DHS Intelligence Report Warns of Terror Threat - Not from ISIS, but a similar foe... Right Wing Extremists


New member
Oct 19, 2007
It makes easy sense. You, I or any regular united states citizen who resides in the states....has a better chance of being harmed by a right wing extremist than by ISIS. Now if we decide to go to Syria or Iraq those probablities change. But nobody could read the writings of the right wing freaks here and not believe they could be dangerous people.

That's very true. Here in Alaska, if I ever see someone with a Don't Tread on Me bumper sticker or a Tea Party shirt on, I stay as far away as possible. You never know when the voices in their heads will tell them to shoot. I wish there were more people that would stand up against these right-wing terrorists!

Aug 6, 2006
Yes, let's base our understanding of terror threats off of the media's lead stories. God, you become dumber every day, lol.

Just think, if I keep getting dumber every day one day I can be an idiot like you, lol.

Aug 6, 2006
"Obama's administration has foolishly given the appearance of actively siding with the Islamic terrorists by circulating its heroically daft assessment that “right-wing sovereign citizen extremists” who kill by the twos and threes are more of a threat to the security of the United States than the terrorists who shriek Allahu akhbar as they kill U.S. citizens by the thousands.

There have been a dozen terror attacks by gun-slinging mass murderers or terrorists on U.S. soil in recent years, though not all of these were “right wing.” But let us set these admittedly lamentable events in a rather obvious context. In a single incident in 2001, some 3,000 innocent citizens were killed, on U.S. soil, in the destruction of the World Trade Center.
And the people behind that massacre were not “right-wing sovereign citizen extremists.” They were – like it or not, Mr. “Muslim” Obama – Islamic extremist terrorists.
It was that incident, after all, that led to the establishment of the Department of Hapless Ineptitude in its present form." ~ Lord Monckton

Aug 6, 2006
CNN.com Hypes Obama DHS Study on 'Domestic Right-Wing Terror Threat'
By Ken Shepherd | February 20, 2015

"Bigger threat than ISIS?" blared the teaser headline on CNN.com's splash page shortly after noon Eastern today. "DHS warns of domestic right-wing terror threat," added the subhead, beneath a stock photo of a K-9 police unit looking into the trunk of an automobile.

Here's how Evan Perez and Wes Bruer opened their CNN.com story (emphasis mine):

They're carrying out sporadic terror attacks on police, have threatened attacks on government buildings and reject government authority.

A new intelligence assessment, circulated by the Department of Homeland Security this month and reviewed by CNN, focuses on the domestic terror threat from right-wing sovereign citizen extremists and comes as the Obama administration holds a White House conference to focus efforts to fight violent extremism.

Some federal and local law enforcement groups view the domestic terror threat from sovereign citizen groups as equal to -- and in some cases greater than -- the threat from foreign Islamic terror groups, such as ISIS, that garner more public attention.​

The Homeland Security report, produced in coordination with the FBI, counts 24 violent sovereign citizen-related attacks across the U.S. since 2010.

The government says these are extremists who believe that they can ignore laws and that their individual rights are under attack in routine daily instances such as a traffic stop or being required to obey a court order.

They've lashed out against authority in incidents such as one in 2012, in which a father and son were accused of engaging in a shootout with police in Louisiana, in a confrontation that began with an officer pulling them over for a traffic violation. Two officers were killed and several others wounded in the confrontation. The men were sovereign citizen extremists who claimed police had no authority over them.

Among the findings from the Homeland Security intelligence assessment: "(Sovereign citizen) violence during 2015 will occur most frequently during routine law enforcement encounters at a suspect's home, during enforcement stops and at government offices."

Let's back up a bit and process this a little. You'll notice that Perez and Bruer insist that "ome federal and local law enforcement groups" consider right-wing "sovereign citizens" as equal to if not a greater danger than ISIS-inspired radicals. Yet they do not disclose what groups exactly? Is this the official position of law enforcement entities or rather that of politically-operative interest groups like say a fraternal order of police? Perez and Bruer don't say although the point to a survey from two years ago:

A survey last year of state and local law enforcement officers listed sovereign citizen terrorists, ahead of foreign Islamists, and domestic militia groups as the top domestic terror threat.

The survey was part of a study produced by the University of Maryland's National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism.

Of course, even there, it must be admitted such a survey reflects what those officers subjectively feel are their greatest terror threats. It's not necessarily an accurate objective ranking of threats using all the available intelligence and some defined rubric for assessing threat.

