Let's watch these
DIGA: This stock had a huge rally in the last hour. It traded just over 1,000,000 shares, but 70% of its volume ocurred between 2 and 3 p.m., where the price gained 20%. Will be looking more into this later this evening and into tomorrow.
FSII: Upon the release of positive business news this morning, this stock climbed 30% before meeting resistance at its 1 year high. It closed the day at $1.50 (+26%) -- its one year high is $1.52. However, this was only a $2 stock before the recession hit, so I don't know how much upside there is from here.
RPFG: This stock gained 41% today. It is one of the stocks I mentioned early on in this thread -- I'll have to go back and look at what price it was then, but I know it was down from the time I mentioned it. After taking a quick gander, I think today may have been nothing but a dead cat bounce, as last week this company entered into a cease and desist order from the FDIC, and is a strong candidate for going under. However, these are the stocks I love to play, it's just a matter of whether or not there is any upward momentum left, and what the downside risk is should I be wrong. After the run up I enjoyed with UCBH, I will be looking to convince myself to hop on board here. This stock has a one year high of $5.10 and closed at .82 today.
TLR: This stock trades on the AMEX, which I ususally don't mess with, but the fact that it gained 50% on 10 times average volume is worth mentioning. I also had this stock written down on a piece of paper a couple days ago for some reason, so will be looking at this one closer. It closed at $1.33 and has a one year high of $1.50, plus its all time high is a little over $4, so not sure if there's enough upside potential to get involved at this level, but who knows.
It's kind of funny, but a lot of stocks I follow received their little delisting notice from the NASDAQ today, so it'll be interesting to see what happens there in the next day or two....I'm hoping there might be some overzealous selling by nervous investors
Just took a quick glance back to the first page, and when I put RPFG on my list back on the 1st of September, it was trading around $1.30, so obviously a good thing I didn't get involved.