If no one gets 1237, there is no one who deserves anything. It's an open convention. The voters didn't pick a candidate, so it's up to the Party to pick a candidate. They won't pick Cruz for many of the same reasons they wouldn't pick Drumpf. The funniest thing in all this is seeing People and a Party that hate Cruz, as much as he hates them, playing footsie simply because Drumpf is a worse nightmare, at least in Wisconsin.
You don't get a Touchdown if you're stopped at the 8 yard line, just because you came close, so I don't agree there's any principle here.
Kasich would be the candidate who would most likely beat Hillary, what should be the #1 goal. The only reason I don't put him as most likely is because there would be a large contingent that would want to move away from any candidate in 2016 that did not get to 1237, but that's speculation on my part. If my spec is correct, then they'd turn to Ryan, who seems like THE R guy to turn to in situations similar, like they did for house speakership.
No evidence he is bailing. Just some of us think his recent actions seem to indicate he may not want to do this for another 7 months and then have to run the country for 4 years ontop of that. Either that or he is a lot dumber than we thought. After Nevada and then Super Tuesday he has just done a horrible job of pivoting. Doesn't seem like he even understands some of the most basic aspects of gov't and policy. And his recent gaffes seem so bad that they almost have to be somewhat intentional.
Be hilarious if it was Trump/Hillary and the libertarians nominate McAfee instead of Johnson somehow. Just totally blow any chance at breaking through.
It has been that kinda cycle all around.
I think when/if it gets into the Party's hands to decide, they will be looking at beating Hillary 1st and foremost, and the realists know Cruz has no shot to do so. His finishing 2nd to Drumpf among the small minority that is the GOP Primary voters won't weigh in the decision. They don't like Cruz, nor would they owe him anything, other than a hearty thanks for helping to derail Drumpf.I'm sure all of this has been discussed at length behind closed doors already and I really believe it would be Cruz . Otherwise you would not be having all this GOP establishment endorsing Cruz in droves.
It would make them look kind of dumb picking someone besides Cruz after just about all the higher ups In the GOP held their nose and endoursed him.
I know what you are saying on paper is true. Not really stealing anything if nobody gets 1237. But this is not something that has happened in a really long time. Most people's lifetimes as a matter of fact.
And in in this climate of most people thinking that the GOP is not listening to them they are almost forced to take Cruz or the backlash will be so great that no matter how they pick besides Cruz would almost have no chance. And I'm not even sure Cruz would be justified in some people's eyes. Never mind the fact that he is less then 50% anyway even if he were to get 1237
You're not alone, but like Spock said, the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few. I'm not voting for Hillary under any circumstances, but I realize most D's who say that now, will ultimately vote for her. Same in this case. You are a man of principle, as am I, and when we say something about Politics, we stick to it, but most people don't. They fall in line with what's best for the party they identify with. That's why no 3rd party up to now has been able to break through, even though in every election we hear about voting for the lesser of 2 evils.Honestly I'm not even on the trump bandwagon and I actually do like Romney, Kasich, and Ryan.
But I would have a really difficult time supporting one of those guys under these conditions .
I have a hard time believing I'm alone.
MOVED UP AGAIN 2016 Republican Party Presidential Nomination - Odds to Win (All Bets Action) - November 08, 2016 12:00 EST