Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Aug 6, 2006
I know you're not a racist and don't think like them. I just don't get why you would jump in the middle of that and just join in with them while Guesser was simply calling them out for all their racist shit. And there you go, Scott even responds to you knowing you guys are buds. Scott's a sick fuck. My favorite is how he blames me for him being a racist, haha. And the most hypocritical part of it all was when someone said one tame Jewish insult, Scott had a hissy fit. He's the biggest hypocrite here.

Patently False. Normal people know where the lines are drawn. Unfortunately you are SCUM and far from normal.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
That is a blatant lie. God Bless the American Indians. And Fuck You. You brought it all on yourself.

I guess you are right, if someone lumped me with Joe and Ace I'd probably become a racist also, lol. You're hilarious dude. You justifying your actions by blaming me for them has to be the most cowardly thing I have heard. Man up one of these days. I don't ever dive in to any Jewish insults or personal insults towards you. Just not my thing. The fact I can simply say "Joe, Ace and Scott" and you flip shit and become this psycho is the most hilarious part of all. You are being completely played here.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
He's the resident Rx Palestinian. A Professional Victim if there ever was one. Pretending he's of NA descent is another one of his ploys so he can spew crocodile tears.

Imagine someone so self-loathing and screaming so hard at his own inner pain yet producing fake tears. He actually *should* be crying. About his life.....


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Classy, Joe.

I hope at some point you realize the damage you do when you post this type of shit. You legitimize all the negative comments made about the righties down here.

You mean in the eyes of libtards like the drunk retard and the poker fraud? I'm...crushed.

Notice how quickly the forum became a shit show again as soon as lard-ass took a break from his therapy and made a reappearance.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Classy, Joe.

I hope at some point you realize the damage you do when you post this type of shit. You legitimize all the negative comments made about the righties down here.

See the issue is this.....Walter spends his entire life on multiple web sites spewing hate speech everywhere. Mentally he is completely unstable. So as you try to make a point to him you need to realize that he is incapable of understanding what you're saying to him. He only sees the world thru his eyes and deranged mind. He just isn't while your words are dead on accurate, he simply doesn't have the mental capability to understand them.

New member
Nov 10, 2010


'IT LOOKS LIKE BRIBERY': Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney leveled serious charges at Hillary Clinton on Thursday after her latest scandal landed on the pages of US newspapers



LONG SHADOW: Hillary Clinton is being hammered with allegations of financial impropriety as her presidential campaign tries to get off the ground



HOST: Syndicated radio broadcaster Hugh Hewitt scored the interview with Romney as Clinton's nuclear nightmare unfolded


[h=1]Mitt Romney says Hillary Clinton's latest scandal 'looks like BRIBERY' as she's hammered for hiding her involvement in a sweetheart uranium deal for a Russian government-owned company[/h]
  • Former Republican presidential candidate skewers the Democrats' presidential frontrunner during radio show
  • 'We might know for sure whether there was or was not bribery if she hadn’t wiped out thousands of emails'
  • Clinton's family foundation took tens of millions of dollars from a uranium company later sold to Russia's government
  • The State Department approved the deal while she was secretary
  • The foundation later denied to The New York Times that a related meeting took place at the Clintons' home – but there was photographic evidence
PUBLISHED: 15:39, 24 April 2015 | UPDATED: 21:43, 24 April 2015
Mitt Romney hurled the 'B' word at Hillary Clinton on Thursday. No, not that B-word. It was 'bribery.'
Clinton is embroiled in a new scandal this week sparked by a forthcoming book that alleges her family foundation reaped tens of millions of dollars because of a Russian uranium deal the State Department endorsed while she was at the helm.
'You know, I’ve got to tell you, I was stunned by it,' Romney told radio host Hugh Hewitt. 'I mean, it looks like bribery.'
'There is every appearance that Hillary Clinton was bribed to grease the sale of – what? – 20 per cent of America’s uranium production to Russia, and then it was covered up by lying about a meeting at her home with the principals, and by erasing emails,' he said.
'And you know, I presume we might know for sure whether there was or was not bribery if she hadn’t wiped out thousands of emails. But this is a very, very serious series of facts, and it looks like bribery.'


