Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Not a Parody: Lawyers for Top Clinton Aide Claim Records Request Got Lost in the Mail[/h]Weiner wife Huma Abedin faces conflict-of-interest allegations
BY: Andrew Stiles
August 6, 2015 12:23 pm


Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton / AP

Top Clinton aide Huma Abedin failed to acknowledge a State Department records request for more than two months because the request got lost in the mail, her lawyers claim.
The State Department’s request that Hillary Clinton’s former deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin, return any work-related emails in her possession went unreceived for two months because of issues with delivery of State’s mail and email messages asking for the records, according to Abedin’s lawyers.
After the controversy over former secretary of state Clinton’s use of a private email account and server for official business erupted in March, Abedin was among 10 current or former State Department officials asked by their former agency to provide any similar messages on their private accounts.
But Abedin’s lawyers said she didn’t receive that request for more than two months after it was sent on March 11…
It’s unclear why State Department officials had so much trouble tracking down Abedin, who is currently vice chair of Clinton’s presidential campaign. It’s also not clear whether State’s snail-mail letter was sent to an old address for Abedin, a wrong address for her or was returned for some other reason. The State Department declined to comment on the delay. [emphasis added]
Abedin is under fire for potentially breaking conflict-of-interest rules while working for Hillary at the State Department. Abedin was given “special government employee” status, which allowed her to work concurrently as a consultant for the Clinton Foundation and Teneo Holdings, a consulting firmfounded by a former Bill Clinton aide. The State Department’s inspector general determined there was “reasonable suspicion” that Abedin had violated conflict-of-interest rules by lobbying the White House on behalf of a Teneo client. Meanwhile, Reuters has been waiting more than two years for the State Department to respond to its Freedom of Information Act request for emails related to Abedin’s special employee status.
In related news, former Clinton aide and current Pennsylvania attorney general Kathleen Kane wascharged with leaking confidential grand jury information and lying under oath.
I sense a theme here.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
^^^^^too funny - blaming another branch of the Federal Gove lol

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]O’Malley Labels DNC Six-Debate Schedule ‘Undemocratic’ Effort By Party to ‘Pre-Ordain’ Clinton[/h]SHARE

Former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley / AP

BY: Morgan Chalfant
August 6, 2015 1:10 pm

The Democratic National Committeeannounced its limited six-debate schedule Thursday, hours after candidate Martin O’Malley accused insiders in the party of pushing to limit the debate count in order to favor his opponent, former secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
In an exclusive interview with The Hill in Iowa on Wednesday, the former Maryland governor and presidential candidate deemed it “undemocratic” that DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.) would limit the debates to a mere count of six.
There’s an effort by a few insiders to try to limit the number of debates that we have and I’ve shared with the chair—Debbie Wasserman Schultz—that I think that’s a grave mistake and I think it’s undemocratic,” O’Malley said.
It’s all about trying to pre-ordain the outcome, circle the wagons and close off debate. If they could actually accelerate the date of the Iowa caucuses and hold them tomorrow—they’d like to do that. Then there’d be no campaign at all. That’s what they’d really like.”
When pressed, O’Malley said that “of course” the insiders of whom he spoke include Bill and Hillary Clinton.
President and Secretary Clinton are the most colossal, prolific fundraising couple in the history of representative democracies,” O’Malley said.
According to Politico, the first Democratic Party debate will take place on Oct. 13 in Las Vegas, Nevada (CNN), more than two months after the GOP contenders convene on a stage in Cleveland for the first of nine Republican debates of the 2016 primary.
The subsequent contests will take place on Nov. 14 in Des Moines, Iowa (CBS), Dec. 19 in Manchester, New Hampshire (ABC), Jan. 17 in Charleston, South Carolina (NBC) and the two remaining in February and March in Miami, Florida (Univision/The Washington Post), and Wisconsin (PBS), respectively.
DNC spokeswoman Holly Shulman said in a statement that the six-debate schedule “will give plenty of opportunity for the candidates to be seen side by side.”
But O’Malley said Wednesday that he didn’t believe his own party “was listening to our concerns,” a sentiment he voiced to Schultz.
“This isn’t about the Clintons or the O’Malleys—this is about our country,” he said. “And to limit the number of debates in the Democratic Party in a year as important as this? To tell Iowa that they can only have one? Or to tell New Hampshire they can only have one? I don’t know where these people—it’s the arrogance and the elitism that’s creeped into so many aspects of our national party.”


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Jan 9, 2009
Rand Paul remarked at the debate that China and Russia know more about Hillary's emails than we do. lol Probably right on.