That being said, police officers are right to be wary of lone-wolf attacks regardless of the underlying motivation. All the same, however, it's worth noting that the recent wave of Islamist terror attacks in Europe shows individuals connected to or in some way inspired by Islamist radicals attacking not a lone cop or two on the beat but "soft" civilian targets like the Charlie Hebdo office and a kosher grocery store in Paris, a cafe in Sydney, and a coffee shop and later a synagogue in Copenhagen.

Radical Islamist violence may incidentally involve the wounding or killing of police officers, but that does not seem to the primary target of such attacks. Again, police are right to be concerned about all kinds of inspiration for lone-wolf terror attacks, but it seems more likely, for example, that a civilian would be taken hostage in a cafe or attacked in a synagogue by an jihadist inspired by ISIS than by a "sovereign citizen" who harbors his hatred primarily for cops and politicians.

Aug 6, 2006
Using Alkipki's idiotic standards the only domestic terror attack in recent years occurred in Ferguson, Mo.

Aug 6, 2006
Have “right-wing sovereign citizen extremists” burned anyone alive? Have these “right-wingers” kidnapped large numbers of left-wing women and pressed them into sex slavery? Boasted that they would conquer the United States and ultimately the world, and that they had sleeper cells in place in the U.K. ready to start killing? Have they actually killed anyone beyond the two officers mentioned in this report? Do “sovereign citizens” give children weapons training and severed heads to play with? Do they burn musical instruments, murder left-wingers for the sole crime of being left-wingers, crucify people as children watch, chop off women’s hands for using cell phones, and behead people for smoking cigarettes?

Yet “some federal and local law enforcement groups view the domestic terror threat from sovereign citizen groups as equal to — and in some cases greater than — the threat from foreign Islamic terror groups, such as ISIS, that garner more public attention.” Yeah, sure. This is just more of the Obama Administration’s unstinting efforts to deflect attention away from Islamic jihad terror.​

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Posting random opinion pieces from the .com world is not helping your case. This is an actual report of information gathered by organizations that know more about terrorism and the threat of terrorist attacks in the United States than anyone in the world. I suggest you listen to them, rather than find anyone on the Internet that thinks they know more than them.


Information detailing the alleged terrorist threat was collected from state and local fusion centers, the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, the DHS, BATF, DEA, ICE, and state and local homeland security and anti-terrorism task forces.

“The 2013-14 study results show that law enforcement’s top concern is sovereign citizens. Although Islamic extremists remain a major concern for law enforcement, they are no longer their top concern,” the START report states. According to the organization, threats posed by sovereign citizens include cyberterrorism, the use of explosive devices, military weapons, and biological, chemical and radiological weapons.

Aug 6, 2006
Posting random opinion pieces from the .com world is not helping your case.

Help my case? I've already shredded that phony 'report' and thoroughly whipped your fat ass in this thread. I don't care if you're too stupid to know it. I'm only continuing to post because it bothers you. This place does need a scoreboard though, just so YOU can see what it really is.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Help my case? I've already shredded that phony 'report' and thoroughly whipped your fat ass in this thread. I don't care if you're too stupid to know it. I'm only continuing to post because it bothers you. This place does need a scoreboard though, just so YOU can see what it really is.

The fact you think you can shred a report given by the people who know more about terror threats in the United States than anyone in the world is probably the funniest thing of all. That's how psychos thinks. You're going to have to come up with something better to prove the DHS, ICE, DEA, and FBI don't know what they are talking about.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Help my case? I've already shredded that phony 'report' and thoroughly whipped your fat ass in this thread. I don't care if you're too stupid to know it. I'm only continuing to post because it bothers you. This place does need a scoreboard though, just so YOU can see what it really is.

There's a reason he was voted this forum's dumbest poster and is ridiculed everywhere on the net.


"The Homeland Security report, produced in coordination with the FBI, counts 24 violent sovereign citizen-related attacks across the U.S. since 2010."

- Quazi Nafis and attempt to blow up Fed reserve

- Daniel Patrick Boyd and the Triangle Terror Jihad Group
- Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif, aka Joseph Anthony Davis
and the Military Processing center
- Mohamed Osman Mohamud and Christmas Bombing Plot
- James Cromitie/Rahman, David Williams/Daoud, Onta Williams/hamza; and Almondo and attempt to blow up Jewish center and airplanes
- Faisal Shahzad and Times Square
- Hosam Maher Husein Smadi and blowing up Dallas Skyscraper
- Sami Osmakac—Plot to Bomb Locations in Tampa, Florida