The meeting Romney referred to was a quiet discussion at Hillary and Bill Clinton's Chappaqua, New York home with the former first couple and principals from Kazatomprom, a Kazakhstan state-owned nuclear materials holding company.
New York Times reporter Jo Becker told Fox News on Thursday that Frank Giustra, the Canadian businessman at the center of the sweetheart uranium deal – the man who later gave at least $31 million to the Clinton Foundation – 'arranged for officials to go to Bill Clinton’s house in Chappaqua.'
'When I first contacted the Clinton Foundation, they denied any such meeting ever took place,' Becker told Fox.
'And when we told them we have already talked to the head, who not only told us all about the meeting but actually has a picture of him and Bill at the home, that he proudly displays on his office wall, they then acknowledge that, yes, the meeting had taken place.'
Romney's reference to emails raises a new flag in the developing political tug-of-war over a private home-brew email server Hillary Clinton used exclusively while she was secertary of state – never having an official government email address that could be archived.
Republicans in Congress have latched on to the server – and Clinton's acknowledgement that she deleted more than half its emails – as an indication that she may have hidden details about the 2012 terror attack on an American diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, LIbya.
But Romney suggested those emails might have instead hidden financial corruption.



New member
Nov 10, 2010


FRIEND OF BILL: Canadian businessman Frank Giustra (right) got a sweetheart uranium mining deal from Kazakhstan in 2008 with Bill Clinton's help, a year after launching a 'sustainable development initiative' with the Clinton Foundation; Giustra pledged $100 million and half his earnings from mining to the foundation

The larger picture emerging is one of alleged pay-for-play arrangements benefiting the Clinton Foundation along with the Clintons personally, through six-figure speaking fees for the former president.
In exchange, according to a forthcoming book by Government Accountability Institute chief Peter Schweizer called 'Clinton Cash,' Bill Clinton traveled with Giustra to see Kazakh dictator Nursultan Nazarbayev and win a uranium mining concession – and Hillary Clinton later helped green-light a deal that handed a majority stake in Giustra's comany over to the Russian government.
Nazarbayev reaped a public relations coup from having the former U.S. president endorse the 'progress' his former Soviet-state country has made, despite a widely criticized human-rights record and near-universal conclusions that his elections were rigged.
Most recently, in 2011, he was re-elected with 95 per cent of the vote.
In the mean-time, Giustra's comany, Uranium One, had bought up massive uranium mining contracts in the United States and underwent a series of mergers. Ultimately, the Russian government became a majority stakeholder.
The result: Russia now owns the uranium mining rights that Bill Clinton helped negotiate for Giustra in Kazakhstan, along with those that the company had acquired in the United States – amounting to 20 per cent of America's reserves.
Compounding the Clintons' problems, the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation omitted its contributions from foreign governments when it filed its income tax returns for at least three years. Those returns, and two others, must now be re-filed.
Chelesea Clinton, the former first daughter who now serves as the philanthropy's vice-chair, defended the organization on Thursday, callnig it 'among the most transparent foundations.'
Romney, though, was harshly critical.


STRONGMAN: Kazakhstan's president, Nursultan Nazarbayev, wom praise from Bill Clinton for making democratic 'progress,' as he signed over much of hsi country's uranium wealth to Frank Giustra



The Clinton Foundation erroneously reported it had received no funds from governments for at least three years – even though it previously received millions – and now must re-file its tax paperwork for a half-decade



STRAIGHT-FACED: Chelsea Clinton defended her family philanthropy on Thursday in New York, calling it 'among the most transparent of foundations'

