Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Aug 6, 2006
It's crazy man. That's why where ever you go on the Internet it is nonstop conservative fear mongering. I mean taking advantage of these poor mental midgets like Russ, Dave, Scott, Ace, Joe, JDouche, etc... is a frikkin goldmine. They can literally write anything and they believe it. Haha. "An anonymous white house staffer said Hillary is bad"... lol! Really you got to question the morals of these conservative sites. Taking advantage of people that don't know any better and can't think for themselves is wrong. But at the same time you can't blame them for taking their money. Even Sarah Palin gave up working so she can just go around making millions of dollars saying 1 line quips to these idiots, haha!! I honestly can't believe these are adults. It shocks me anyone over the age of 8 could be so easily manipulated.

They have more self-control than you. At least Russ and Joe can keep two things out of their mouths that you can't - my name, and jizz.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
They have more self-control than you. At least Russ and Joe can keep two things out of their mouths that you can't - my name, and jizz.
have you seen the purple flowers pic? Joe is a bottom and has had jizz in his mouth among other places

Aug 6, 2006
have you seen the purple flowers pic? Joe is a bottom and has had jizz in his mouth among other places

Did it burn your eyes?

Tell your buddy I'm gonna hit him so hard every tepee in a 5 mile radius will collapse ;-)

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You know you've beaten someone to a pulp when they have to start resorting to your race all the time. And the best part is, Scott is such a hypocrite... you say one thing about him being a Jew he has a conniption and goes in to one his bipolar hypocritical rants about being a good person. Classic Scott! Haha

Him and Mantis deserve each other. Two real life hypocrites.

Aug 6, 2006
You know you've beaten someone to a pulp when they have to start resorting to your race all the time. And the best part is, Scott is such a hypocrite... you say one thing about him being a Jew he has a conniption and goes in to one his bipolar hypocritical rants about being a good person. Classic Scott! Haha

Him and Mantis deserve each other. Two real life hypocrites.

POS you haven't come out on top ever in a single thread here.

Do you even know what bipolar means, idiot?

Keep claiming I need your attention when the only reason you keep spitting my name is because I never pay any attention to you.

"beaten someone to a pulp" LMFAO!!!
Jan 24, 2012
Same reason why you like to jump in the middle of conversations supporting and defending sick racists like Scott, Joe, and Vlad. You know why.

I actually don't. You think I'm a racist? A far right loon? What? I've got no issue with you. Always had good NBA discussion.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
I actually don't. You think I'm a racist? A far right loon? What? I've got no issue with you. Always had good NBA discussion.

Never said that... you just like to get involved in the middle of conversations adding fuel to these sick fucks fire. You have Scott sitting there calling me a Faggot, Drunk Indian... and you're there just conversing with him like you're best buddies. I thought we were friends, would never do that if you were ever being called those kind of names. Not going to lie. Just disappointed in you and all you said was to lower your expectations of you... which I have done.

And then you come in the middle of a conversation where Vlad is clearly implying his racism about black/white qbs talking about whether he cares about RG3 winning the Heismann, he only cares about Luck winning. Lmao!! He only cares about hating black people, that's it. He doesn't care about anything else. If you want to stick up for what that dude thinks, feel free.
Jan 24, 2012
Never said that... you just like to get involved in the middle of conversations adding fuel to these sick fucks fire. You have Scott sitting there calling me a Faggot, Drunk Indian... and you're there just conversing with him like you're best buddies. I thought we were friends, would never do that if you were ever being called those kind of names. Not going to lie. Just disappointed in you and all you said was to lower your expectations of you... which I have done.

I disagree with the Native American racism. I've said it time and time again. It's pathetic that people would stoop that low to insult you.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
I disagree with the Native American racism. I've said it time and time again. It's pathetic that people would stoop that low to insult you.

Your boy Scott does it every day. And you came directly in the middle of him and Joe going off with their Native insults, calling me a faggot, drunk, etc... and Guesser was trying to call them out for it and you just joined them like they were your best friends. Just not my thing man. I don't tolerate that regardless of their reasons and definitely would never join anyone if they were ever saying personal stuff to you or being blatant racists.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Be careful Mantis, he's got a vicious right hook!


New member
Oct 19, 2007
Right on cue... always can count on Scott and Joe with their psycho racist humor!
Jan 24, 2012
Your boy Scott does it every day. And you came directly in the middle of him and Joe going off with their Native insults, calling me a faggot, drunk, etc... and Guesser was trying to call them out for it and you just joined them like they were your best friends. Just not my thing man. I don't tolerate that regardless of their reasons and definitely would never join anyone if they were ever saying personal stuff to you or being blatant racists.

Joined them? I've never joined in on any racism. I'm not a fan of Guesser, and I don't think insulting Guesser means I condone racism. If you feel that way though, fair enough. I appreciate you explaining you taking the time to explain.

Aug 6, 2006
I actually don't. You think I'm a racist? A far right loon? What? I've got no issue with you. Always had good NBA discussion.

He's the resident Rx Palestinian. A Professional Victim if there ever was one. Pretending he's of NA descent is another one of his ploys so he can spew crocodile tears.

Imagine someone so self-loathing and screaming so hard at his own inner pain yet producing fake tears. He actually *should* be crying. About his life.....

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Joined them? I've never joined in on any racism. I'm not a fan of Guesser, and I don't think insulting Guesser means I condone racism. If you feel that way though, fair enough. I appreciate you explaining you taking the time to explain.

I know you're not a racist and don't think like them. I just don't get why you would jump in the middle of that and just join in with them while Guesser was simply calling them out for all their racist shit. And there you go, Scott even responds to you knowing you guys are buds. Scott's a sick fuck. My favorite is how he blames me for him being a racist, haha. And the most hypocritical part of it all was when someone said one tame Jewish insult, Scott had a hissy fit. He's the biggest hypocrite here.
Jan 24, 2012
He's the resident Rx Palestinian. A Professional Victim if there ever was one.

Look, I understand why he pisses you off. The naming of the loons and the fixer stuff gets old, but there's no excuse for the Native American insults. That's not victim stuff, in my opinion, it's actual low blows.

Aug 6, 2006
Your boy Scott does it every day. And you came directly in the middle of him and Joe going off with their Native insults, calling me a faggot, drunk, etc... and Guesser was trying to call them out for it and you just joined them like they were your best friends. Just not my thing man. I don't tolerate that regardless of their reasons and definitely would never join anyone if they were ever saying personal stuff to you or being blatant racists.

That is a blatant lie. God Bless the American Indians. And Fuck You. You brought it all on yourself.

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