1. U are the classic "im gonna accuse you of what i do, be4 u accuse me, so that i have credibility" guy.... this is YOUR M.O. ....its what u do
2. I have been here longer than u, and i have seen the change in the forum from beginning of last year tille xactly one year...its no coincidence the increase of arguments name calling, etc is caused by u and a select few....you brought this.
I've been here since 2000, just got rid of some negative usernames
3. U are fooling yourself if u think a) i bring nothing to this forum, and b) u do......there is now ay in hell thats true....ergo im not saying im valuable, but whatever us ay is true of me, is equally true of yourself, its just the way it is......
Records speak for themselves
4. You are guilty of the worst kind of problem at therx.......u have a group of 2-5 cronies u rally to agree with u, or appear to be the consensus in threads like these or ingame little fights to do exactly what u do everytime i post.....its not worth getting into, its a free forum, and the moderators honestly let your kind run rampant....but if anyone ever reas the words that get written, they'd know this to be true.
90% of your posts, either don't make sense or are bitching about a fix
The other 10% is going against the people here.
BTW, i seriously have had enough of this, im in the syracuse area, if u would ever like to meet face to face, id love to settle this, im not for arguing over the internet, u hide behind your keyboard, and im done with the back and forth, Id love to see u say any of this to my face......i m not gonna get into "im this big and weigh this much, etc, or ill do this to u"...blah blah.................u say the things u say about me or act toward me, because u wanted to make an enemy, well............Now u have one......You can send me a PM, if u would ever like to box or fight in person, ....i dont resort to violence, but who are we kidding.....logical arguments and debate are not your strong point despite your avatar and your pretending to be quite logical......ua re the antithesis of logical. U wanna get into battles of name calling over the internet to settle something and that isnt for me, Illw reck you if u ever decide you wish to meet face to face....
Your such a tough guy on the internet, aren't you.
Now say whatever u want to that challenge, alternate matter of settling this....but if the next words out of your mouth are anyhting along the lines of continuing internet fighting, and not, "ok ill leave u alone, or fine we will settle this" then simply shut your fucking mouth and save the rest of the forum the wasted space u take up with your incessant negative comments about me. I know i tried to be like u one day and go into all your threads and blast you in response to what u tdo tome...IT WAS UTTERLY EXHAUSTING TO BE THAT CHILDISH, AND I WONT CARRY ON IN THIS FASHION ANY LONGER WITH U.....U ARE NOT WORTH THE ENERGY TO RESPOND