'We don’t know who gave money,' he said, 'and the IRS apparently is making it known that the filings of the Clinton Foundation did not include the fact that foreign governments were making contributions. And they had misstated their filings over the past several years.'
'Based on what was written by The New York Times, and is being reported by Fox and others,' Romney added, 'it has every earmark of bribery. And this is from the office of Secretary of State.'
'Around the world,' he said, 'people are going to look at Hillary Clinton, a potential candidate for president, a former Secretary of State, and say, "Gosh, is this a person who could be trusted?" And I think the American people are asking that question as well.'
Romney suggested on Thursday that the fallout from Hillary Clinton's political nuclear nightmare could go beyond her family foundation and her White House ambitions.
'I’m afraid this is – this is bigger than just her presidential campaign,' he said. 'I mean, this is a question about whether or not the United States Secretary of State was bribed to grease the sale of strategic assets to Russia.'
Looking at 2016, the one-time candidate said 'the Democrats are going to want to have someone who can be trusted by the American people, and someone who is not embroiled in what appears to be a form of bribery.'
[h=3]TRANSCRIPT: The Hugh Hewitt Show interview with Mitt Romney (April 23, 2015) [/h]Hugh Hewitt: Pleased to welcome back to the program former Massachusetts Governor and 2012 Republican nominee for president, Mitt Romney. Governor Romney, always a pleasure, welcome back.
Mitt Romney: Thank you. It’s good to be with you, Hugh.
HH: Governor Romney, I know you’ve had a chance to read, I assume you’ve had a chance to read the Jo Becker/Mike McIntire New York Times piece today about the cash flowing into the Clinton Foundation from the Russians as they got control of Uranium One. What’s your reaction to this story?
MR: You know, I’ve got to tell you, I was stunned by it. I mean, it looks like bribery. I mean, there is every appearance that Hillary Clinton was bribed to grease the sale of, what, 20% of America’s uranium production to Russia, and then it was covered up by lying about a meeting at her home with the principals, and by erasing emails. And you know, I presume we might know for sure whether there was or was not bribery if she hadn’t wiped out thousands of emails. But this is a very, very serious series of facts, and it looks like bribery.
HH: I just asked Senator Lindsey Graham last hour if they would hold hearings into the donors to the Clinton Family Foundation, because if the Russians can give them that much money, is it possible the Iranians have as well, Governor Romney?
MR: Well, we don’t know who gave money, and the IRS apparently is making it known that the filings of the Clinton Foundation did not include the fact that foreign governments were making contributions. And they had misstated their filings over the past several years. This is obviously a very troubling setting. But even what we do know, based on what was written by the New York Times, and is being reported by Fox and others, it has every earmark of bribery. And this is from the office of Secretary of State. This is a very troubling set of facts, and clearly, there’s got to be some kind of investigation to find out what the truth is here, because around the world, people are going to look at Hillary Clinton, a potential candidate for president, a former Secretary of State, and say gosh, is this a person who could be trusted? And I think the American people are asking that question as well.
HH: Now Governor Romney, Brian Fallon, a spokesperson for Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign, said, “No one has produced a shred of evidence supporting the theory that Hillary Clinton ever took action as Secretary of State to support the interests of donors to the Clinton Foundation. To suggest the State Department under then-Secretary Clinton exerted undue influence in the U.S. government’s review of the sale of Uranium One is utterly baseless.” Is that a sufficient response?
MR: Well, it’s blah, blah, blah. The story that came from the New York Times is pretty straightforward, which is that millions upon millions of dollars were given to the Clinton Foundation at the same time by a group of people who had uranium assets, and shortly thereafter, these people came to the State Department for approval to be able to sell these assets to Russia for a huge price tag. And those are the facts. And if those things are connected, as they certainly seem to be, it’s a form of bribery. And that’s what it appears to be, and that is of course what’s going to have to be delved into, and I’m afraid this is a, this is bigger than just her presidential campaign. I mean, this is a question about whether or not the United States Secretary of State was bribed to grease the sale of strategic assets to Russia.
HH: We also have to look at…
MR: This is a serious potential setting.
HH: Yeah, we have to look at Paragraph 8 of the story. “Shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One,” the New York Times reports, “Mr. Clinton received a half million dollars for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that were promoting Uranium One stock.” Then very deep in the story, it says, “The $500,000 dollar fee was paid by Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin.” Now you were an investment banker, Governor Romney, before you went into politics, before you rescued the Olympics. Were you in the habit of paying people a half million dollars to speak at your conferences?
MR: No, we’re a little more jealous with the receipts of our funds to do that. But again, I mean, this is money, we say it’s going to Bill Clinton, but this is going to Bill and Hillary, because obviously, they are a married couple. Their assets are commingled. This is the same thing as if a half a million dollars went to Hillary Clinton. And as Secretary of State, you just can’t have foreign governments or groups that are associated with foreign governments, or fronts for foreign governments, giving money to the United States Secretary of State. This, you know, her responsibility as Secretary of State is the centerpiece of her presidential campaign. And at best, it’s an ethical morass. That’s at best.
