inflation rates - his worst failing as President was in the realm of foreign policy. His human rights policy led to human rights disasters in Nicaragua and Iran, where he facilitated the rise to power of Marxists and Islamist despots, respectively. Both of those new tyrannies far surpassed the brutality of their predecessors. The fruits of the Iran disaster are still very much with the United States today. If the U.S. would have supported the Shah or his successors, the history of the past 25 years in the Middle East would have been very different, and the Iranian people would have fared much better. Moreover, the Soviet Union would have hesitated greatly over invading Afghanistan in 1979. Carter's timid approach to international conflicts emboldened the USSR to extend its reach further into the Third World. By letting the Soviets know he would not respond if they invaded Afghanistan, Carter spawned a war that ultimately saw one million dead Afghans, five million displaced, and a situation of evil that nurtured the Islamic hatred and militancy that ultimately turned on the West and brought about 9/11.
Well nobody had to fight a war for me either.
Remember the Clinton years? All that horrible peace and prosperity?
Most of the first years were about inflation, high gas prices and the 55mph limit.Do any of the left wingers in here remember the Carter years?
I'll give you Carter was dealt a pretty weak hand, but he misplayed it miserably.Most of the first years were about inflation, high gas prices and the 55mph limit.
The last years were a huge Iranian hostages circle jerk where the press talked about nothing else except hostages hostages hostages, hostages hostages hostages.
The hostages were released the day after Carter left office and the Reagan administration did various military equipment deals with the Islamic fundamentalists, which ended up with those arms-to-Iran hearings.
Carter got a bad hand, just like Obama is getting.
An economically trashed America, with a floundering foreign policy.
déjá vu
You guys need to vote McCain and force the Republicans to eat their own shit sandwich.
Was'nt a big thing with Carter was wanting to get off foreign oil for national security reasons, I think he even out solar panels on the roof of the white house but Regan took them down.
Imagine if when Regan took over he would have kept going the the same path, where would the States be today. Maybe you'd be energy indpendent and be using an enviromental friendly energy source and maybe the states would be a role model for the rest of the world instead of being one of if not the most hated country in the world.
Yeah they all hate us, yet when they get here they do thier hardest to not go back from where they came from.
LOL more hate America shit. Like I give a fuck what someone from but fuckland cares. Go away