Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009

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Jan 9, 2009

The Associated Press

by BREITBART NEWS5 May 2015617

Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer’s new book, Clinton Cash, calls into question and makes bombshell allegations about the financial practices of the Clinton Foundation. From the National Journal:
May 5, 2015 Clinton Cash gets released Tuesday, and Hillary Clinton’s campaign is going on the offensive to undercut the book and discredit its author before the message ever reaches readers’ hands.
With everything from a YouTube video to emails for supporters to Medium posts to a 42-page opposition research report from a Clinton-aligned group, the Democrat’s team is throwing everything it has at Clinton Cash.
The book, by conservative author Peter Schweizer, accuses Clinton of dirty dealings during her time as secretary of State, alleging that she traded access and influence for foundation donations—including those from foreign donors. The accusations have been a headache for Clinton since before she announced her campaign, spawning headlines in major newspapers and shifting the national conversation about Clinton far, far away from her campaign message.
Read the rest of the article here.

New member
Jan 9, 2009

AP Photo/Mark Lennihan

by ALEX SWOYER5 May 2015Washington, DC496

The fact that Hillary Clinton – the likely Democratic presidential nominee – hasn’t addressed the controversy over her private email server and the fundraising controversy surrounding the Clinton Foundation in an interview or with the public seems to be causing the former Secretary of State to take a hit in the polls.
A new Wall Street Journal/NBC poll finds that although Democrat support for Clinton remains strong, the percentage of people who view Clinton negatively has increased six percent since last month’s poll, as controversies swirl around the former First Lady.
Last month, roughly 36 percent of individuals surveyed said they viewed Clinton negatively, but now that is up to 42 percent. The Wall Street Journal reports only 25 percent of voters say they think Clinton is honest – which is down more than 10 percent from a poll last summer.
It has been 24 days – more than three weeks – since Clinton announced her bid for president, yet she still has not spoken to national media about her campaign or to address the controversies she is facing. Breitbart News previously reported this is a record for presidential candidates in recent history.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
How long can she avoid the Gaystream Media?


Bill Clinton on his 500K speeches: I gotta pay the bills!


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Hillary Clinton says Obama's immigration orders are 'just the beginning' as she slams Republicans for giving illegal immigrants 'second-class status' and promises 'to go even further' if she's president[/h]

  • Leading Democratic presidential candidate throws down the gauntlet during roundtable with young illegals in Nevada
  • Hispanic activists will appreciate her pledge to go beyond President Obama's programs that shield people in the US illegally from deportation
  • Democrats are eager to lock in Latino voters and recent immigrants as part of their guaranteed 2016 constituency
Hillary Rodham Clinton threw down the immigration gauntlet on Tuesday and pledged that she would extend President Barack Obama's executive orders past their current boundaries if she were to succeed him in the White House.
'I will fight for comprehensive immigration reform and a path to citizenship,' she told a Las Vegas roundtable of illegal immigrant high school students, including one who said he was transgender and another who identified herself as a lesbian.
In addition to the 'DREAMers' Obama has protected from deportation – those brought to the U.S. as minors – Clinton said she wants the program extended to grant a legal amnesty to the parents as well.
'I want to do everything we can to defend the president's executive orders,' she said, adding separately that 'as president I would do everything possible under the law to go even further.'



LOST IN TRANSLATION: Rancho High School students greeted Hillary with a banner-sized quote of hers, but inserted a comma in the phrase 'everyday Americans' – a key buzzword in her campaign

'We should put into place a simple, straightforward and accessible way for parents of DREAMers ... to make their case,' Clinton added, 'and to be eligible for the same deferred action as their children.'
'But that's just the beginning.'
Clinton said no one on the Republican side of the 2016 presidential contest had a plan to put illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship.
'When they talk about "legal status"' instead of 'citizenship,' she insisted, 'that is code for second-class status.'
GOP conservatives, including many in Congress, see a sharp legal distinction between immigrants who have entered the U.S. legally with work permits and those who have snuck across the country's border with Mexico.
They have so far managed to block attempts to legislate the kind of amnesty the Obama White House has demanded.
Among the presidential field, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is the most staunch opponent. Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who has not yet formally entered the race, has taken a softer approach – saying border-crossing is at times 'an act of love' for families that would otherwise be disjointed or separated by national borders.
Clinton's Nevada stop, 24 days into her presdiential campaign, marks the first sign of her staking out a position on a hot-button issue.
'I'm ready to have this discussion with anybody, anywhere, at any time,' she said, echoing Obama's call for immigration policy that is 'more humane, more targeted and more effective.'
'It's foolish to talk as though we're going to deport 11 or 12 million people. That is not going to happen,' Clinton said. 'It's beyond absurd.'


