Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
He has earned privileges that Joe and Acebb are hoping to get one day.

A day outside weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Keep shooting your mouth off libtard.

You are one nasty losing streak away from becoming the next Pavian.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Keep shooting your mouth off libtard.

You are one nasty losing streak away from becoming the next Pavian.

Youre praying I go on a losing streak. It happens to everyone but in the end....I will be sitting with a pile of cash from collecting and you will be over-paying sports insights and other line services to tell you what to bet. Just bet what I do and be a winner. I'm not even charging you!! Your 25 dollar three team parlay days need to end.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Youre praying I go on a losing streak. It happens to everyone but in the end....I will be sitting with a pile of cash from collecting and you will be over-paying sports insights and other line services to tell you what to bet. Just bet what I do and be a winner. I'm not even charging you!! Your 25 dollar three team parlay days need to end.

Indeed I am, because I was asked politely to hold off on bringing this poker fraud bullshit to a head. Unfortunately, other posters want you to keep posting your picks so out of respect for them I'm laying low for the time being.

Don't worry, you and I both know you'll eventually dip below .500...

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Indeed I am, because I was asked politely to hold off on bringing this poker fraud bullshit to a head. Unfortunately, other posters want you to keep posting your picks so out of respect for them I'm laying low for the time being.

Don't worry, you and I both know you'll eventually dip below .500...

Hold off??? Bwaaaahhhh. As if you have any discipline to hold off on anything. Hysterical. There isn't a post of yours that goes by without you mentioning me somehow.

Keep waiting. You had to wait thru football last year, basketball this year and now baseball this year.

So so while you donk off your money to line service providers.....I will just keep cashing tickets.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
It would have been 9-2 had you picked balt :pointer:

The poker fraud was down 0-6 before he could blink. Now THAT is the vtard we all know!

Pressure's on kiddo!


New member
Oct 29, 2010
It would have been 9-2 had you picked balt :pointer:

The poker fraud was down 0-6 before he could blink. Now THAT is the vtard we all know!

Pressure's on kiddo!


I honestly never heard a man( that wasn't living with another man) say the score that way.

Pressure of what? Do yourself a favor.....follow me and win. Just stop trying to do shit on your own. You've been a losing gambler for isn't gonna change unless you change.

Good luck

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Huma Abedin Accused of Taking $10K in Overpayments from Hillary Clinton’s State Department


Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton / AP

BY: Morgan Chalfant
August 3, 2015 12:37 pm

An investigation by the State Department’s Office of the Inspector General found that Huma Abedin, the longtime Hillary Clinton aide who now serves as the vice chair of the former secretary of state’s presidential campaign, accepted nearly $10,000 in overpayments from the government agency.
According to the Washington Post, the investigation became public when Senate Judiciary Committee chair Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) sent letters to Abedin, Secretary of State John Kerry, and the OIG on the matter late last week.
According to Grassley, the OIG “found at least a reasonable suspicion of a violation” of a law having to do with the “theft of public money through time and attendance fraud,” indicating that investigators accuse Abedin of accepting payment for time she was on vacation or sick leave.
The letter alleges that records show Abedin never took vacation or sick time during her time working as an official in the State Department between January 2009 and February 2013. However, Grassley charges that Abedin was “on leave on numerous occasions,” including a trip to Italy and France in 2011, according to the investigation.
Abedin formally contested the charge and demanded an administration review of the inquiry, her lawyers claiming that she worked while on vacation and following the birth of her child in December 2011.
“Huma Abedin is widely known as one of the hardest-working people in all of Washington during the nearly two decades she was in public service,” attorney Karen Dunn said. “The IG report found a multitude of instances when she was working even when she was on maternity leave, yet its central charge was that she owes back pay for work missed while on leave. It simply doesn’t add up.”
Abedin is accused of accepting $9,857 from Hillary Clinton’s State Department. The Clinton campaign refused to comment on the matter.
In the letter, Grassley also demands information from Abedin regarding her “special government employee” status that allowed her to work for the Clinton Foundation and a firm with ties to the Clintons during her last six months at State, a matter that the Senate Judiciary Committee has been probing since 2013 for possible violations to conflict-of-interest laws.
He contends that Abedin has not supplied all documentation requested by the committee in the probe two years ago and that revelations regarding her alleged use of private email “further inform the original request,” demanding Abedin provide all documents requested by the committee in 2013 in addition to those regarding her time and attendance at the State Department.