HH: Do you think she’ll withdraw? Do you think this is a campaign killer?
MR: You know, we’re going to see what the facts say. And what comes out, I think there are going to have to be, there’s going to have to be an investigation. But I think the Democrats are going to want to have someone who can be trusted by the American people, and someone who is not embroiled in what appears to be a form of bribery.
HH: Now I don’t know if you knew Senator Warren from your days in Massachusetts, Governor Romney. But at this point, doesn’t she have to be rethinking? Don’t all Democrats have to be rethinking the viability of Team Clinton?
MR: Well, I think anybody who is in the Democratic Party has got to say is she the right person to go forward. This is, this keeps happening. It’s always something with the Clintons. And this is a lot worse than anyone had expected. There’s going to be more in this story. There are going to be more settings where we’re going to find out about donations to the Clinton Foundation. And by the way, this Clinton Foundation really promotes the prestige and influence of Hillary and Bill Clinton around the world. It’s, people say well, it’s not going into their pockets. Well, it’s effectively the same thing, because it allows them to do what they want to do around the world. And I think this is going to be a real problem for her, and I think you’re right. I think people are going to rethink this race on the Democratic side, and as for Elizabeth Warren, boy, I sure hope it’s not her. Let me tell you, but there may be some others who are more palatable.
HH: Now Governor Romney, in the 2012 campaign, you warned about Vladimir Putin, and President Obama mocked you, said the 80s called, they wanted their foreign policy back. We’ve now seen the Crimea and Ukraine. But were you aware, was your campaign aware at the time of this Uranium One deal and of this cash flowing in, because Hillary Clinton promised transparency. She didn’t deliver it. The New York Times said that in the story. But was your team aware that they were essentially renting the Clintons for Uranium One purposes in Moscow?
MR: You know, we were not aware of the Uranium One deal. I wish we would have been. That would have had an influence on the election, potentially. But we didn’t know about it. One thing we knew, however, was that the foreign policy that Hillary Clinton, that Barack Obama has structured, was seriously flawed, that they misunderstood geopolitics and what was happening in the world. And as a result, Hillary Clinton presses a reset button with Russia, and basically the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton give Russia what they want, which is removal of our missile defense system from Central Europe. One thing after the other, apparently, they give to Russia. And it was such an extraordinary lack of foresight and judgment that we’re now suffering the consequences not only as Americans, but as people around the world as Russia has exerted its strong bear arm over Ukraine.
HH: Now I want to ask specifically about the Clinton server and email erasure. You mentioned it earlier. Do you suppose, Governor Romney, if they hadn’t been erased, we would find Uranium One in the subject line of one of those emails?
MR: Absolutely. What you would anticipate is that if we had the thousands upon thousands of emails, is we’d find out whether there was a connection between actions taken by the Secretary of State and contributions to the Foundation, as well as speaking fees. We might not just find about Uranium One, but also other entities that contributed to the Foundation. This thing is, I mean, it really, it just stinks to high Heaven. And it’s so inappropriate for a Secretary of State to come anywhere near this kind of thing. And that’s what’s so frustrating to watch, is that Hillary Clinton is an accomplished person. She understood what was, her future might entail, and yet, you know, for the sake of making millions upon millions of dollars, I mean, now they’re worth over $100 million dollars. She left the White House, she said, bankrupt. This accumulation of wealth based upon, to a certain degree, her status as Secretary of State, is a very ugly setting.
HH: Now the tax returns of the Clinton Family Foundation, you were pressed for the release of your tax returns. It was an issue in the 2012 campaign. Should they be releasing all of the Clinton Foundation tax returns for the years that she was the Secretary of State, as well as their personal returns?
MR: Well, no question if she runs for president, Bill and Hillary Clinton will have to release their joint returns, not just her return, but their joint returns, because assets are comingled. And number two, yes, the Foundation would have to release its returns as well. I’m not asking for ten years, but I’m saying they ought to give at least three years of returns so we can see where the money’s been coming from.
HH: And a last question, when you decided not to run, Governor, you said it was time for a new generation of leaders. Have you seen any of those, yet? Have you picked one?
MR: I’ve not picked one. I intend to be aggressively independent and neutral in this contest. But there are a number I’m impressed with. You know that Jeb Bush, in many respects, is leading in the national polls. Marco Rubio and Scott Walker lead in some of those polls. All three of them, I think, are very strong and capable people. Lindsey Graham, Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina, there are a number of folks who I think could be a very strong contender for the presidency in 2016.
HH: Do you counsel them to go after this Uranium One issue hard?
MR: You know, I don’t know whether that’s going to be part of their approach to the campaign, but my guess is by the time we have a nominee, that nominee is going to be looking very carefully at everything to do with Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State, and it’s a fruitful field for investigation.
HH: Governor Mitt Romney, it’s always a pleasure to talk to you, Governor, come back early and often between now and 2016.


