Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
Hillary Email Subpoena Released

2:19 PM, JUL 8, 2015 • BY DANIEL HALPER

Hillary Clinton falsely claimed in an interview that she had not received a subpoena for her emails. But Trey Gowdy, the chair of the House Benghazi committee, released the subpoena he sent the former secretary of state after hearing Clinton not tell the truth:
Hillary Subpoena

The Benghazi committee says in a statement:
The House Select Committee on Benghazi today released its March 4, 2015, subpoena to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in response to her inaccurate claim she had not been subpoenaed. The committee subpoenaed Clinton directly after it became aware of her exclusive use of personal email and a server and that the State Department was not the custodian of Clinton’s official record. The State Department failed to reveal this essential information to the Benghazi Committee or any other investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attacks until days before a media outlet was going to publish the information, meaning no investigation prior to the Benghazi Committee’s had access to the Secretary of State’s communications as part of its review.

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“The committee has issued several subpoenas, but I have not sought to make them public," said committee Chairman Trey Gowdy. “I would not make this one public now, but after Secretary Clinton falsely claimed the committee did not subpoena her, I have no choice in order to correct the inaccuracy. The committee immediately subpoenaed Clinton personally after learning the full extent of her unusual email arrangement with herself, and would have done so earlier if the State Department or Clinton had been forthcoming that State did not maintain custody of her records and only Secretary Clinton herself had her records when Congress first requested them.”
“The fact remains, despite when this subpoena was issued, Secretary Clinton had a statutory duty to preserve records from her entire time in office, and she had a legal duty to cooperate with and tell the truth to congressional investigators requesting her records going back to September of 2012. Yet despite direct congressional inquiry, she refused to inform the public of her unusual email arrangement. This information only came to light because of a Select Committee request, not a voluntary decision to turn over records almost two years after leaving office, records which always should have been in State’s custody."
"Moreover, the timing of the Secretary's decision to delete and attempt to permanently destroy emails is curious at best. The Secretary left office in February of 2013. By her own admission she did not delete or destroy emails until the fall of 2014, well after this Committee had been actively engaged in securing her emails from the Department of State. For 20 months, it was not too burdensome or cumbersome for the Secretary to house records on her personal server but mysteriously in the fall of 2014 she decided to delete and attempt to permanently destroy those same records."

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Denies Being Subpoenaed; Investigators Release Subpoena[/h]Lead Benghazi investigator looks to correct inaccuracy from Clinton’s first interview


BY: Lachlan Markay
July 8, 2015 3:00 pm

Hillary Clinton told CNN on Tuesday that she was never personally subpoenaed. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.) says that is simply false, and on Wednesday he released the documentation proving it.
Clinton was personally subpoenaed as part of an investigation into the 2012 attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya, according to a copy of the subpoenareleased by Gowdy’s office.
She was ordered to turn over emails to or from her personal email accounts, which she used to conduct official State Department business.
“The committee has issued several subpoenas, but I have not sought to make them public,” Gowdy said in a Wednesday statement. “I would not make this one public now, but after Secretary Clinton falsely claimed the committee did not subpoena her, I have no choice in order to correct the inaccuracy.”
Gowdy said the select committee investigating the Benghazi attacks drafted its subpoena “after learning the full extent of her unusual email arrangement with herself.”
Clinton conducted official business on two personal email accounts hosted on a “home-grown” server in her New York home.
“There was no law, there was no regulation, there was nothing that did not give me the full authority to decide how I was going to communicate,” she told CNN’s Brianna Keilar on Tuesday.
That is inaccurate, according to Daniel Metcalfe, who ran the Justice Department’s Office of Information Policy during the Bill Clinton administration.
“Anyone at [the National Archives and Records Administration] would have said you can’t use a personal email account for all of your official business,” Metcalfe told PolitiFact in March.
According to Gowdy, Clinton also skirted federal rules designed to preserve official documents and communications.
“Secretary Clinton had a statutory duty to preserve records from her entire time in office, and she had a legal duty to cooperate with and tell the truth to congressional investigators requesting her records going back to September of 2012,” he said in his statement.
“Yet despite direct congressional inquiry, she refused to inform the public of her unusual email arrangement.”
Other statements made by Clinton during her Tuesday interview have been called factually suspect.
A Clinton campaign spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


