Covid vaccine


New member
Jan 18, 2005
"Vaccines are rigorously tested and monitored and are among the safest medical products we use. Millions of vaccinations are given to children and adults in the United States each year. Serious adverse reactions are rare. However, because of the high volume of use, coincidental adverse events including deaths, that are temporally associated with vaccination, do occur. When death occurs shortly following vaccination, loved ones and others might naturally question whether it was related to vaccination. A large body of evidence supports the safety of vaccines, and multiple studies and scientific reviews have found no association between vaccination and deaths except in rare cases. During the US multi-state measles outbreak of 2014–2015, unsubstantiated claims of deaths caused by measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine began circulating on the Internet, prompting responses by public health officials to address common misinterpretations and misuses of vaccine safety surveillance data, particularly around spontaneous reports submitted to the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). We summarize epidemiologic data on deaths following vaccination, including examples where reasonable scientific evidence exists to support that vaccination caused or contributed to deaths. Rare cases where a known or plausible theoretical risk of death following vaccination exists include anaphylaxis, vaccine-strain systemic infection after administration of live vaccines to severely immunocompromised persons, intussusception after rotavirus vaccine, Guillain-Barré syndrome after inactivated influenza vaccine, fall-related injuries associated with syncope after vaccination, yellow fever vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease or associated neurologic disease, serious complications from smallpox vaccine including eczema vaccinatum, progressive vaccinia, postvaccinal encephalitis, myocarditis, and dilated cardiomyopathy, and vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis from oral poliovirus vaccine. However, making general assumptions and drawing conclusions about vaccinations causing deaths based on spontaneous reports to VAERS – some of which might be anecdotal or second-hand – or case reports in the media, is not a scientifically valid practice.

Vaccine caused deaths are statistically insignificant. Like being killed by lightning.

LIES!!! You need to do some real research on vaccines and how many issues their are with them, let alone how effective they really are...

Nothing but an ignorant communist

New member
Jan 18, 2005
"Those laws pertain to the sharing of your info by healthcare professionals; that is not what is being proposed.

In the law under consideration, nobody is sharing your info against your wishes. However, if you want to attend a restaurant, concert, etc. you would need to provide proof that you have been vaccinated. It’s up to you; if you don’t want to share this info then you don’t have to- it just means you can’t attend public events.

If I run a restaurant I can insist that you wear a shirt and shoes or else I won’t serve you. Insisting that my patrons are free of a life-threatening illness seems entirely reasonable. all of the covidiots who insist that they have a right not to wear a mask and that anyone who doesn’t like it should just stay home: time to put the shoe on the other foot. If you don’t want to get the vaccine then YOU can be the one to stay at home!



If businesses want to alienate a huge percentage of their customers that is their choice and also their choice to go out of business with their decisions

New member
Jan 18, 2005
Thanks to those who refused to get vaccinated for the flu.

C-19 is way worse than the flu. The USA is well on its way to over 300,000 dead from the virus in less than a year by the end of 2020. Without extreme safety measures that could easily have been 3,000,000 or 10X as many instead. So about 100X as many as die of the annual flu.

"By the way, the facts about COVID-19 vs Flue in the US - the lies Trump, Pense (saying flu kills 100k a year) and his uneducated masses is promoting:
Flu Deaths by season:
2015-2016 23,000
2016-2017 38.000
2017-2018 61,000
2018-2019 34,000
2019-2020 22,000
COVID-19 deaths year-to-date 2020 210,000 and rapidly rising.

Source: CDC and John Hopkins University
The fact-based world not the Trump alternative facts fantasyland."

Thanks Goebbels keep repeating a lie enough times and it will become the truth..

Feb 20, 2002
Thanks Goebbels keep repeating a lie enough times and it will become the truth..


Accusing others falsely of what they are guilty of. What is that called. Does it begin with the letter h.

Nobody around here bashes anyone more than I do, nobody pushes more buttons than me,


The "we" refers ONLY to incredibly stupid people like yourself who don't have either the genes or the intelligence needed to understand/accept the truth

and DOCUMENTED facts expressed so well by X-Files.

The relatively few objective folks who read and post here get, understand and appreciate the great and useful information

he provides here day in and day out!

I tried to after reading this, but I received a message about spreading karma around to other posters.

Keep fighting the good fight X. Willie and others like him would be bored without your contributions here.

X-Files, thanks to your service to the RX forum, Willie will have something to discuss during his unwinding celebrations later this month.

X-You’ve been done an excellent job providing Covid information


Actually, I am not defending what he wrote. He is very well spoken and is doing a good job on his own.

Thanks for the Updates X-Files. Keep the info coming!

X-Files-even though I will no longer be posting anything in this section nor in the Rubber Room any later by whatever comes first, Inauguration Day,

or when there is some finality to the results of the Election, I want to personally thank you for all of the informative and factual material you have

compiled and posted in your threads and otherwise re: the Virus, Trump and the Election.

My advice is just ignore the noise and keep on doing what you do because there are other objective and open-minded folks besides

me who appreciate your very fine insightful information!!

