Credit card info.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
For the record: No where in the email I recieved from Jim mason at is there any information that even remotley refers to GoWahoos' account. Nothing at all.


New member
Oct 22, 2004
There are two arguments here.
Firstly, they sent me out all this private information
Secondly, whether or not I wanted to be compensenated
regardless of whether or not I wanted to be compensated for what happened, they still sent me this information by mistake. and therefore, I will no longer trust them. The fact that they would send my private conversation about their site to a third party is also a little sketchy. My account information sent to a third party is just another breech.

"whether or not I wanted to be compensenated...regardless of whether or not I wanted to be compensated",

you are really a bad apple...3-1 you work in the federal gov't, as do all the slackers living in wash, dc
Sep 21, 2004
Visitor (GoWahoos): "You can give me your apologies all you want. But without monetary compensation for my troubles, I think it is a lost cause.".

You make statements like this and then bitch about your "private conversation" being shared with a third party after you just tried to EXTORT the book???

You're busted....period. :finger:

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
There are two arguments here.
Firstly, they sent me out all this private information
Secondly, whether or not I wanted to be compensenated
regardless of whether or not I wanted to be compensated for what happened, they still sent me this information by mistake. and therefore, I will no longer trust them. The fact that they would send my private conversation about their site to a third party is also a little sketchy. My account information sent to a third party is just another breech.

I don't see any denial from you regarding asking for compensation.

Are you not denying you asked for compensation?

married with children
Dec 31, 2004
lmao, what a sniv.

Good call wil, for once, we agree. All administrations have accidents, your government, bank, your work. Can't boycott nine because of this jackass leaking a harmless mistake for personal gain. Shit. Happens, most of it is covered up.

Jun 25, 2002
Mason said:
Hello all,

Those of you who know me or have read my previous posts know that I am man enough to admit when we've erred and am the first to correct that error. This guy is.....Well you decide for yourself.

A clerk in our accounting department accidentaly sent a CC authorization request to this gentleman instead of the intended receiver. The email included 8 of 16 possible digits (Not the whole CC number!), or the CVV code. So to be clear we did not send him the entire CC info, but part of the info. While that is certainly unacceptable it is also the reason we do not send the entire CC info in the first place! We apologized for the error and assured him it is not a frequent mistake and his information (Neteller) was safe. Remember, this guy is not even the owner of the CC in question!

He called and called relentlessly, then had me on the "Live Chat" for an hour and a half about his concerns for his fellow players security as well as his own which was understandable. I continued to assure him it was a one time clerical error and that his info (Claims he has used 2 CC's which he has not.) and the info of fellow players was safe. He refused to accept my apologies...He refused to accept that it could possibly have been a one time error..... Eventually he did get down to business. The business of internet extorsion. He demanded "Compensation" for his "Emotional Distress" or else he would go to the forums and expose us. I suggested we have the moderators at therx or any other forum settle this dispute and he refused. If I would not give him hush money, we was going to post. Well needless to say he didn't get any free money so here we are.

He is continuing to harrass and taunt us saying "Ha, ha, 100+ views equals 100+ never to be customers". He says that he doesn't care if he has no case he will simply bump and bump this thread to make sure we get bad press. Now he is logging in to our "Live Chat" posing as other customers who are "Outraged"!! Of course they are all coming from the same IP address. He is claiming to be an FBI investigator, calling people names, etc. This guy is a joke and frankly this stinks.


Actually the thing about views/lossed players is true in my case. I will never post up with your site because of this thread.

New member
Sep 18, 2005
While I don't believe in online gambling, I think it stinks on both ends. How do you send any info whatsoever to a different client? On the other hand Wahoo is a turd. He gives the impression that the whole number was sent. I believe the guy from the nine when he says wahoo tried to shake him down. As an internet retailer the same shit has happened to me. Something sent 1 day late and douchebags like wahoo say give me this or I am going to the forums. Screw you Wahoo, I would get a blue vein throbber in nine turned the transcripts and pnone recordings over to the FBI and get you for shaking down their company. Then light you up with a lawsuit. You probably keep cockroaches in your pocket to put on your dessert to get out of paying the check after you eat dinner at a resturant. Friggin creep!

Here to help
Jul 15, 2005
The gentleman contacted me this evening and we agreed to just let this die. And that's that. Thank you all.

Sep 21, 2004
I had a similar incident with a book. I tried to tell them that they had left a interactive game open after the game was over and they totally bashed me for it. Never tried to bet on the game or anything, was simply trying to be a nice guy. Books aren't your friend so don't try to be theirs.

PSU Fan...Go Lions
Nov 7, 2004
unconscious said:
fuck off wahoos, be a man.

I hate people like this.

(whatever whahoos his story is actually believable)

He's an immature prick...Just search his post...

Rx. Poster
Dec 26, 2004
i am sure he tried to get money from nine. nine was wrong for sending out the info, i am pretty sure this isnt the first time this has happend. dont most books not give bonuses unless you remind them and make deals with services and others?when you deal with companies in other countries you dont have a lot of recorse if something happens. people might take advantage of a mistake by a book just like the books take advantage of someone forgetting a bonus they are entitled to. no angels here!

New member
Oct 20, 2002
you guys know how i feel about this

BANN the fuckker

hopefully someone steals his password

Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004

GOWAHOOS is a GREAT fade. I am dissapointed that this happened. I wouldn't postup with because I don't feel they offer me anything that other more reputable books do not. I am glad this information came to light...

That said, I personally have always felt GOWAHOOS is a moron, and to me he resembles much of the trash seen at covers. He should have simply posted his information here, and alerted His IP should be banned. Hell, when me and my 2 roomates were posting from the same apartment, and we're arguing, we were threatened with a banning. Eventually, we were able to prove there were 3 different people living there, but nonetheless.

Extortion is a serious act. I suspect that GOWAHOOS would likely have gone to the forums even if he had been paid. His entire existence here at THERX consists of bashing Virginia tech. He offers nothing to this forum.

New member
Dec 22, 2004
This is another reason to use NETeller... I say that again N-E-T-e-l-l-e-r.
gowahoos, use N-E-T-e-l-l-e-r so that nobody will be able to access your CC informations.

PSU Fan...Go Lions
Nov 7, 2004
druidwarrior said:
This is another reason to use NETeller... I say that again N-E-T-e-l-l-e-r.
gowahoos, use N-E-T-e-l-l-e-r so that nobody will be able to access your CC informations.

Or Firepay, I have never had any problems with then either...

New member
Oct 12, 2005
People always wonder why insurance rates are so high.

Well I'm telling you frivilous and dishonest lawsuits are a large part of the formula.

What goes around comes around. Society is a product of its people.

I had an incident at my restaurant where the lady was complaining not enough pieces of shrimp were in her noodles. I kindly pointed out that the shrimp tales left on her plate adds up to the actual shrimp count we specified.

She continued to make a big deal out of it and swore she will tell everyone she knows what a bad restaurant my restaurant was if we didnt comp her meal. The thing finally ended when another customer of mind stepped up and pointed out that she is a regular here and never had any problems.

That customer left the store, still yelling......

Some people....I honestly don't know how they sleep at night looking themselves in the mirror.

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