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Jan 9, 2009



AP Photo/Frank Franklin II

by CAROLINE MAY8 Jul 201544

[h=2]While Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton now says cities should comply with federal immigration requests, she has been a supporter of sanctuary city policies in the past.[/h]In 2007 at a Democratic debate in New Hampshire Clinton expressed support for sanctuary city policies:
NBC’S Tim Russert: “Senator Clinton, would you allow the sanctuary cities to exist?”
Clinton: Well, in addition to the general points that have been made, that I agree with, why do they have sanctuary cities? In large measure because if local law enforcement begins to act like immigration enforcement officers, what that means is that you will have people not reporting crimes. You will have people hiding from the police. And I think that is a real direct threat to the personal safety and security of all the citizens. So this is a result of the failure of the federal government, and that’s where it needs to be fixed.
Russert: But you would allow the sanctuary cities to disobey the federal law.
Clinton: “Well, I don’t think there is any choice. The ICE groups go in and raid individuals, but if you’re a local police chief and you’re trying to solve a crime that you know people from the immigrant community have information about, they may not talk to you if they think you’re also going to be enforcing the immigration laws. Local law enforcement has a different job than federal immigration enforcement. The problem is the federal government has totally abdicated its responsibility.”
During an interview with Bill O’Reilly in 2008, highlighted this week by MRCTV, Clinton was equally on board with the idea of sanctuary policies:
O’Reilly: Are you going to crack down on the sanctuary cities?
Clinton: No, I’m not. And I’ll tell you why.
O’Reilly: Whoa.
Clinton: I’m not, I’m not because the reason why a lot of those folks do it — in New York, why do police officers turn a blind eye?
O’Reilly: Because they want them to report crimes.
Clinton: They want them to report crimes. Because…
O’Reilly: Doesn’t override.
Clinton: …the — well, sometimes you have two competing values. You want to report crime, you want to protect people and the violence spills way beyond whatever community…
In the wake of the murder of Kate Steinle at the hands of a multiple-deportee, multiple felon — Clinton is now saying cities should cooperate with federal officials:
CNN’s Brianna Keilar: “Last week, an undocumented immigrant who had been deported five times, killed a 32-year old woman, Kate Steinle, in San Francisco, a sanctuary city where local law enforcement does not enforce federal immigration laws. When you last ran for President you supported sanctuary cities. In light of this terrible incident, does that change anything about your view on this?”
Clinton: “Well what should be done is any city should listen to the Department of Homeland Security, which as I understand it, urged them to deport this man again after he got out of prison another time. Here’s a case where we’ve deported, we’ve deported, we’ve deported, he ends back up in our country and I think the city made a mistake. The city made a mistake not to deport someone that the federal government strongly felt should be deported. So I have absolutely no support for a city that ignores the strong evidence that should be acted on. However, there are, like if it were the first-time traffic citation, if it were something minor, a misdemeanor, that’s entirely different. This man had already been deported five times, and he should have been deported at the request of the federal government.”

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Jan 9, 2009




by JOEL B. POLLAK7 Jul 2015249

[h=2]Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told CNN’s Brianna Keilar that she had been fully compliant with all relevant laws and regulations regarding her email during her service in the Obama administration, despite using a private email address, maintaining a private server at her New York home, selecting which emails to turn over for archival purposes, and deleting the rest.[/h]“Everything I did was permitted….I didn’t have to turn over anything,” Clinton said in her first national interview of the presidential campaign.
Critics have argued that Clinton’s failure to provide all of her email to the State Department was a violation of the Federal Records Act, and that regulations promulgated by the National Archives cover private emails as well. There is also the matter of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, which would not have targeted Clinton’s personal server, since it was unknown to the public. And as Shannen Coffin notes at the National Review, it is a felony under federal law to remove or destroy official government records.
In addition, State Department policy, which Clinton enforced while in office, discouragesthe use of personal email accounts for work purposes. Clinton and her defenders have said that she did not share classified or sensitive information on her personal email account, but subsequent revelations about the content of some emails–as well as belated efforts by the State Department to classify some emails–have cast doubt on that claim. Clinton also destroyed her emails despite being asked about them by Congress.
In recent days, contradictions between emails submitted to Congress by Clinton associate Sidney Blumenthal and those submitted by Clinton via the State Department have suggested that she may have edited or obscured the contents of some of the email that she provided to the government. That could also violate a number of federal laws and regulations, as well as department policies.
At the very least, Clinton’s conduct demonstrates a contempt for the Obama administration’s own supposed commitment to transparency.