He also requests she provide all emails forwarded from her account at State to any other non-work email accounts, among other documents and communications, by Aug. 10.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Huma Abedin Accused of Taking $10K in Overpayments from Hillary Clinton’s State Department


Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton / AP

BY: Morgan Chalfant
August 3, 2015 12:37 pm

An investigation by the State Department’s Office of the Inspector General found that Huma Abedin, the longtime Hillary Clinton aide who now serves as the vice chair of the former secretary of state’s presidential campaign, accepted nearly $10,000 in overpayments from the government agency.
According to the Washington Post, the investigation became public when Senate Judiciary Committee chair Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) sent letters to Abedin, Secretary of State John Kerry, and the OIG on the matter late last week.
According to Grassley, the OIG “found at least a reasonable suspicion of a violation” of a law having to do with the “theft of public money through time and attendance fraud,” indicating that investigators accuse Abedin of accepting payment for time she was on vacation or sick leave.
The letter alleges that records show Abedin never took vacation or sick time during her time working as an official in the State Department between January 2009 and February 2013. However, Grassley charges that Abedin was “on leave on numerous occasions,” including a trip to Italy and France in 2011, according to the investigation.
Abedin formally contested the charge and demanded an administration review of the inquiry, her lawyers claiming that she worked while on vacation and following the birth of her child in December 2011.
“Huma Abedin is widely known as one of the hardest-working people in all of Washington during the nearly two decades she was in public service,” attorney Karen Dunn said. “The IG report found a multitude of instances when she was working even when she was on maternity leave, yet its central charge was that she owes back pay for work missed while on leave. It simply doesn’t add up.”
Abedin is accused of accepting $9,857 from Hillary Clinton’s State Department. The Clinton campaign refused to comment on the matter.
In the letter, Grassley also demands information from Abedin regarding her “special government employee” status that allowed her to work for the Clinton Foundation and a firm with ties to the Clintons during her last six months at State, a matter that the Senate Judiciary Committee has been probing since 2013 for possible violations to conflict-of-interest laws.
He contends that Abedin has not supplied all documentation requested by the committee in the probe two years ago and that revelations regarding her alleged use of private email “further inform the original request,” demanding Abedin provide all documents requested by the committee in 2013 in addition to those regarding her time and attendance at the State Department.

He also requests she provide all emails forwarded from her account at State to any other non-work email accounts, among other documents and communications, by Aug. 10.

This is now about 4 articles on repeat the same bullshit articles

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

"I'm somewhat amused people(blind pats fans) still act as if the Brady, Bellichick and Kraft are still credible." -- Poker Fraud Vtard :pointer:

"blind Pats fans"
"still credible"


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Of course you don't want to address the content of the article, fucking puppet.

I did already you fucking idiot.

They have a suspicion and she disputes it and called for a review. So when she's scumbags will do what you always do....ignore it and move onto the next bullshit story. It's what you pieces of shit always do.

New member
Oct 29, 2010

"I'm somewhat amused people(blind pats fans) still act as if the Brady, Bellichick and Kraft are still credible." -- Poker Fraud Vtard :pointer:

"blind Pats fans"
"still credible"


You are so desperate.....this is all you got....making fun of me for something that countless other people believe also.

My 57-42 record, my huge winning year in all other sports, have you spinning in circles trying to find anything.

Joe 0-2

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Uh-Oh: Hillary Losing White Women
... and just about every other demographic.

Wall Street Journal is sounding the alarm for Team Hillary after the results of a new WSJ/NBC News poll show her losing white women voters and, well, basically every other demographic.

Though Clinton hoped to make up for the likely drop in African-American support by drawing more white women than Barack Obama, that prospect has taken a hit in recent months. WSJ found that Clinton is "losing ground with white women and many other important slices of the electorate" amid the continued storm of reports surrounding her potentially illegal private emails and the shady dealings of the Clinton Foundation.

WSJ reports:

In June, 44% of white women had a favorable view of Mrs. Clinton, compared to 43% who didn’t. In July, those numbers moved in the wrong direction for Mrs. Clinton: Only 34% of white women saw her in a positive light, compared to 53% who had a negative impression of her, the poll found. [...]

In the first three months of the year, suburban women by a margin of 18 points had a positive view of Mrs. Clinton. In July, those numbers took a dramatic turn for the worse. By a five-point margin, suburban women had a negative view of Mrs. Clinton.