Keep up the great work!!

I second this, and, I hope that you'll reconsider, savage1.

Keep posting X-Files....the updates are great!! Haters are gonna hate...cuz that's what they do!

Thanks, soli. I will.

I'm not going to bother responding to all the lies by the pathological liars in the other posts. Blind sheep imitating their loser boy Trump.

Clearly they would rather make false personal insults than address the intelligent posts i have made re the OP topic, etc, with intelligent responses.

Who are they? God? Do they speak for Him? No. So their worthless lying opinions about me are easily dismissed & irrelevant. I know better.

Though their remarks do reveal quite a bit about themselves.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Do you spam this much at your perv site?

Originally Posted by bodyforlife

Go away now

Originally Posted by pathologist

...sadly thread will be ruined now with endless drivel

Originally Posted by Dr. Love

Whoever ultimately runs this place really must not give a shit about it to let this nut job continue to spam numerous threads with the same bullshit. Day after day.

Originally Posted by T Hawk

Dude, you are such a lying piece of shit!!

Originally Posted by HarryCaray

X hole stfu

Originally Posted by
posters here don't believe a word you say. That's sad

Originally Posted by T Hawk

He needs a blanket party

Originally Posted by T Hawk

Goebbels keep repeating a lie enough times and it will become the truth..
If nothing else shows this piece of shit is a Communist
Who the fuck do you think you are? You are nobody!!!

Originally Posted by JavyBaez9
Little beta cucks X-Files

Originally Posted by hehateme82
hacks like Xfiles is disgusting , a fucking disgrace. Fuck you X-Files.

Originally Posted by PatsFanatic
spamming your ignorance around

Originally Posted by PatsFanatic
don't read what you post, its waste of time.

Originally Posted by HarryCaray
X-Files the biggest loser on the internet. By far.
Imagine that life.

Originally Posted by Dr. Love
Legitimate mental illness.

Originally Posted by Willie99
Does anyone read what he posts? Seriously?
I don't think so

Originally Posted by Enfuego
Eat a grenade you fucktard.

Originally Posted by Enfuego
He doesn't understand basic mathematics. He's a liberal Canadian that is hell bent on hiding in his basement with Karen Rovell.

Originally Posted by brendanjack
You are a fucking joke.

Originally Posted by T Hawk
You are a fraud and not very intelligent as all you can do is copy and paste like a good communist.

Not one genuine thought from you ever, showing what a vapid soul you are

Originally Posted by PatsFanatic
This X-files character needs to start believing in the science and statistics....

Don't be a Covidiot dude!

Originally Posted by PatsFanatic
Whole bunch of nonsense....

The Atlantic and the Guardian??

Sep 21, 2004

[h=1]Report of 15-year-old’s death after getting vaccinated raises concerns about VAERS[/h]

DENVER (KDVR) — A new report in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System said that a 15-year-old boy from Colorado died from cardiac failure April 20, two days after receiving the Pfizer COVID vaccine.
There are no pre-existing conditions or allergies listed.
VAERS is a system that allows anyone to make a report without it being verified.

Nov 7, 2008

Report of 15-year-old’s death after getting vaccinated raises concerns about VAERS

DENVER (KDVR) — A new report in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System said that a 15-year-old boy from Colorado died from cardiac failure April 20, two days after receiving the Pfizer COVID vaccine.
There are no pre-existing conditions or allergies listed.
VAERS is a system that allows anyone to make a report without it being verified.

sadly there are thousands of stories like this that don’t get any media attention
Feb 20, 2002
sadly there are thousands of stories like this that don’t get any media attention

What's sad is:

"Viral Posts Misuse VAERS Data to Make False Claims About COVID-19 Vaccines"

"Why are so many babies dying of Covid-19 in Brazil?"

"Researchers analyzed the number of coronavirus cases and deaths among people under the age of 21 that were reported to the CDC between Feb. 12 and July 31 of this year.

They found more than 390,000 cases and 121 deaths."

"Flu deaths in children have been nationally reportable since 2004. Since that time, flu-related deaths in children reported to CDC during regular flu seasons have ranged

from 37 to 188 deaths.Aug. 21, 2020"

"Fewer Children Died in 2020, Despite the Pandemic. Experts Are Trying to Figure Out Why"

"...In the U.S., just over 100 children under age 15 died from COVID-19 in 2020."

Based on that - and that unlike the flu there have been extreme safety measures in place for covid - and that covid, unlike the flu, had no vaccine - covid should be considered to be more deadly to US children than the flu.


I have 34 members on this site on ignore, including 2 so far in this thread, out of over 100,000 Rx members. So i don't even see what they post, because those who are on the ignore function have their posts' messages hidden (unless one chooses to click "View Post" or remove them from the user ignore list).

Thankfully i have a number of guys here on ignore now, so i don't even read or see the nonsense, lies & drivel they post anymore. Anyone wanting to see me expose their errors can search out my older posts and threads. Who i have on ignore:

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