Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Praised Controversial GM Plant One Year After Massive Donation[/h]Failed to record massive donation on its public disclosures


BY: Bill McMorris
April 30, 2015 5:00 am

The Clinton Foundation failed to disclose a contribution valued at $685,000 from the General Motors Foundation made one year before Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited and praised one of its most controversial operations, according to aWashington Free Beacon analysis.
The foundation has ties to the bailed-out automaker dating back to 2007.
Clinton Foundation records show that General Motors has contributed between $50,001 and $100,000 to the nonprofit. The GM Foundation, which is funded entirely through company support, gave the Clintons 30 GMC pick-up trucks valued at nearly $685,000 in 2010 for Haitian earthquake relief at a time when the company was lobbying the State Department.
Although President Bill Clinton acknowledged GM’s contribution in a February 2010 press release, the foundation failed to record the contribution on its website, breaking a pledge Secretary Clinton made to the Obama White House that it would disclose all donors. The Clintons have faced scrutiny for the charity’s bookkeeping practices concerning foreign donations and announced last week that it would be re-filing several years of tax returns to correct errors.
The foundation did not return request for comment. A campaign spokesman declined comment.
Secretary Clinton visited a GM factory in Uzbekistan a year after the $685,000 donation was made,praising the venture as “a symbol of our friendship and cooperation” and congratulating GM for the “collaboration between Uzbek and American companies.”
“The tour was set up by the State Department as part of a bigger Central Asia tour. The request for the tour/visit came to us from the State Department. We accommodated the request,” GM spokesman Pat Morrissey said in an email.
Morrissey denied that the contributions were intended to curry favor with the State Department and said that the company never lobbied the department on “any issues surrounding Uzbekistan.”
GM Uzbekistan was created in 2007 and operates in partnership with state-run UzAvtosanoat, a company founded by authoritarian president Islam Karimov. Despite objections from human rights organizations over Uzbekistan’s use of forced labor, the State Department named GM Uzbekistan as a finalist for the Award for Corporate Excellence (ACE) in 2011 and 2012.
Robert Hormats, the former under secretary of state for economic growth, energy, and the environment, chaired the ACE committee from 2009 to 2013. He said in a telephone interview that Secretary Clinton had no control over the selection process, that nominations arise from local ambassadors, and that the committee chooses the finalist. Clinton’s sole involvement, he said, was presenting the award to the winner.
“The first time she sees it is when we give the final recommendation,” he said. “We get inputs from a wide range of groups and human rights policies are one input, but I don’t remember GM Uzbekistan at all. … The country doesn’t matter. It’s the quality of the work the company does.”
Despite her distance from the ACE process, Clinton praised GM Uzbekistan’s nomination and operations in the country.
“I’d like to congratulate GM Uzbekistan on being named a finalist for the State Department’s 2011 Award for Corporate Excellence,” she said during her October 2011 visit. “GM’s presence here in Uzbekistan adds to our efforts to build closer economic connections between ourselves and the countries of South and Central Asia.”
Under Secretary Clinton’s leadership, the State Department lifted military sanctions on the authoritarian regime, which has since collected millions of dollars worth of excess equipment from the armed forces, including 300 armored vehicles.
GM owns a 52 percent stake in GM Powertrain Uzbekistan, the Tashkent factory Clinton toured, and has a minority ownership stake in the Asaka plant controlled by state-run UzAvtosanoa. Companies such as GM Uzbekistan are only able to function by fully cooperating with government officials in the former Soviet satellite.