New member
Nov 10, 2010


SI, SE PUEDE: Immigration activists hope to sway Hillary Clinton into building on President Barack Obama's policies with even more far-reaching ones that could mainstream millions of illegal immigrants



Clinton, a former American first lady, senator and secretary of state, is far and away the Democratic Party's most viable presidential candidate

About 70 per cent of students at Rancho High School, the backdrop for Clinton's 'roundtable' event on Cinco de Mayo, are Hispanic. That includes some illegal-immigrant minors aided by Obama's policies.
Government statistics show that 7.6 per cent of Nevada residents are in the country illegally. That's the largest percentage of any U.S. state.

Clinton, a Democrat, has backed Obama's unsuccessful pitch for a comprehensive immigration overhaul, including a pathway to citizenship for immigrants in the country illegally, and supported his announcement last year halting deportations of certain immigrants.
The issue could be pivotal in the 2016 race.
'We hope that she leans in and really issues a challenge on the issue,' said Clarissa Martínez-De-Castro, deputy vice president of the National Council of La Raza, a group whose name means 'The Race.'
The roundtable event will be much like those the Clinton campaign held last month in Iowa and New Hampshire. The events included a small group of hand-picked participants that press reports later suggested were ordinary voters.
That tactic drew hisses in April, but may not matter today.
Obama received strong support from Hispanic voters during his two presidential bids and immigration turned into a stumbling block for GOP nominee Mitt Romney, who received only 27 percent of the Hispanic vote in 2012 and struggled in battleground states like Florida, Colorado and Nevada where Latinos are influential.


FLOOD: Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants continue to pour across America's southern border with Mexico every month, and US Boarder Patrol can't keep up



ROUNDTABLE: Clinton has held several events like the one in Nevada, during her swings through New Hampshire and Iowa, always with a hand-selected group of participants who appear to be ordinary voters

Previewing her remarks, Clinton's campaign said she would say that a true fix to the nation's immigration system would need to include a 'full and equal path to citizenship' and the nation shouldn't settle for proposals that would provide hard-working people with a 'second-class' status.
Many Republicans have opposed a comprehensive bill that includes a path to citizenship, saying any reforms must be made incrementally, beginning with stronger border security.
Clinton' event in Nevada comes as some of her potential Republican rivals, such as former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, have courted Hispanics and outlined steps to overhaul immigration.
At a conference of Hispanic evangelicals last week, Bush said immigrants living in the U.S. illegally should have an opportunity to attain legal status under certain conditions.
Bush, who speaks Spanish fluently and is married to a Mexican-American, said such immigrants should be required to pay taxes, work and not receive government benefits.
Rubio, who is Cuban-American, worked on a failed bipartisan immigration bill that proposed a lengthy pathway to citizenship for those living in the country illegally.
The measure cleared the Senate but was blocked by conservatives in the House.


FERTILE GROUND: Obama was at another Nevada high school in November to promote his immigration policies, which Republcians say stray too close to an amnesty for border-crossers


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Billionaire Tied to Russian Mob to Hold Fundraiser for Hillary Clinton[/h]


Marc Lasry / AP

BY: Brent Scher
May 5, 2015 3:53 pm

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton will attend a fundraiser at the home of hedge fund billionaire Marc Lasry despite his known ties to the Russian mafia, according to Politico.
Lasry, a longtime friend of the Clintons who employed Chelsea Clinton at his hedge fund, will hold a $2,700-a-person event at his New York City home next week.
Lasry threw his support behind Hillary Clinton’s campaign earlier this year and was caught crafting a fundraising strategy with fellow Democratic donor Jeffrey Katzenberg during a meeting at the Viceroy Anguilla hotel in the Caribbean.
He has also gone on the attack for Clinton, stating shortly after that meeting that Democratic rival Elizabeth Warren “would have no shot at being president.
The planned fundraiser, part of a series of New York City fundraisers Clinton will attend next week, indicates the campaign will accept the support of Lasry despite ties to the Russian mafia that forced President Barack Obama to withdraw his nomination of Lasry as ambassador to France.
Lasry has also been criticized for his decision to hire a convicted domestic abuser to be the head coach of the NBA’s Milwaukee Bucks, which he owns.
Lasry’s son lives in fear of his father, according to a 2014 interview.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Elizabeth Warren is who the DISGUSTING FILTH in the lame stream media want, but she can't really attack Hitlery on anything right now.

