For those interested, I recently (today) had a conversation with a gentleman at Credit Wagering (CW) and here is the jest of my converstaion via the CW 'live chat' system.
I say:
Now tell me, are you or is CW open 24 hrs?
He says:
we are open from 9am eastern to the last halftime of the day
I say:
What does the last halftime of the day mean?
He says:
usually thats 10-11 pm eastern
I say:
So to clarify are you saying that CW opens at 9 a.m. est and closes at what time? 10; 10:30 or 11 p.m. est?
He says:
that's correct
I say:
Well what happens if a person wants to place a halftime wager on a sport which goes at 10:30 p.m. for example? Are you indicating that the opportunity won't be available?
He says:
you can wager 24 hours a day. customer service is open from 9am until the last half time is gone, usually that is 10-11pm
I say:
When you say customer service, are you referring to this 'live chat' system that you and I are on currently?
He says:
thats correct
I say:
Is there a toll free phone number for customer service?
He says:
no there there is not. customer service is via live chat or email only.
I say:
That's very unusual, very unusual. Are they going to get a telephone number and if so, how long before one is up and available?
He says:
no, we will not offer phone support at any time.
I say:
I thought I read a recent notice or email sent out from CW indicating a telephone # is soon to be available.
I say:
You are not aware of this?
He says:
not for customer support, that will be via live chat
I say:
So if a person wants a question answered immediately, he or she will never be able to speak directly to a person on the telephone?
He says:
by phones no.
I say:
Very interesting and I'll pass this on to the sporting forum.
I say:
Lastly, how long before I receive a debit card in the mail?
He says:
this has been our concept from the start, customer service by live chat (of course he is still referring to the telephone question)
He says:
once you request your first payout, the card is sent wed by 2 day service
He says:
you will receive it friday with your winnings already loaded
I say:
And the max I can wager is $100 on a game?
He says:
thats correct
I say:
Am I able to place a $100 on a 3-team or 4-team parlay?
He ays:
$50 limit on parlays, with a $1000 credit limit, as stated on the credit wagering site:
I say:
Thank you for your time and patience. Bye, bye.
He says:
have a good day
I say:
Sorry, go ahead.
I say:
You were going to say.
He says:
said have a nice day
I say:
Thanks, bye.
Live Chat session concluded.
Now from my sportsbook experience, I haven't come across many, if any at all, sportsbooks that do not provide a toll free telephone number or two for that matter for customers to touch base with either customer service, managers, etc.
I thought I read somewhere here on the RX sub-forum yesterday or the day before a particular thread, which while discussing Credit Wagering, included some information from someone who said Credit Wagering indicated they would have a telephone line and number in place shortly for its' customers.
In an event, I'm quite simply very leary of any spoortsbook that fails to produce a telephone number for its' customer base for the purpose of making verbal contact.
Furthermore, I want to inform Canadians that these debit cards will be loaded in U.S. currency only and that ATM machines do not dispense U.S. currency; Canadian dollars only. Therefore if you happen to approach an ATM machine with the intention of using your debit card to withdraw, for example, $600 U.S., depending on the currency rate, you may only receive $580 Canadian dollars, meaning you will be shortchanged $20 each and every time you attempt to make a withdraw.
Now unless CW allows Canadians to have their accounts made in Canadian currency, which they don't, those north of the border will have to live with the fact that they will be shorted some funds upon making a withdraw at the ATM machines.
Simply some added thoughts to consider or keep in mind gents.