“Even if a company is registered as a ‘non-government’ entity, the government controls them. Foreign investment is not easy,” said Shermamat Abdullozoda, a former Uzbek finance ministry employee who fled to the United States to avoid persecution in 2004.
“Almost all U.S. businesses in Uzbekistan operate in partnership with the government, state-owned enterprises, or firms affiliated with the elite,” a 2013 State Department report on the business climate in the country found.
The partnership has proved lucrative for GM, which has a near monopoly on the Uzbek car market and produces about 355,000 vehicles each year in the region, according to a GM spokesman. The company was able to attain a 25 percent share in the Asaka plant for a mere $10, and the Uzbekistan government put up $300 million in loan guarantees to build the Tashkent plant. GM Uzbekistan was the largest borrower from the country’s state-owned bank in 2010, according to a World Bank report.
That backing comes with a price.
The Uzbek government confiscated all company vehicles, including those belonging to Americans, to help get-out-the vote for the Karimov regime in 2009, according to 2009 State Department cables published by Wikileaks.
“The [Government of Uzbkeistan] informed GM’s American employees that it is requisitioning all GM company cars and drivers for two weeks, starting December 16, for use in the upcoming elections,”the cable said.
GM employees have also been spotted at the annual cotton harvest, in which the government forces about 1 million citizens and students to pick the crop for export, often without compensation, according to a report from the Uzbek German Forum for Human Rights.
The Department of Labor has long included Uzbek cotton in its “List of Products Produced by Forced or Indentured Child Labor.” 2014 marked the first year that children were not forced into the fields; they were instead replaced with college students and adults, according to Matt Fischer-Daly of the International Labor Rights Forum.
“For the last several years we’ve received reports of GM Uzbekistan sending workers to pick cotton and those orders came from immediate managers and their union representatives. GM is aware of this as far as we know,” Fischer-Daly said.
GM said it is working to prevent its employees from being sent into the fields and is hoping to use technology to wean the Uzbek regime from forced labor.
“General Motors and its partners are committed to maintaining the highest level of ethical standards wherever we do business. Accordingly, no workers at any of the GM operations in Uzbekistan are required to participate in the cotton harvest and we are working with our partner to achieve zero participation,” GM spokesman George Svigos said in a statement. “In addition GM’s minority-interest JV has supported the mechanization of the cotton industry in Uzbekistan to reduce the demands on manual labor.”
Abdullozoda remembers his stint of indentured servitude well. Every September from eighth grade to tenth, he and his classmates piled into buses and worked the fields, hauling 50 kilograms per day.
“They put you up in facilities, but there was no normal living, no toilets, no nothing. You had to bring everything yourself—blankets, mattresses. We were given some water, some potatoes, cabbage, and carrots. You had to find meat yourself. It was terrible,” he said. “It’s free money for the dictatorship. Whoever produces the cotton gets almost nothing.”
Rough conditions and unsafe work practices from the amateur harvesters contributed to 17 deaths in the 2014 picking season, according to Fischer-Daly. Human rights activists used stories like these in an attempt to derail GM Uzbekistan’s bid for the ACE award, sending letters to the state department. GM failed to earn the award in 2011 and 2012.
“It’s really important for the U.S. government to accelerate pressure on the Uzbek government and not consider this regime a partner that can have completely normalized relations,” he said.