Think about this, though...

dimocraps have never won an open presidency with a KNOWN candidate. At least not in the modern era. The Arkansas rapist came out of nowhere and even admitted he considered himself a longshot before the primaries. Nobody had ever heard of him. Same with the retarded peanut farmer...nobody really knew anything about him before he was elected. As for the current POS POTUS? Not only did nobody know anything about him in 2008, nobody knows much more to this day. We aren't even sure who his real daddy is (my money is on Frank Marshall Davis, btw...why do you think he totally ignores his Kenyan 'relatives'?)

dimocraps are going to wait and see if they can unseat Hitlery late in the campaign. That way, they can build a false narrative around Warren. Just my 2 cents...

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Elizabeth Warren is who the DISGUSTING FILTH in the lame stream media want, but she can't really attack Hitlery on anything right now.

Think about this, though...

dimocraps have never won an open presidency with a KNOWN candidate. At least not in the modern era. The Arkansas rapist came out of nowhere and even admitted he considered himself a longshot before the primaries. Nobody had ever heard of him. Same with the retarded peanut farmer...nobody really knew anything about him before he was elected. As for the current POS POTUS? Not only did nobody know anything about him in 2008, nobody knows much more to this day. We aren't even sure who his real daddy is (my money is on Frank Marshall Davis, btw...why do you think he totally ignores his Kenyan 'relatives'?)

dimocraps are going to wait and see if they can unseat Hitlery late in the campaign. That way, they can build a false narrative around Warren. Just my 2 cents...
Jesus must wear a helmet. This is some of the dumbest shit written in internet history

you and everyone around you would benefit from your disappearance. You make this country dumber.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Jesus must wear a helmet. This is some of the dumbest shit written in internet history

you and everyone around you would benefit from your disappearance. You make this country dumber.

How's dad? Still dead?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
That's what you got? Lmao

even dead....he knows not to lay 14 points on the road in rivalry game.

You live in miserable chalk eating world.

Knowing he was party responsible for hatching the likes of you, I'm sure it was by choice.

You are pathetic and worthless. Every poster here not named alkiefagdrunk, finch or Guesser is superior to you in every should consider yourself fortunate that anyone on here even bothers to interact with you. No one else will in real life...which is why you've become a derelict loser whose defining characteristic is staying at home and responding to every single post with a matter of minutes.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
That's what you got? Lmao

even dead....he knows not to lay 14 points on the road in rivalry game.

You live in miserable chalk eating world.

Hahaha, you have that dumb bitch on tilt!! Hilarious watching that racist piece of shit panic like this. Great work!!

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Knowing he was party responsible for hatching the likes of you, I'm sure it was by choice.

You are pathetic and worthless. Every poster here not named alkiefagdrunk, finch or Guesser is superior to you in every should consider yourself fortunate that anyone on here even bothers to interact with you. No one else will in real life...which is why you've become a derelict loser whose defining characteristic is staying at home and responding to every single post with a matter of minutes.
Why didn't you answer wabash when he caught you lying about the highest post total here?

You are always wrong here. Tracking my picks you fucked up, tracking post totals you fucked up, trying to say how long humans have been on earth you fucked that up, your own disastrous mush picks you get wrong by a mile. When are you gonna get something right?

your family must be so embarrassed by you. Can you post another email of a company blowing you off and claim it a success? That was classic.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Hahaha, you have that dumb bitch on tilt!! Hilarious watching that racist piece of shit panic like this. Great work!!
Once I point out his pathetic picks....he goes nuts. That's why he won't enter any pick contest....even for free money which he clearly needs. Hahahaha....guy is just a waste of space.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Why didn't you answer wabash when he caught you lying about the highest post total here?

You are always wrong here. Tracking my picks you fucked up, tracking post totals you fucked up, trying to say how long humans have been on earth you fucked that up, your own disastrous mush picks you get wrong by a mile. When are you gonna get something right?

your family must be so embarrassed by you. Can you post another email of a company blowing you off and claim it a success? That was classic.

You're a documented liar. "I wasn't here that weekend." "I've never seen you post plays." "I have a master's degree."

Anyhow, I'll bet you any amount you like that the RFP I sent was accepted. I'll document it with proof that I started work on that project last month.

How about $100k? You ready to play a man's game? Step up to the plate, dick sucker.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Once I point out his pathetic picks....he goes nuts. That's why he won't enter any pick contest....even for free money which he clearly needs. Hahahaha....guy is just a waste of space.

Lmao, just pure entertainment. The guy is a pathetic piece of shit. Just imagine if the highlight of your life was getting an RFP email and exchanging secret futures with the likes of Dave... you'd be an evil, racist, hateful person also. Dude needs a hug.

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