Jul 4, 2012
The scandal is that huge money is able to unduly influence Presidential campaigns. On BOTH sides. That's OK with you, or is it just OK if you agree with a particular side?

You pretending that the donations to the Clinton foundation while Hillary was Secretary of State is now about "huge money" influencing Presidential campaigns, reminds us that you are laughably stupid and a pathetic liar. You simply can not and will not, address what happened here. You have to pretend that there is some equivalence between a Senator taking campaign donations and what Bill & Hillary did with their charity because you are a fucking rat scumbag.

Why do you persist with these idiotic lies?

Rx Alchemist.
Aug 16, 2007
See the issue is this.....I spend my entire life on multiple web sites spewing hate speech everywhere. Mentally I am completely unstable. So as you try to make a point to me you need to realize that I am incapable of understanding what you're saying. I only see the world thru my eyes and deranged mind. I just am not while your words are dead on accurate, I simply do not have the mental capability to understand them.

Jan 24, 2012
You mean in the eyes of libtards like the drunk retard and the poker fraud? I'm...crushed.

Notice how quickly the forum became a shit show again as soon as lard-ass took a break from his therapy and made a reappearance.

No, I mean in the eyes of anyone who doesn't support racism.

Rx Alchemist.
Aug 16, 2007
Carl with yet another useless post. You are on quite a streak of useless posts.....keep it up because you are not alone in right wing idiotic's a neck and neck race.

I only have around 18,000 more to catch up to your sorry ass.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
The Clinton’s are the elite of the elite. Just think about it. Hillary ran in 2012 and everyone including them knew she was going to do it again in 2016. Look at all the dots that connect back to them just during that period of time. Why would they time after time not only push the envelope they send it with no stamps and do not expect it to return for lack of postage.
Anyone who has not driven a car in twenty years is an elitist. Anyone who thinks that when they speak to a private group that what they say is worth the extravagant fee, it is the simple fact that it is a Clinton saying it.

The email controversy is proof positive that they think they are above the law. Destroying the emails was not a last second decision (remember the topic of her emails was questioned in 2012), they always intended to destroy implicating emails the very first day they decided to use their own private server when and if the need arose.
Does anyone, Dem or Rep want someone like that running our Country. Someone who tried to reopen relations with Russia and Putin only to have them move on the Ukraine and work with Iran.

The Libs on here try to run down any republican or conservative who implicate Hillary and Bill. They are a team, always have been when it comes to politics. Hillary runs down the 1%ers and they are 1%ers. Their Foundation has filed and refiled with the IRS. Why?

I simply want to try to restore our role in the world. Obama has destroyed our role. Hillary would take it even lower. Hillary is the biggest fraud ever but the fact of the matter is that she flaunts her power and knows how complicated our legal system is and how politics has destroyed our legal system.