Among white women with at least a college degree, 51% had a positive view of Mrs. Clinton and 38% a negative as of June. In July, those numbers had turned to 43% positive and 47% negative.

But WSJ notes that that's not the only "worrisome trend" for the Democratic presidential frontrunner. She's also lost many Independents, whose opinion of her has plummeted from an "evenly split" perception earlier this year to now being underwater 27/52. The opinion of Clinton among African-Americans also dropped in the last few months, falling from 81/3 to 66/15.

The poll of 1,000 adults was conducted July 26-30.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Uh-Oh: Hillary Losing White Women
... and just about every other demographic.

Wall Street Journal is sounding the alarm for Team Hillary after the results of a new WSJ/NBC News poll show her losing white women voters and, well, basically every other demographic.

Though Clinton hoped to make up for the likely drop in African-American support by drawing more white women than Barack Obama, that prospect has taken a hit in recent months. WSJ found that Clinton is "losing ground with white women and many other important slices of the electorate" amid the continued storm of reports surrounding her potentially illegal private emails and the shady dealings of the Clinton Foundation.

WSJ reports:

In June, 44% of white women had a favorable view of Mrs. Clinton, compared to 43% who didn’t. In July, those numbers moved in the wrong direction for Mrs. Clinton: Only 34% of white women saw her in a positive light, compared to 53% who had a negative impression of her, the poll found. [...]

In the first three months of the year, suburban women by a margin of 18 points had a positive view of Mrs. Clinton. In July, those numbers took a dramatic turn for the worse. By a five-point margin, suburban women had a negative view of Mrs. Clinton.

Among white women with at least a college degree, 51% had a positive view of Mrs. Clinton and 38% a negative as of June. In July, those numbers had turned to 43% positive and 47% negative.

But WSJ notes that that's not the only "worrisome trend" for the Democratic presidential frontrunner. She's also lost many Independents, whose opinion of her has plummeted from an "evenly split" perception earlier this year to now being underwater 27/52. The opinion of Clinton among African-Americans also dropped in the last few months, falling from 81/3 to 66/15.

The poll of 1,000 adults was conducted July 26-30.

This is another teaching moment for you Dave.

The same idiots did the same thing to Obama in 2012. I've bumped enough threads for you.....I thought that would help you guys but it hasn't.

These favorable/unfavorable polls mean absolutely nothing. Hillary is not matched against a republican candidate in these types of polls. These types of polls don't ask....even though you have an unfavorable view of Clinton, would you vote for her against Donald Trump or whoever.

It's why the "generic republican" polls do well against a named democrat. See, once a republican is named and they start talking, the numbers drop quickly.

If you wanna avoid looking like an idiot again like you did in should stop posting this kind of stupid shit.

Got it?

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
This is another teaching moment for you Dave.

The same idiots did the same thing to Obama in 2012. I've bumped enough threads for you.....I thought that would help you guys but it hasn't.

These favorable/unfavorable polls mean absolutely nothing. Hillary is not matched against a republican candidate in these types of polls. These types of polls don't ask....even though you have an unfavorable view of Clinton, would you vote for her against Donald Trump or whoever.

It's why the "generic republican" polls do well against a named democrat. See, once a republican is named and they start talking, the numbers drop quickly.

If you wanna avoid looking like an idiot again like you did in should stop posting this kind of stupid shit.

Got it?

Thank you Mr. Millionaire Poker Mogul who vacations in Virginia and New Jersey in the family truckster but I’ll pass.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Thank you Mr. Millionaire Poker Mogul who vacations in Virginia and New Jersey in the family truckster but I’ll pass.
See.....its what the family wants Dave....where they wanna go .....what they wanna do ...that's what's important to me. But for someone who found out his dad died from the's understandable why you don't get that.

And for someone who hasn't left the rathole you live in for over a should not be judging anyone else.

Im trying to help you not look so fucking stupid again. I mean, you actually believe a Trump/ Cruz ticket could win.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
See.....its what the family wants Dave....where they wanna go .....what they wanna do ...that's what's important to me. But for someone who found out his dad died from the's understandable why you don't get that.

And for someone who hasn't left the rathole you live in for over a should not be judging anyone else.

Im trying to help you not look so fucking stupid again. I mean, you actually believe a Trump/ Cruz ticket could win.

The only reason your family wants to vacation in Virginia and New Jersey is they never been anywhere else. They don’t know any better.

When you live in Vegas there’s no need to go anywhere. Vegas has it all.

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