Covid vaccine

Feb 20, 2002
"Vaccines are rigorously tested and monitored and are among the safest medical products we use. Millions of vaccinations are given to children and adults in the United States each year. Serious adverse reactions are rare. However, because of the high volume of use, coincidental adverse events including deaths, that are temporally associated with vaccination, do occur. When death occurs shortly following vaccination, loved ones and others might naturally question whether it was related to vaccination. A large body of evidence supports the safety of vaccines, and multiple studies and scientific reviews have found no association between vaccination and deaths except in rare cases. During the US multi-state measles outbreak of 2014–2015, unsubstantiated claims of deaths caused by measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine began circulating on the Internet, prompting responses by public health officials to address common misinterpretations and misuses of vaccine safety surveillance data, particularly around spontaneous reports submitted to the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). We summarize epidemiologic data on deaths following vaccination, including examples where reasonable scientific evidence exists to support that vaccination caused or contributed to deaths. Rare cases where a known or plausible theoretical risk of death following vaccination exists include anaphylaxis, vaccine-strain systemic infection after administration of live vaccines to severely immunocompromised persons, intussusception after rotavirus vaccine, Guillain-Barré syndrome after inactivated influenza vaccine, fall-related injuries associated with syncope after vaccination, yellow fever vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease or associated neurologic disease, serious complications from smallpox vaccine including eczema vaccinatum, progressive vaccinia, postvaccinal encephalitis, myocarditis, and dilated cardiomyopathy, and vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis from oral poliovirus vaccine. However, making general assumptions and drawing conclusions about vaccinations causing deaths based on spontaneous reports to VAERS – some of which might be anecdotal or second-hand – or case reports in the media, is not a scientifically valid practice.

Vaccine caused deaths are statistically insignificant. Like being killed by lightning.
Feb 20, 2002

"Those laws pertain to the sharing of your info by healthcare professionals; that is not what is being proposed.

In the law under consideration, nobody is sharing your info against your wishes. However, if you want to attend a restaurant, concert, etc. you would need to provide proof that you have been vaccinated. It’s up to you; if you don’t want to share this info then you don’t have to- it just means you can’t attend public events.

If I run a restaurant I can insist that you wear a shirt and shoes or else I won’t serve you. Insisting that my patrons are free of a life-threatening illness seems entirely reasonable. all of the covidiots who insist that they have a right not to wear a mask and that anyone who doesn’t like it should just stay home: time to put the shoe on the other foot. If you don’t want to get the vaccine then YOU can be the one to stay at home!




Sep 20, 2017

Jun 4, 2018
I've never had a flu shot in my life, and I'm never sick.

I will consider this vaccine, if only to see my grandchildren more.

But there are medical professionals I know and trust, and I will seek their opinion when the time comes
Don't do it Willie ! , let others take it & see what happens to them first
Feb 20, 2002

An ignorant question from conspiracy nut jobs. Coronaviruses & flu/influenza viruses are two different types of viruses.

BTW, the original SARS virus (2002-2004) went away & disappeared relatively quickly due to extreme safety measures such as are being used in 2020 re C-19 SARS II. That's how easily it was beaten. OTOH influenza viruses are an annual problem with annual vaccinations.
Feb 20, 2002

Thanks to those who refused to get vaccinated for the flu.

C-19 is way worse than the flu. The USA is well on its way to over 300,000 dead from the virus in less than a year by the end of 2020. Without extreme safety measures that could easily have been 3,000,000 or 10X as many instead. So about 100X as many as die of the annual flu.

"By the way, the facts about COVID-19 vs Flue in the US - the lies Trump, Pense (saying flu kills 100k a year) and his uneducated masses is promoting:
Flu Deaths by season:
2015-2016 23,000
2016-2017 38.000
2017-2018 61,000
2018-2019 34,000
2019-2020 22,000
COVID-19 deaths year-to-date 2020 210,000 and rapidly rising.

Source: CDC and John Hopkins University
The fact-based world not the Trump alternative facts fantasyland."

New member
Jan 18, 2005

Bars? Good riddance.

Does alcohol help society:

"The WHO calls it (alcohol) one of the world’s leading health risks, associated with some 60 types of major disease and injury, and the cause of 4.5 million deaths annually."

"...Bongiwe Ndondo, a researcher who tracks violence against women, says many assaults are fueled by alcohol, and that the restrictions during the pandemic had a positive effect on society."

"“A lot of women on the ground that we have spoken to are telling us that their communities have never felt better. They’ve never felt safer. They’ve never looked cleaner.” She says a lot of people have been happy with the ban, and that some are waking up to what the country might look like without booze and “all the social ills” that come with it."

"These ills were glaringly apparent after the ban lifted; emergency visits to hospitals in South Africa subsequently doubled, with 85% of them down to alcohol-related events such as car accidents, motorbike accidents, stabs, shootings and assaults. “A lot of the patients are coming in intoxicated, to the point where you’re wondering if they have a head injury. It’s absolutely exhausting,” says Dr Katie Jordaan at Tygerberg Hospital. Her colleague Scott Mahoney says there’s been a particular uptick in domestic violence. “So much alcohol dependence leads to violence and accidental harm in a country that’s already struggling with healthcare provision,” Mahoney says."

If nothing else shows this piece of shit is a Communist, this 100% confirms it.

Thinks he can dictate how people live their lives. Whether something is good or bad for them it is not your right to dictate or tell someone how to live their life.

Who the fuck do you think you are? You are nobody!!!

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