- Ohio OWS members trying to blow up Cuyagoa and Brecksville Bridges http://www.fbi.gov/cleveland/p...
- Amine Mohamed El-Khalifi attempt to blow up
- Najibullah Zazi
- Muslim convert Jose Pimentel—Plot to Bomb New York City Targets and Troops
- Mansour Arbabsiar—Plot to Assassinate the Saudi Ambassador
- Rezwan Ferdaus—Plot to Attack U.S. Capitol and Pentagon
- Naser Abdo—Plot to Attack Targets Near Fort Hood
- Ulugbek Kodirov— Jihadist Plot to Assassinate President Obama
- Emerson Begolly—Plot to Encourage Jihadist Acts
- Yonathan Melaku—Plot to Shoot Targets in Washington, DC
- Waad Ramadan Alwan and (23) Mohanad Shareef Hammadi material support to jihadists
- Joseph Jeffrey Brice/strength of Allah—Testing Explosives
-Hafiz Muhammed Sher Ali Khan: financing attacks
-White Supremist Kevin William Harpham—Attempt to Use an Explosive Device
- Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari—Plot to Bomb U.S. Targets and Bush Home
- Antonio Martinez/Hussein—Plot to Bomb Armed Forces Recruiting Center
- Farooque Ahmed—Plot to Bomb Washington, DC, Subway Stations
- Sami Samir Hassoun—Plot to Detonate an Explosive Device near nightclub
- Paul Gene Rockwood and (44) Nadia Rockwood plotted jihadist attacks.
- Zachary Adam Chesser conspiracy to kill South Park creators
- "Hutaree” Charged with Attempted "Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction" and use a pipe bomb to blow up Sheriff vehicle—March 2010

"Right Wing Extremists!"

New member
Oct 19, 2007
There you go Scott, Joe agrees with you. You must really be on to something, lol.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
That's very true. Here in Alaska, if I ever see someone with a Don't Tread on Me bumper sticker or a Tea Party shirt on, I stay as far away as possible. You never know when the voices in their heads will tell them to shoot. I wish there were more people that would stand up against these right-wing terrorists!

Correct. These are not normal, stable people. Just angry and unstable....that's how they go thru life. Stay away....far away

Aug 6, 2006
There you go Scott, Joe agrees with you. You must really be on to something, lol.

^^^This style of posting is sure working wonders for you around here.

Never had anything intelligent to say. But still saying it.....

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Correct. These are not normal, stable people. Just angry and unstable....that's how they go thru life. Stay away....far away

Hahaha, very true. That's why these guys are so fun to argue with. It's too easy. When it comes to global warming, I use the climate scientist argument, when it comes to economics, I use the academia/ivy league/actual policy makers arguments, when it comes to terror threats, I use the DHS, FBI, and DEA argument, lol.

These people honestly believe that finding bloggers opinions that refute these experts claims is some how at all significant. If you are going to dispute these experts arguments, you need far more than some blogger opinion piece, lol.

Aug 6, 2006
Hahaha, very true. That's why these guys are so fun to argue with. It's too easy. When it comes to global warming, I use the climate scientist argument, when it comes to economics, I use the academia/ivy league/actual policy makers arguments, when it comes to terror threats, I use the DHS, FBI, and DEA argument, lol.

These people honestly believe that finding bloggers opinions that refute these experts claims is some how at all significant. If you are going to dispute these experts arguments, you need far more than some blogger opinion piece, lol.

Started with a hahaha. Ended with an lol. What was in between?

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Started with a hahaha. Ended with an lol. What was in between?

You would do yourself wonders if you started reading and understood what I wrote. Then you wouldn't look like some conspiratorial loon that shows up on the DHS terror watch list, lol.

Aug 6, 2006
You would do yourself wonders if you started reading and understood what I wrote. Then you wouldn't look like some conspiratorial loon that shows up on the DHS terror watch list, lol.

Hahaha, Fucking Loser, lol.

Jul 4, 2012
Posting random opinion pieces from the .com world is not helping your case. This is an actual report of information gathered by organizations that know more about terrorism and the threat of terrorist attacks in the United States than anyone in the world. I suggest you listen to them, rather than find anyone on the Internet that thinks they know more than them.

Yeah, they were super effective when it came to the WTC in 1993 & 2001.

"Listen to them" - um, you're actually bragging you're an idiot sheep.

You are so fucking dumb it is unbelievable.

Jul 4, 2012
Yet “some federal and local law enforcement groups view the domestic terror threat from sovereign citizen groups as equal to — and in some cases greater than — the threat from foreign Islamic terror groups, such as ISIS, that garner more public attention.”

Note that "sovereign extremists" isn't a group you can join. Nor is the DHS Secretary on TV warning about them.

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