Jul 4, 2012
[h=1]US Intelligence Agencies Reviewing Clinton Emails for Classified Information[/h]
In a five-page declaration filed Friday evening in US District Court in Washington, DC, John Hackett, the State Department's top Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) official, said the department last month added Intelligence Community reviewers from five of the 17 intelligence agencies to the project after concerns were raised that Clinton's emails were not being properly vetted for intelligence information.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Trickle down politics (definitely not correct lol)

BREAKING: Cheryl Mills To Destroy Emails About Boss Hillary Clinton By Sidney Powell | 08/07/15 8:36pm COMMENT Cheryl Mills (Getty Images) In a letter sent to the U.S. State Department and just filed today with U.S. federal Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, the counsel for Cheryl Mills wrote: “Ms. Mills does not believe that she has paper copies of potential records in her possession. Following our production on August 10, 2015 [of the defense counsel’s version of the electronic records], we have instructed her to delete any and all electronic records in her possession.” That is a far stretch from a statement by Ms. Mills under penalty of perjury, and she and her lawyers are planning to delete the emails Judge Sullivan wants produced? Judicial Watch has made an emergency filing in Judge Sullivan’s court to stop the further destruction of evidence of what may very well be assorted criminal conduct and violations of numerous federal laws. This all just surfaced in State Department’s status report filed today in response to Judge Sullivan’s order. Yesterday evening, State finally produced some correspondence between it and Hillary’s right and left hands—Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills. It has not produced its correspondence with Mrs. Clinton, and it is now clear that Mrs. Clinton, Ms. Abedin and Ms. Mills plan to thumb their noses at the Judge and the State Department. No one is “cooperating,” despite their empty rhetoric to the contrary. The correspondence that has been produced verifies that the State Department itself has not been forthcoming with Judge Sullivan, with Congress, or with anyone else. It allowed Mrs. Clinton to use an off-the-grid system for her entire tenure in the Department, and it kept that startling fact a secret as long as possible. It is simply shocking that the State Department did not immediately inform Congress, the Court, and Judicial Watch that Mrs. Clinton operated solely on a private email server and that the State Department did not have her records. It took months even to discover those crucial facts. And as Judge Emmet G. Sullivan bores toward the truth, more revelations continue to surface. Judge Emmet G. Sullivan (Photo Credit DOMINIC BRACCO II) It is especially telling that there was no Inspector General at the State Department while Mrs. Clinton led the department. That independent watchdog surely would have put a stop to such an illegal and unauthorized practice immediately. Obviously, that is why Mrs. Clinton didn’t allow an Inspector General. As soon as the Inspector General had the opportunity to review her first 40 emails, he immediately identified classified or sensitive information that should never have been outside the State’s secure channels. And despite the Obama administration’s countless claims that it knew nothing of her private account, the few emails already produced by Mrs. Clinton, and by Clinton consigliere Sidney Blumenthal, themselves belie that—as does the address itself. When one writes an email to the address, one must know that it is not—and was the way she communicated with everyone in the administration and other branches of government. David Axelrod is only the first to be caught red-handed. Equally remarkable now is a false assertion in the letter from Ms. Mills to the State Department in which she claimed that “Like Secretaries of State before her, Secretary Clinton at times used her personal email account when engaging with other officials. On matters pertaining to the conduct of government business, it was her practice to use the officials’ government email accounts.” We already know that Clinton used her personal server exclusively and that classified and sensitive information was improperly transmitted through it. In addition, she has failed and refused to return it—another offense in itself. There is a lot more that we don’t know. The question now is, with all of this deceit, delay, and destruction past, present and planned, how long will it be before Judge Sullivan issues a show cause order to hold Secretary Kerry, Ms. Mills and/or others in contempt, issues an order to prevent the destruction of Ms. Mills or anyone’s electronic records, and appoints a special prosecutor to investigate the entire corrupt cabal? The train a comin’ right now is driven by Judge Emmet G. Sullivan—the man who named a special prosecutor to investigate the Department of Justice and its “Public Integrity Section.” Sidney Powell worked in the Department of Justice for 10 years and was lead counsel in more than 500 federal appeals. She is the author of Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice. Read more at Follow us: @observer on Twitter | Observer on Facebook Read more at:

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Jan 9, 2009
Hillary Clinton’s Continued Obstruction Her actions belie her words By Sidney Powell | 08/07/15 7:45pm COMMENT Hillary Clinton (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) Most five-year olds have heard their mothers say “Actions speak louder than words.” Why would anyone believe the claims of Hillary Clinton, her press secretary, or her lawyer, that they are “cooperating with the investigation by the FBI into her email server issues”? According to Nick Merrill, a Clinton press secretary, “She did not send nor receive any emails that were marked classified at the time. We want to ensure that appropriate procedures are followed as these emails are reviewed while not unduly delaying the release of her emails. We want that to happen as quickly and as transparently as possible.” Of course they do. Texans have a two-syllable word for that, but it can’t be used in polite company. And that absurd claim (if not bald-faced lie) has already been proved false by the Inspector General’s preliminary examination of just the first 40 or so emails Ms. Clinton condescended to produce in paper form only. They contained classified information and were handled in violation of law. Cooperate by turning over the server and the thumb drive that she and her lawyers are holding in blatant violation of the law. Andy McCarthy has multiple articles in the National Review this week that explain why the Clinton camp’s claim does not even address the many legal issues and violations, so we’ll encourage you to read those. But here’s a yet unspoken point that seems irrefutable: Ms. Clinton can cooperate by turning over the server and the thumb drive that she and her lawyers are holding in blatant violation of the law. That would begin to demonstrate cooperation. Neither Ms. Clinton nor her lawyer is entitled to retain them for any reason. The law is clear. And people don’t hide things unless they have something to hide. These are supposed to be public records. Failing Ms. Clinton’s relinquishment of the server and the thumb drive within 24 hours, appropriate law enforcement officials armed with search warrants should be proceeding to get both immediately—like tomorrow. The double standard inherent in the deference given Ms. Clinton’s abject disregard for the law and national security versus the vigorous prosecutions of others, like General Petraeus for example, who shared limited information only selectively with his biographer who also had a security clearance, is beyond the pale. It offends every mere mortal in the country. Such abject favoritism is the very reason Americans have lost all faith in our now ironically named Department of Justice and our justice system writ large. Like the corrupted prosecution of Ted Stevens, this is a special case in which Judge Sullivan may very well have to appoint a special prosecutor and fast, because everyone who wrote her about government business at is implicated to some extent. As retired NYPD Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik pointed out in the Observer today, they knew from the email address alone that she was outside the government system. It would be impossible for classified or sensitive information never to have been mentioned in communicating with the Secretary of State when that was the only address she used. Those with knowledge that she was off the grid would most likely include President Obama, White House Counsel, White House high level staff, all cabinet members, the Attorney General and associates, and powerful members of Congress. This mess runs deep and wide. A lot of people in the government right now have a vested interest in sweeping this under the rug as quickly and quietly as possible. The challenge would be finding a rug large enough. It’s imperative that the Rule of Law take precedence here. There may be more than one person who should hear the train a comin’. Read more at Follow us: @observer on Twitter | Observer on Facebook Read more at:

from the above: Those with knowledge that she was off the grid would most likely include President Obama, White House Counsel, White House high level staff, all cabinet members, the Attorney General and associates, and powerful members of Congress. This mess runs deep and wide. A lot of people in the government right now have a vested interest in sweeping this under the rug as quickly and quietly as possible.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Donald Trump Explains What Everyone Already Knows: The Clintons Can Be Bought[/h]BY: Andrew Stiles
August 7, 2015 1:16 pm



Donald Trump had a semi-rough night during Thursday’s GOP debate, but he did a decent job explaining something that should be self-evident by now: The Clintons will do anything for money.
Trump, who has donated to Hillary’s political campaign and given at least $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation, explained why he gives money to politicians: “When I need something from them—two years later, three years later—I call them, [and] they are there for me,” he said. “With Hillary Clinton, I said be at my wedding, and she came to my wedding. You know why? She had no choice, because I gave.”
In 2005, Hillary Clinton attended Trump’s wedding to supermodel Melania Knauss. Bill Clinton came to the reception after.
Hillary’s communications director told reporters Thursday that Trump’s comments likely “hurt her feelings” because they suggested Trump “didn’t want her there for the company.”
Doesn’t make them any less true.
In related news, donations to the Clinton Foundation are on the rise as the former secretary of State continues her long march to the Democratic nomination.


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Jan 9, 2009

[h=1]Clinton certifies she has turned over work-related emails[/h]By CNN Supervising Producer Kevin Bohn and Global Affairs Correspondent Elise Labott
Updated 6:35 PM ET, Sun August 9, 2015


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Hillary Clinton denies mishandling classified emails 01:10

(CNN)Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has told a federal judge that she has turned over all of her work-related emails to the State Department after she was ordered to certify that she had done so, a state department spokesman confirmed to CNN on Sunday.

This follows U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan ordering Clinton as well as two former top department aides to state under penalty of perjury they have produced all government records in their possession.
While the State Department initially said Friday Clinton had not issued her certification, department spokesman Alec Gerlach said when her attorneys sent the document it initially went to officials on leave.

