What is your experience in gambling? Does that go on your resume? Get a fu*king life bro before you start arguments by attacking people on the internet. I was trying to help people by advising them what another site has uncovered regarding who is running this operation, and that person has closed books before with deposits in them.
ur the one who needs a life.
u are scowering the internet all day and nite looking for beef and drama to spice up this thread.....its absolutely pathetic of u trash a book u have no proof or real experience with.
I have never played with matchbook therefore have NO SAY as to what kind of book they are, yet u come waltzing in on some of our parade and scream mercy , like the fat lady sung and blah blah.
all the bullshit bout the site being closed and run outtta who knows where and by god knows who is jus plain bulshitt...i mean seriously 3 months ago people said the site was gonna close in two weeks and its still running...NOW u think that during football coming up a site is gonna close down??? ...PPPPPPLLLEASE a site makes an absolute GOLD MINE during football..we all know it.
Jus plain inexperienced and dumb comments coming from u, but then u wanna act like u been in game for a while and ur a big wig exec from some high payin job with ur fat bank statement...LOL
hope ur signed up with all the A+ books..cause if u arent u shouldnt have shit to say....u prolly play on credit with a local and are a total hypocrite...or better yet ur betting over at lazerwager guaranteeing they will pay out cause ur money is in there!...LOL ...word to the wise...dont put out what u cant take back...dont wish upon us what u wouldnt want happening to u....u claim u are sharing a WARNING when in all reality u are SPREADING A VIRUS OF LIES and DECEIT and trying to claim it as ur own research from numerous sites...LOL then u say that lots of people may work for some Phil guy...ROFL how do u KNOW that the people spreading the rumors isnt a rival credit book....or any book for that matter???? ROFL U DONT....so drop it now before u really get crucified...u are washed up...speak again and u are jus plain brain dead...