Why can’t the Dem’s come up with somebody else. Obama destroyed the term “transparency” but Bill and Hillary probably don’t even own a mirror. I have no problem with the Dem’s winning the election if they do but at least put up a candidate with no baggage and who honors transparency. Are all the Rep candidates perfect? Are you perfect? Is anyone perfect? The Dem’s need a better candidate not because they might be a household word, because they place this Country first and foremost and have not and will not promote this Country for personal gain.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Hitlerly's presidency would be scandal-ridden from Day 1. With a deeply divided govt, what would she accomplish? More pen and phone shenanigans?

Why would any sane Dem want someone so polarizing and corrupt as their candidate?

"Hillary will be president!" -- Poker Fraud David Vtard

Note the word sane.

The criminal bitch should be spending the rest of her life in jail.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You mean in the eyes of libtards like the drunk retard and the poker fraud? I'm...crushed.

Notice how quickly the forum became a shit show again as soon as lard-ass took a break from his therapy and made a reappearance.

Yea, me coming back forces you to be an idiot and post threads about Obama having Aids or some Gay disease, hahaha. You've been a shit show for over a decade on the Internet spending your life posting ridiculous conservative conspiracy theories. And being wrong about every single one. It's absolutely hilarious. You truly are mentally insane. And that's not an insult, there are very few people on this site or around the Internet that have met you that do not think you are a psycho and someone that should be in a padded room and away from civilization right now.

Don't get mad at me for calling you out for your conservative bullshit. If you want to post this useless despicable crap without any feedback go to Stormfront. You're probably a leader there already anyways, haha.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Yea, me coming back forces you to be an idiot and post threads about Obama having Aids or some Gay disease, hahaha. You've been a shit show for over a decade on the Internet spending your life posting ridiculous conservative conspiracy theories. And being wrong about every single one. It's absolutely hilarious. You truly are mentally insane. And that's not an insult, there are very few people on this site or around the Internet that have met you that do not think you are a psycho and someone that should be in a padded room and away from civilization right now.

Don't get mad at me for calling you out for your conservative bullshit. If you want to post this useless despicable crap without any feedback go to Stormfront. You're probably a leader there already anyways, haha.

Typical far right behavior. Blame the other guy. That is what Walter does.

Walter is truly mentally disturbed. Guys like Russ and Dave are just fools....Walter and Acebb are flat out dangerous psychopaths.

Amazing that you can go back to 2006 and see how wrong he was then. Watching him repeat the same thing he has for 9 years is some of the best stuff you'll see anywhere

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Typical far right behavior. Blame the other guy. That is what Walter does.

Walter is truly mentally disturbed. Guys like Russ and Dave are just fools....Walter and Acebb are flat out dangerous psychopaths.

Amazing that you can go back to 2006 and see how wrong he was then. Watching him repeat the same thing he has for 9 years is some of the best stuff you'll see anywhere

Yea, it's hilarious how they blame people for their actions. Like Scott blaming me for him being a racist douche or Pyscho Joe blaming me for him being himself... just real life cowards. But Joe is in a different category of psycho. I mean you have 9 years of history on him, probably 100k plus posts across the Internet all about conservative conspiracies that have never been right. And 100k is not an exaggeration, it is probably way more than 100k if you include his facebook and other sites he most likely posts on. I'm just waiting for that $5,000 gold and hyperinflation!!! Hahaha, poor kid. He's going to end up living his life without ever realizing he's a retard. Some people get dealt 2/7, life isn't always fair.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Yea, me coming back forces you to be an idiot and post threads about Obama having Aids or some Gay disease, hahaha. You've been a shit show for over a decade on the Internet spending your life posting ridiculous conservative conspiracy theories. And being wrong about every single one. It's absolutely hilarious. You truly are mentally insane. And that's not an insult, there are very few people on this site or around the Internet that have met you that do not think you are a psycho and someone that should be in a padded room and away from civilization right now.

Don't get mad at me for calling you out for your conservative bullshit. If you want to post this useless despicable crap without any feedback go to Stormfront. You're probably a leader there already anyways, haha.

Keep flailing away, Paul.

I know who YOU are, but you have no clue who I am.

"Since then I have taking up the hobby of binge drinking and eating fast food. I am now 248 and disgusted with myself"

Naturally, this massively obese loser spends his time attacking anonymous strangers all over the internet because he views himself as a complete worthless piece of shit.

And guess what? For once in his life he's right.


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