Hillary Clinton's career in the spotlight 50 photos


This is all part of a freedom of information lawsuit filed by the conservative group Judicial Watch which is seeking records about the employment of Abedin.
Lawyers for the two top aides last week told the court they are working on turning over documents.
The attorney for Cheryl Mills, the former chief of staff for the State Department, told the court "the review process is nearing completion" and that she expected to produce additional documents on Monday. Attorney Beth Wilkinson said her client turned over provided some records in June to the department for review and that additional ones were later provided.
After pointing out that the department's March request for documents to Huma Abedin, the former State Department deputy chief of staff and close aide to Clinton, failed to get delivered three times, her attorney Karen Dunn said in her letter to the judge some documents were turned over in July and told CNN another set was delivered Friday.

"We have been working expeditiously to gather the remaining materials in Ms. Abedin's possession that are responsive or potentially responsive," Dunn and fellow attorney Miguel Rodriguez wrote.
But neither Abedin nor Mills have yet to submit the formal certification.
Meanwhile, the lawyer for Mills did tell the court she did not believe she had any paper copies of "potential federal records in her possession" and that following Monday's handover "we have instructed her to delete any and all electronic copies in her possession." Wilkinson said her firm will maintain an electronic version of the document production until it receives further instructions from the State Department.
After Judicial Watch informed the court of this development, Sullivan issued a ruling directing the government "to request that Mrs. Hillary Clinton, Ms. Huma Abedin, and Ms. Cheryl Mills i) not delete any federal documents, electronic or otherwise, in their possession or control, and ii) provide appropriate assurances to the Government that the above-named individuals will not delete any such documents." The court also asked for a status report by this coming Wednesday as well as assurances from all three that they will not delete any federal documents they have.
"We are abiding by the Court's order," Wilkinson, Mills' attorney, told CNN on Sunday.
Separately, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said he is going to put a hold on more than 29 State Department nominees until he gets answers from officials there about Abedin's work status while she was at State.
Abedin was allowed to do some private sector work while continuing to work for State, including for the Clinton Foundation and for Teneo the firm of Clinton friend Doug Band. Grassley charges the arrangement presented a potential conflict of interest.
Grassley is also demanding information related to Abedin's pay, saying she was overpaid for vacation time while employed at State. Abedin is challenging the allegations of any wrongdoing on both of those fronts.


Jul 4, 2012
[h=1]Talk of Biden bid grows louder among Iowa liberals[/h]
Biden, as a sitting vice president who has cultivated support in Iowa for more than a quarter century, would immediately enter the presidential race at 20 percent, Iowa insiders predicted.
"If the vice president enters the race, it would be a game changer, and the dynamics would be dramatically different," said Jim Mowrer, a former congressional candidate from Boone who became close with Beau Biden when they both were in the military and has stayed close with the family. "I wouldn't be surprised to see shifting endorsements and alliances based on his long history and friendships in Iowa."


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Group backing Clinton gets $1M from untraceable donors[/h] By JULIE BYKOWICZ2 hours ago

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton told a cheering crowd at her largest rally so far that "the endless flow of secret, unaccountable money" must be stopped. Two weeks later, the main super PAC backing her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination accepted a $1 million contribution that cannot be traced.
[h=2]Related Stories[/h]

  1. Democrats far behind GOP in raising money for '16 super PACs Associated Press
  2. Group Backing Hillary Clinton Gets $1 Million From Anonymous DonorsHuffington Post
  3. Clinton's Super PAC belies her small-donor campaign image Reuters
  4. News Guide: Super PAC backing Cruz gets $10 million donation Associated Press
  5. Super PAC doppelgangers eclipse candidates in campaign money chaseCenter for Public Integrity

The seven-figure donation, made June 29 to the pro-Clinton Priorities USA Action, came from another super political action committee, called Fair Share Action. Its two lone contributors are Fair Share Inc. and Environment America Inc., according to records filed with Federal Election Commission.
Those two groups are nonprofits that are not legally required to reveal information about their donors. Such contributions are sometimes called "dark money" by advocates for stricter campaign finance rules.
"This appears to be an out-and-out laundering operation designed to keep secret from the public the original source of the funds given to the super PAC, which is required to disclose its contributors," said Fred Wertheimer, director of one such group, the Washington-based Democracy 21.
Wertheimer urged Priorities to return the money and said that Clinton should demand that the super PAC "publicly disclose all of the original sources of money" of any contribution it receives.
It's a suggestion rejected by Priorities USA, whose spokesman, Peter Kauffmann, said the group is "playing by the rules."
"In the face of a billion dollar onslaught by right wing groups, there is too much at stake for everyday Americans for Democratic groups to unilaterally disarm," he said. Priorities USA raised about $15.6 million in the first six months of the year.
While another Democratic competitor, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, has rejected the support of super PACs altogether, Clinton has been plain that she needs big-money help.
"We're going to have to do what we can in this election to make sure that we're not swamped by money on the other side," she said last month.
Several of the Republican candidates for president also have nonprofits dedicated to helping their candidacies.
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Graphic shows flow of funds to Clinton-allied super PAC; 2c x 3 inches; 96.3 mm x 76 mm;