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Oct 29, 2010
Somebody changed their mind from 8 years ago? Great find Russ. It speaks to a politician and a persons character that they can change their opinion as time and circumstances change. If only some people could that.

This thread is a disgrace.

Sep 21, 2004

Donald Trump gambling on Hillary Clinton in 2016
By: MJ Lee
March 29, 2012 08:28 AM EDT

Donald Trump predicted Wednesday night that Hillary Clinton will take one more shot at winning the White House in 2016, and declined to rule out the possibility of throwing his support behind the former presidential candidate.
“Hillary Clinton, I think, is a terrific woman,” Trump said in an interview with Greta Van Susteren on Fox News. “I am biased because I have known her for years. I live in New York, she lives in New York, and I’ve known her and her husband for years and I really like them both a lot.”
Praising the secretary of state for being a hard worker and for having done a “good job” since joining the Obama administration, Trump said he expects Clinton to run for office again.
“I think assuming she is healthy, which I hope she will be, I think she runs after the next four years, I would imagine,” he said.
Asked whether he would support her, the real estate mogul replied, “I don’t want to get into this because I’ll get myself into trouble,” before adding, “I just like her. I like her and I like her husband. … He is a really good guy and she’s a really good person and woman.”
Clinton has repeatedly said that she has no intentions of running for president again.



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Jan 9, 2009

"Hillary Clinton took a swipe at Donald Trump today, adding her voice of disapproval to the chorus of critics against the Republican presidential candidate's recent remarks about Mexican immigrants.

“I’m very disappointed in those comments," she told CNN. "I feel very bad and very disappointed with him and with the Republican Party for not responding immediately and saying, ‘Enough! Stop it!’”
Some Republican presidential hopefuls, including Rick Perry and Jeb Bush, have since distanced themselves from Trump's comments. But others, like Ted Cruz, have expressed support for Trump."

Let's see if she says anything good about Trump. (of course your quote is from 2012 and he obviously wanted her over Obama and it was obvious the Dem's were going to win that election). Maybe he sent her an email LOL. Of course what he said was said long before the truth on Bill and Hillary began coming out (Foundation, etc).

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Oct 29, 2010
So Russ can an excuse for Trumps comments because they were made in 2012 but Hillary must stay 100 percent loyal to comments she made about sanctuary city policies in 2007. Lmao.....old Russ is flailing away and just can't get it right.

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Jan 9, 2009
Liking some one on a personal basis does not mean your agree or condone any and everything they have done especially politically or while they held public office. I am sure he did not agree with her lack of action with Benghazi. Again, the Foundation has been uncovered along with a lot of dots that can be connected to Bill and Hillary since Trump made that comment. Did he say, "I agree with everything they say and do politically." Hell no lol. He said he liked her personally amd did you skip this line (Clinton has repeatedly said that she has no intentions of running for president again.). DUH

Real estate magnate, television star, and conservative provocateur Donald Trump called on Speaker Rep. John Boehner (R-OH
to install a select committee to investigate the Benghazi scandal in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Tuesday morning.

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Jan 9, 2009
Check this out - Trump called Hillary "the first birther" lol:



Billionaire dishes on Obama's 'fake' birth certificate

Published: 02/27/2015 at 3:33 PMimage:
JEROME R. CORSI About | Email | Archive

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NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. – Donald Trump assured activists at the Conservative Political Action Conference Friday that he is seriously considering a presidential bid and has no interest in any publicity stunt to boost his business or his brand on television.The billionaire businessman said that on a scale of 100, he would peg his chances of running for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination at about 75 to 80.
In a question-and-answer session on the CPAC stage with Fox News host Sean Hannity after his speech, Trump said he still believes the computer-generated, long-form birth certificate for Barack Obama posted on the White House website April 27, 2011, is fake.
He touted his role in forcing Obama to make public his birth certificate.
“Hillary Clinton wanted to see Obama’s birth certificate; she was the first birther,” Trump explained to Hannity. “Then McCain tried really hard and really viciously to get Obama’s birth certificate.
“I’m not a sitting senator, not a sitting anything – I’m a good businessman – but I was able to get the White House to produce Obama’s birth certificate,” Trump boasted. “John McCain failed. Couldn’t get it. But Trump comes along and said ‘birth certificate’ and Obama gave the birth certificate.”
Continuing with the subject, Trump noted that he and others began to question whether or not the document presented by the White House was legitimate.
“So, Hillary Clinton wanted to see Obama’s birth certificate, John McCain wanted it and I wanted it. Obama didn’t produce the birth certificate for them, but he did it for me,” he said.
“I certainly wanted it,” Trump concluded. “Now all we have to do is find out whether or not it is real.”
What do YOU think? Who is your favorite presidential candidate for 2016? Sound off in today’s WND poll!
Trump took aim at former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush as a possible 2016 GOP presidential candidate.
“In favor of Common Core and weak on immigration; I don’t see Jeb Bush as winning,” Trump told the CPAC audience.
Trump also attacked the Obama administration for pushing trade deals that he claimed will allow more jobs to go to China – an attack that prompted Twitter comments pointing out Trump has manufacturing ties in China.
“In Barack Obama, we have a president who is incompetent,” Trump insisted in a speech that jumped from topic to topic.
“I guarantee you that Congress will continue to spend, even though President Obama broke the law declaring amnesty,” he predicted, even as the Senate was debating whether or not to fund the Department of Homeland Security. “We’re going to have people flooding into this country worse than it’s ever been. They’re coming across the borders now by the thousands and it’s only going to get worse.”
Trump castigated GOP members of Congress.
“The Republicans are going to have to toughen up,” he said. “Republicans are going to have to toughen up on the IRS, on Benghazi, on immigration, on Obamacare – a total lie and a total and complete disaster.”
Trump declared: “Nobody would be tougher on ISIS than me.”
He said Gen. Douglas MacArthur must be spinning in his grave.
“You have to hit ISIS hard, and you have to hit them now. But instead, take (Bowe) Bergdahl, we made a deal for five terrorists who are out there right now trying to kill us.”
Next, Trump turned to Iran, insisting that Tehran “cannot have a nuclear weapon.”
From there, Trump jumped to the border.
“We need strong borders,” he said. “We need a wall. I can tell you that if I run for president, the king of building buildings, the king of building walls, will build a wall on the border. That I can assure you. We will have an executive order. We have to knock it out fast.”
Trump then turned to the federal program establishing uniform education standards known as Common Core and quickly shifted to gun rights, all in the same sentence.
“Common Core is bad,” he said, “but the Second Amendment is good. Now Obama is going to take away the bullets. They can’t get the guns, so now they’re going to take away the bullets.”
Trump ripped into Mitt Romney for losing the 2012 presidential election.
“I came down very hard on Mitt Romney because he let us down; he really let us down,” Trump said. “That should have been an election that was won. That was an easy election to win, probably easier than the next one in 2016.”


from the abave:
So, Hillary Clinton wanted to see Obama’s birth certificate, John McCain wanted it and I wanted it. Obama didn’t produce the birth certificate for them, but he did it for me,” he said.

Jul 4, 2012

Donald Trump gambling on Hillary Clinton in 2016
By: MJ Lee
March 29, 2012 08:28 AM EDT
Donald Trump predicted Wednesday night that Hillary Clinton will take one more shot at winning the White House in 2016, and declined to rule out the possibility of throwing his support behind the former presidential candidate.
“Hillary Clinton, I think, is a terrific woman,” Trump said in an interview with Greta Van Susteren on Fox News. “I am biased because I have known her for years. I live in New York, she lives in New York, and I’ve known her and her husband for years and I really like them both a lot.”
Praising the secretary of state for being a hard worker and for having done a “good job” since joining the Obama administration, Trump said he expects Clinton to run for office again.
“I think assuming she is healthy, which I hope she will be, I think she runs after the next four years, I would imagine,” he said.
Asked whether he would support her, the real estate mogul replied, “I don’t want to get into this because I’ll get myself into trouble,” before adding, “I just like her. I like her and I like her husband. … He is a really good guy and she’s a really good person and woman.”
Clinton has repeatedly said that she has no intentions of running for president again.