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Jul 4, 2012
i did leave. Then came back in 2nd half of the game. So weird how you hang on my every word and then try to make up a story of what they mean. You are stalker type.

Speaking of pm's. I have several that say you are in therapy and I should stop pounding on you because you have actual mental problems. You scare people with your mental illness.

Except nobody is "hanging" on any words, dumbfuck. You're being quoted. The fact that you are making up laughable lies as a response is a you problem. As to your assertion I am a "stalker type" lets keep in mind that you actually remembered a post I made in the offshore forum 13 months, yes more than a year, after I made it and you went and bumped the thread. Further, you also remembered a sentence I said about a basketball pick (remember I don't post picks) 6 weeks after I made. Nice projection, dumb fuck.

Further, you’ve never pummeled anyone or me. Ever. See dipshit, every reply you post to me contains a lie, straw man, or both. You are incapable (due to your low IQ and lack of education) of actually responding to me, much less ‘pummeling’ anyone.

But, since you’re fucking dumb and I’m much, much more intelligent than you, let me help you with your idiotic PM’s. Perhaps you can respond to the laughable coward who wrote to you about me with the following responses.

Point out that you claimed I said I “would have won” a wager if I “took Boise” both of which are complete & utter lies, and then show how you claimed that I said the exact same thing as your dumb “should have won” whining. Then, point out that you responded on the topic in your very next post by contradicting yourself and saying what I said was completely different than everyone else and I’m the only one who says it.

Better yet, why don’t you respond to the pathetic moron who sent you a PM about me by pointing out that you claimed I’m on some “record posting pace” (another laughable lie) while in fact you have more total posts than me, and more posts per day than me. In other words, it is you who is on a record pace.

Again, you are so fucking dumb it is comical. You are a cartoon version of an idiot leftist who has not job, no life, and is reduced to posting dumb lies and stupid Non Sequiturs on a gambling forum all day. Every day.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Except nobody is "hanging" on any words, dumbfuck. You're being quoted. The fact that you are making up laughable lies as a response is a you problem. As to your assertion I am a "stalker type" lets keep in mind that you actually remembered a post I made in the offshore forum 13 months, yes more than a year, after I made it and you went and bumped the thread. Further, you also remembered a sentence I said about a basketball pick (remember I don't post picks) 6 weeks after I made. Nice projection, dumb fuck.

Further, you’ve never pummeled anyone or me. Ever. See dipshit, every reply you post to me contains a lie, straw man, or both. You are incapable (due to your low IQ and lack of education) of actually responding to me, much less ‘pummeling’ anyone.

But, since you’re fucking dumb and I’m much, much more intelligent than you, let me help you with your idiotic PM’s. Perhaps you can respond to the laughable coward who wrote to you about me with the following responses.

Point out that you claimed I said I “would have won” a wager if I “took Boise” both of which are complete & utter lies, and then show how you claimed that I said the exact same thing as your dumb “should have won” whining. Then, point out that you responded on the topic in your very next post by contradicting yourself and saying what I said was completely different than everyone else and I’m the only one who says it.

Better yet, why don’t you respond to the pathetic moron who sent you a PM about me by pointing out that you claimed I’m on some “record posting pace” (another laughable lie) while in fact you have more total posts than me, and more posts per day than me. In other words, it is you who is on a record pace.

Again, you are so fucking dumb it is comical. You are a cartoon version of an idiot leftist who has not job, no life, and is reduced to posting dumb lies and stupid Non Sequiturs on a gambling forum all day. Every day.

You need serious help. Repeating your same lies does not make it true.

I get more pm's about the mental illness of you and sheriff Joe than anything else. These are by people who don't even post in poly forum. Just random hate and pity for you two.

Do ever ask yourself why you had so many most worthless votes? You should reflect on yourself.

I've been privately urged to leave you alone because you are unstable in reality. Think about that

Jul 4, 2012
You need serious help. Repeating your same lies does not make it true.

I didn't repeat any lie, idiot. You couldn't name a "lie" in that post if there were a lotto type grand prize. The fact that you think you "responded" to me is hysterical. You are so fucking dumb it is comical.

More people have you on ignore than any other user on this forum. More people mock you than converse with you.

Think about that.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I didn't repeat any lie, idiot. You couldn't name a "lie" in that post if there were a lotto type grand prize. The fact that you think you "responded" to me is hysterical. You are so fucking dumb it is comical.

More people have you on ignore than any other user on this forum. More people mock you than converse with you.

Think about that.

Think how stupid you sound when a gambler complains about a bad beat and then you use that as some sort of dig. It is so weird to see. That's why I know you don't gamble. Every gambler has had a bad beat and a game they should have cashed and didn't. This site is littered with people upset after a bad loss. Somehow you don't grasp that though. And that's because you don't is the only explanation

Jul 4, 2012
Repeating your same lies does not make it true.

Um, I "repeated" no lies. How do we know?


You have your own" I would have won" moment. And it's exactly the same as what I said. You lied again.

Note: I have never, ever said "I should have won" or "would have won" any wager on this Web site. Not 1 time, not ever.

But no matter, dumb fuck quickly contradicts himself with:

yours is even worse. Look all over this site. Look at every pick thread. Every single one says they shoulda had a win that lost on a bad beat. But you're the only one that says you should have picked a different game.

