It is just ridiculous to get a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt.
In Pennsylvania I can ride a motorcycle without a helmet and its legal, but if I am driving a car without a seatbelt I can be given a ticket. What kind of reasoning is this? In either case its my business and mine alone if I want to bust my head open. I am so tired of the government getting into all of our business
This is what happens when we live in a society controlled by the safety nazis. What can you do? Some states will let you take seat belt school. You go to a class where some trauma nurse yells at you for two hours and shows you slides of broken people. In turn, you pay $20 and get the ticket tossed. If you only make $10 an hour or less, this is a good alternative. Otherwise, you only have one slight chance to get out of it. Plead not guilty and have a trial date set. When you get the date request a set over, or different date. With this you at the very least get to slow pay the SOB's. Show up at court and hope the cop doesn't make it. If he does you can change your plea to no contest and pay what you would have paid if you had plead guilt at the onset.
Police officers in the state of Florida cannot legally pull a driver over solely on a charge of not wearing your seat belt.
They have to have other cause for making the stop at which time if they believe you weren't belted they can cite you.
Did you confess to the accusation at the scene?
it happened in north carolina today while visiting family. so if anybody in the tarheel state can offer any advice regarding a class or something to get out of it that would be great.
You broke the law, you pay the fine. Quit crying cuz you got caught. I hope they make you pay the full fine, you broke the law and got caught simple as that.
Police officers in the state of Florida cannot legally pull a driver over solely on a charge of not wearing your seat belt.
They have to have other cause for making the stop at which time if they believe you weren't belted they can cite you.
Did you confess to the accusation at the scene?
I got a speeding ticket last year from a state trooper doing 85 in a 70. About a week later I got a slew of letters from ambulance chaser-type laywers who said they could get it reduced. I took one up on it and for 50 bucks more than the ticket cost the lawyer got it reduced to "improper equipment" no points on license no increase in insurance and I never had to show up for court. Best 50 i ever spent. Never even talked to lawyer just emailed him and sent a check. You need a lawyer that handles traffic cases in the county that you got the ticket in and see what they can do for you. State troopers dont fuck around if they pull you over you are getting a ticket for sure.