What is supposed to be so funny about comments from 2012? You realize that you didn't highlight Hillary lying, right?

Jul 4, 2012
Anyway, another day, another lie from Hillary:

We wavered between Two and Three Pinocchios, but Clinton’s excessive spin finally tipped us toward Three. She’s goes too far in suggesting her actions were ordinary–and did not stretch the limits of existing laws and regulations.
[h=3]Three Pinocchios[/h]

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Jan 9, 2009



by IAN HANCHETT8 Jul 201592

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump predicted “we will have a crime wave like you’ve never seen before” if Hillary Clinton is president because of her “weak” position on immigration in an interview with NBC News on Wednesday.
Trump said, “I think Hillary will be a terrible president. She was the worst secretary of state in the history of our nation. Why would she be a good president? I think she’d be a terrible president.”
He added, “Hillary is weak on immigration. I may be divisive on immigration, but she’s weak on immigration, which is far worse. Hillary would let everybody come in, killers, criminals, drug dealers, everybody. If you listen to Hillary, everybody is going to be flowing through the nation. They are sort of now anyway. But if you listen to Hillary, she is so weak on immigration, we will have a crime wave like you’ve never seen before.

Jul 4, 2012
As if this would even be entertained seriously:

Report: Clinton Foundation keeping Trump money

This is pretty telling:

Hillary Clinton looked "very defensive" when talking about her private email server during her first TV interview with CNN Tuesday, New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman said Wednesday.

Discussing the interview on CNN's "New Day," Haberman, who covers Clinton for the Times, said the presidential candidate's defensiveness indicates she believes the scrutiny about the server is unfair.

"The emails, she was very defensive answering questions about that," Haberman said. "I was very struck by it. She still, I think, thinks this is an unfair issue. She's clearly very angry about the congressional hearings into this topic, thinks that it has gone too far."

In responding to a question from CNN's Brianna Keilar, Clinton said she did not conduct any wrongdoing by using the server and has gone "above and beyond what was expected" in releasing 55,000 pages of emails.

Haberman wasn't impressed with Clinton's response.

"She had one line where she said 'I didn't have to turn over anything.' ... That's not a great answer to that question considering she was using private email for government-related business."

^ Hillary is a once in generation candidate in terms of how terrible she is. Enjoy the campaign season as you're unlikely to see anyone this horrific nominated again.

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Jan 9, 2009

[h=2]POLITICS[/h][h=1]Paul: 'Very good chance' Clinton lied about knowledge of arms to rebels in Libya, Syria[/h]Published July 08,

NOW PLAYINGPaul: 'Very good chance' Clinton was lying on arming rebels

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Senator Rand Paul, R-Ky., said Wednesday that he believes “there’s a very good chance” Hillary Clinton was lying when she said in 2013 that she didn’t know about the alleged U.S.-backed flow of weapons to rebels in Libya and Syria when she was secretary of state.
Recently released emails detail Clinton’s interest in arming Libyan rebels in 2011 and show the 2016 Democratic presidential hopeful appearing to endorse the idea of using private contractors to her then-deputy chief of staff.
A new Fox News report, citing federal court documents, found that the United States supported the secret supply of weapons to Libyan rebels while Clinton was secretary of state.
Information uncovered in a 2012 Fox News investigation raised questions about whether the weapons used to arm the Libyan rebels later surfaced in Syria.
Former CIA Director Porter Goss told Fox News there was no question some of the weapons that flooded Libya were making their way to Syria -- adding that the U.S. intelligence community must have been aware, given their presence in Benghazi.
“I find it very hard to believe Hillary Clinton didn’t know,” Sen. Paul said Wednesday. “In fact she was the biggest cheerleader for sending these arms and redistributing these hands into Syrian rebels.”