Conservative Solutions Project, a group paying for ads that boost Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, says it raised about $16 million through June. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush also has such a group, called Right to Rise Policy Solutions.
The law does not require these nonprofits to disclose their donors, but they are limited in how much they can directly advocate for a candidate.
Super PACs have much more latitude in their political activities. As a trade-off, they must report their donors to the FEC.
But as is the case with June's $1 million donation to Priorities USA Action, sometimes the named donors are nonprofits that collect money from anonymous sources. Other times, donors to super PACs are limited liability corporations or trusts that are difficult if not impossible to trace.
A prime example is Stand for Principle, a super PAC helping Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. Almost all of the $250,500 the super PAC raised in the first six months of the year came from "V3 231 LLC," a corporation made up of three other LLCs, according to federal court records reviewed by The Associated Press.
Identifying the people behind an LLC can take weeks or months of intensive investigation, because corporate registration records typically identify only a street address and contact for a registered agent, usually a lawyer.
Clinton's allies have taken over Priorities USA, a super PAC that was set up in 2011 to help President Barack Obama win re-election. It's now led by Guy Cecil, a veteran of Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign, and her longtime advocates Harold Ickes and David Brock are among its board members.
Tax and campaign finance records show Fair Share Inc. and Environment America Inc. — the nonprofit donors behind the $1 million Priorities USA contribution — did not give to Priorities USA in the Obama era. Fair Share advocates for job creation, and Environment America works on issues such as climate change. Both have existed since at least 2007.
Contributions flow to both of those nonprofits thanks in part to the Democracy Alliance, a left-leaning donor network that meets privately twice a year. Brock attends most of those gatherings.
David Elliot, a spokesman for the nonprofit Fair Share, said the group raises its money primarily from small donors online. Elizabeth Ouzts, a spokeswoman for Environment America, described that nonprofit's funding as being from "itty, bitty donors," and not big check-writers or corporations.
But because neither group is required to disclose its donors to federal regulators, as required of a campaign or super PAC, those statements are impossible to verify.
The Environment America money that ultimately landed in Priorities USA's bank account was a show of support for Clinton, Ouzts said, "because she shares our priorities."
Anonymous money is helping Clinton in other ways, too.
American Bridge 21st Century, founded by Brock, assists Clinton by providing her campaign and other Democrats with opposition research on Republicans. It operates both as a super PAC that reveals donors and a nonprofit that doesn't.
The latest FEC filings show that the super PAC side of American Bridge raised $5 million, and the nonprofit side gave the group about $1.2 million in overhead expenses such as office space and salaries. That nonprofit money can't be traced to any donors.

Jul 4, 2012
Elect Hillary and she will get the "dark money" out of politics!

She just needs those untraceable donations to do it!

New member
Jan 9, 2009
hiding dark money + destroying emails = the elite version of transparency

Dec 12, 2006
She's the biggest hypocrite in politics, and that's saying something. You can't believe a word out of her mouth, but voters don't care. Truly stupid voters in both parties.

Jul 4, 2012
Look at this woman of the people go:

‘Top Secret’ emails found as Clinton probe expands to key aides

As pressure builds on Hillary Clinton to explain her official use of personal email while serving as secretary of state, she faced new complications Tuesday. It was disclosed her top aides are being drawn into a burgeoning federal inquiry and that two emails on her private account have been classified as “Top Secret.”

The inspector general for the Intelligence Community notified senior members of Congress that two of four classified emails discovered on the server Clinton maintained at her New York home contained material deemed to be in one of the highest security classifications - more sensitive than previously known.

The notice came as the State Department inspector general’s office acknowledged that it is reviewing the use of “personal communications hardware and software” by Clinton’s former top aides after requests from Congress.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Umm, this is kind of a big deal...

Inspector General Senate letter says 2 Clinton emails shd have been Top Secret w/ codes indicating satellite comms despite Clinton denials

Genuinely shocked Andrea Mitchell would report this. Let's see what comes of it (my guess is nothing).

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