I'm not even going to bother pointing out your total posts & post counts per day. There is no dispute your posting pace is greater than mine.

You can't make up how fucking dumb this clown is. You really can't.

Jul 4, 2012
Think how stupid you sound when a gambler complains about a bad beat and then you use that as some sort of dig. It is so weird to see. That's why I know you don't gamble. Every gambler has had a bad beat and a game they should have cashed and didn't. This site is littered with people upset after a bad loss. Somehow you don't grasp that though. And that's because you don't is the only explanation


Called a bad beat. Only people who gamble understand what I'm talking about.

Like when Acebb said this "if I took Boise instead of ole miss I would have won"

Again, you just can't make up who fucking dumb this guy is. As a I said, he can't type a response to me without lying. He is incapable.

The fact that you think you had a "bad beat" on a game where the team you picked was down double digits late in the 3rd Q, had fewer yards, and only got into the game with 3 fluke plays, is fucking hilarious.

Further, the fact that you project your rank amateur whining on to others is pretty fucking poor reflection on you.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Um, I "repeated" no lies. How do we know?


Note: I have never, ever said "I should have won" or "would have won" any wager on this Web site. Not 1 time, not ever.

But no matter, dumb fuck quickly contradicts himself with:

I'm not even going to bother pointing out your total posts & post counts per day. There is no dispute your posting pace is greater than mine.

You can't make up how fucking dumb this clown is. You really can't.

" I would have won".

Lol.....yeah, if I took the over last night instead of the nets I would have won

that is just stupid to say and worse than complaining about a bad beat.

Jul 4, 2012
" I would have won".

Lol.....yeah, if I took the over last night instead of the nets I would have won

that is just stupid to say and worse than complaining about a bad beat.

You have to love the fact that this drooling imbecile keeps repeating "I would have won" when I have never, ever used those words to describe a game or a wager. Not 1 time, not ever.

He can't help himself. All this dumb fucking loser can do is make shit up.

"I wasn't on this site that weekend"


New member
Oct 29, 2010
As far as post totals. I'm responding to all idiots....Russ, Dave, joe, Jdeucebag and other nutjobs. They talk about me all day.

You our have person that even pays attention to you. That's me....yet you have 2 posts less per day. Think about that for a second.

You lie in every post.

New member
Jan 9, 2009


Andrew Burton/Getty Images/AFP

by BREITBART NEWS30 Apr 201583

From Kenneth P. Vogel writing at Politico:
A handful of deep-pocketed donors are reconsidering their gifts to the $2 billion Clinton Foundation amid mounting questions about how it’s spending their money and suggestions of influence peddling, according to donors and others familiar with the foundation’s fundraising.
One major donor who contributed at least $500,000 to the foundation last year said a 2015 donation is less likely because of revelations about sloppy record-keeping andhuge payments for travel and administrative costs.
“There are a lot of factors and the reputational is among them,” said the donor, who did not want to be identified discussing philanthropic plans that have not been finalized. “We had some questions about how the money was being spent — and that was long before the problems were in the press.”
Read the rest of the story at Politico.

Read More Stories About:

Big Government, 2016 Presidential Race, Hillary Clinton

Kim Jong-un cancels his visit to Moscow

  • [*=left]

New member
Oct 29, 2010
" I should have picked Boise the day I had ole miss and I wouldn't have a loss. Also to maximize profit I should have had all wagers on the moneyline"----Acebb.

Those comments are are fine to him. The " should have" kid strikes again

Mine complaining about one bad beat.....he can't stop talking about.

This guy is a psychopath. I have to stay away from him. Those pm's about his mental state are spot on.

Im out from him. Walter type scary.

Jul 4, 2012
" I should have picked Boise the day I had ole miss and I wouldn't have a loss. Also to maximize profit I should have had all wagers on the moneyline"----Acebb.