When Paul asked Clinton in January 2013 at a congressional committee hearing about the alleged flow of arms to rebels in the Middle East, Clinton told Paul that she didn’t know.
Paul took issue with Clinton’s answers about her knowledge of the arms trade, and told Fox News' Bill Hemmer Wednesday that he finds it very hard to believe she didn’t know.
“Whether or not she told the truth is a big deal and some of the emails coming out about Benghazi indicate that maybe she did know a lot more about this arms trade than she let on,” said Paul, who is also running for president. “And I don’t think our public officials should be allowed to come before congressional committees and lie.”
When asked if he believed Clinton was lying, Paul responded: "I think there's a very good chance. Because I think there's no way Hillary Clinton did not know about this."
“But it’s also concerning because of the big problem we face now with ISIS. Did it have anything to do with Hillary Clinton arming people who either became ISIS or who were friends or allies of ISIS?” Paul said.
Paul also used the issue to take a swipe at Clinton’s run for the presidency.
“When we select a commander-in-chief, do we want a commander in chief who is so sloppy about who they give arms to, that we’re now at war again with ISIS – they have a billion dollars of our Humvees for goodness sakes,” Paul said.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary and History[/h]Thomas Sowell | Jun 23, 2015


There are no sure things in politics, but Hillary Clinton is the closest thing to a sure thing to become the Democrats' candidate for president in 2016.This is one of the painful but inescapable signs of our time. There is nothing in her history that would qualify her for the presidency, and much that should disqualify her. What is even more painful is that none of that matters politically. Many people simply want "a woman" to be president, and Hillary is the best-known woman in politics, though by no means the best qualified.
What is Hillary's history? In the most important job she has ever held -- Secretary of State -- American foreign policy has had one setback after another, punctuated by disasters.
U.S. intervention in Libya and Egypt, undermining governments that were no threat to American interests, led to Islamic extremists taking over in Egypt and terrorist chaos in Libya, where the American ambassador was killed, along with three other Americans.
Fortunately, the Egyptian military has gotten rid of that country's extremist government that was persecuting Christians, threatening Israel and aligning itself with our enemies. But that was in spite of American foreign policy.
In Europe, as in the Middle East, our foreign policy during Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State was to undermine our friends and cater to our enemies.
The famous "reset" in our foreign policy with Russia began with the Obama administration reneging on a pre-existing American commitment to supply defensive technology to shield Poland and the Czech Republic from missile attacks. This left both countries vulnerable to pressures and threats from Russia -- and left other countries elsewhere wondering how much they could rely on American promises.
Even after Russia invaded Ukraine, the Obama administration refused to let the Ukrainians have weapons with which to defend themselves. President Obama, like other presidents, has made his own foreign policy. But Hillary Clinton, like other Secretaries of State, had the option of resigning if she did not agree with it. In reality, she shared the same flawed vision of the world as Obama's when they were both in the Senate.
Both of them opposed the military "surge" in Iraq, under General David Petraeus, that defeated the terrorists there. Even after the surge succeeded, Hillary Clinton was among those who fiercely denied initially that it had succeeded, and sought to discredit General Petraeus, though eventually the evidence of the surge's success became undeniable, even among those who had opposed it.

The truly historic catastrophe of American foreign policy -- not only failing to stop Iran from going nuclear, but making it more difficult for Israel to stop them -- was also something that happened on Hillary Clinton's watch as Secretary of State.
What the administration's protracted and repeatedly extended negotiations with Iran accomplished was to allow Iran time to multiply, bury and reinforce its nuclear facilities, to the point where it was uncertain whether Israel still had the military capacity to destroy those facilities.
There are no offsetting foreign policy triumphs under Secretary of State Clinton. Syria, China and North Korea are other scenes of similar setbacks.
The fact that many people are still prepared to vote for Hillary Clinton to be President of the United States, in times made incredibly dangerous by the foreign policy disasters on her watch as Secretary of State, raises painful questions about this country.
A President of the United States -- any president -- has the lives of more than 300 million Americans in his or her hands, and the future of Western civilization. If the debacles and disasters of the Obama administration have still not demonstrated the irresponsibility of choosing a president on the basis of demographic characteristics, it is hard to imagine what could.
With our enemies around the world arming while we are disarming, such self-indulgent choices for president can leave our children and grandchildren a future that will be grim, if not catastrophic.


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