Those comments are are fine to him. The " should have" kid strikes again

So now this abject loser, who mind you laughably claimed to not have seen my bowl thread, is posting an actual quote. Keep in mind here is how this dumb fucking liar previously categorized what I said:

Called a bad beat. Only people who gamble understand what I'm talking about.

Like when Acebb said this "if I took Boise instead of ole miss I would have won"

" I would have won".

Lol.....yeah, if I took the over last night instead of the nets I would have won

that is just stupid to say and worse than complaining about a bad beat.

If i bet the patriots instead of Seattle in super bowl i would have won. Acebb

Of course this drooling illiterate's categorizations were lies.

Further, what is also so pathetic is because I used the phrase "should have" he is actually pretending it is the equivalent of saying "I should have won"

That is how fucking dumb he is. Note, he also backtracked off of saying that I said the same thing as him, but now he is apparently saying I did say the same thing as him. It isn't clear because he's borderline fucking retarded.

Jul 4, 2012
This is getting to the point of absurdity in terms of the left pretending this isn't a problem or can just be ignored.

[h=1]Canadian Partnership Shielded Identities of Donors to Clinton Foundation[/h]
The nonprofit, the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (Canada), operates in parallel to a Clinton Foundation project called the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, which is expressly covered by an agreement Mrs. Clinton signed to make all donors public while she led the State Department. However, the foundation maintains that the Canadian partnership is not bound by that agreement and that under Canadian law contributors’ names cannot be made public.


No worries folks, just a few more "mistakes" here:

[h=1]Clinton charity never provided foreign donor data[/h]
WASHINGTON — An unprecedented ethics promise that played a pivotal role in helping Hillary Rodham Clinton win confirmation as secretary of state, soothing senators’ concerns about conflicts of interests with Clinton family charities, was uniformly bypassed by the biggest of the philanthropies involved.
The Clinton Health Access Initiative never submitted information on any foreign donations to State Department lawyers for review during Clinton’s tenure from 2009 to 2013, Maura Daley, the organization’s spokeswoman, acknowledged to the Globe this week. She said the charity deemed it unnecessary, except in one case that she described as an “oversight.”

The idea that anyone would believe the Clintons would abide by any sort of "ethics promise" is hysterical.

New member
Jan 9, 2009

The Clintons, a luxury jet and their $100 million donor...

from the above:

Following the deal, Giustra’s new company, UrAsia, was considered one of Canada’s hottest new mining ventures. The next year, Giustra made a $32.7 million donation to the Clinton Foundation.
In 2007, Giustra sold UrAsia to a company called Uranium One, chaired by an old friend, Ian Telfer. Giustra, who had retained stock in the company, sold nearly all of his interests shortly after that. Still, Giustra and Telfer are a focus of the soon-to-be-released book “Clinton Cash” because of their role in the firm, which several years later was sold to a Russian state-owned company.
The sale gave the Russians control of uranium deposits around the world, including several mines in the United States. That sale was reviewed by the State Department and other agencies at the time Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. Some Republicans have charged that this was a conflict of interest, though aides to Clinton have said she did not personally intervene in the approval process and showed no favoritism toward foundation donors.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Check her e-mails.

Oh. Damn. We can't.

Even if the e-mails were available and there was damaging info it wouldn’t matter. They run with the elite of the world.

Look at Bill, ex-president, $500,000 a speech, rubs elbows with the Bilderberg crew. When you achieve that sort of status you become invincible.

Jul 4, 2012
Bill Clinton was paid at least $26 million in speaking fees by companies and organizations that are also major donors to the foundation he created after leaving the White House, according to a Washington Post analysis of public records and foundation data.

The amount, about one-quarter of Clinton’s overall speaking income between 2001 and 2013, demonstrates how closely intertwined Bill and Hillary Clinton’s charitable work has become with their growing personal wealth.

So Bill gets speaking engagements because of his foundation, donates 10% of speaking fees to foundation to reduce taxable income, then lives lavishly off foundation.

Great "charity" work there.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
If the Clinton's played baseball they would foul off all the strikes until they finally got a base on balls. And for them the bases are always loaded. lol

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