Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Oct 29, 2010
So Hillary thinks every citizen should vote? Wow....this woman needs to be stopped!!!

russ the troll is digging deep for his daily spam these days.

Keep churning out these pathetic articles....the far right is counting on you!!! Sheep it up Russ!!!

Sep 21, 2004
Here's what a sane R says about Hillary. Fools like Russ should listen carefully, but he doesn't get it and he never will.

KASICH: Let me just - I want to say one thing about the Clintons, just one thing. We are not going to beat Hillary Clinton on the basis of Benghazi and emails and the Clinton Foundation. You know how you win? You better have a bigger vision as to how Americans feel that America's going to be better for them.
GONYEA: It's the kind of answer that could make him a wild card in the GOP field. Don Gonyea, NPR News, Manchester.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Here's what a sane R says about Hillary. Fools like Russ should listen carefully, but he doesn't get it and he never will.

KASICH: Let me just - I want to say one thing about the Clintons, just one thing. We are not going to beat Hillary Clinton on the basis of Benghazi and emails and the Clinton Foundation. You know how you win? You better have a bigger vision as to how Americans feel that America's going to be better for them.
GONYEA: It's the kind of answer that could make him a wild card in the GOP field. Don Gonyea, NPR News, Manchester.

Hey dummy, if Hillary goes down it will only be if the informed out number the uninformed. Benghazi and the emails and the foundation define Hillary. If she wins we will all pay the price and if you don't get that you never will. You are the fool if you do not realize that everything that can be done to stop her must be done. Duh, that is why I started the thread. Simply announcing that you are not going to vote for her does not mean that you wish to inform others as to why you will not vote for her. You still have not explained why you are not voting for her. This thread shows there are numerous reasons. Do you think Benghazi or the emails are a factor to be considered by an intelligent voter? Please explain.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]‘New York Times’ Won’t Reveal When Clintons Donated[/h]Clinton-run foundation donated to NYT-run charity same year NYT endorsed Hillary for prez


BY: Alana Goodman
June 8, 2015 2:05 pm

The New York Times is clamming up about the specific date Bill and Hillary Clinton contributed $100,000 to the paper’s charity group in 2008, but denies the donation played a role in its coverage and endorsement of Clinton in the Democratic primaries that year.
The Washington Free Beacon reported on Sunday that the Clinton Family Foundation, a little-known philanthropic organization controlled by the Clintons, donated $100,000 to the New York Times Neediest Cases Fund in 2008. The charity is administered by the paper and run by top brass at the Times Company.
On Jan. 25, 2008, the Times endorsed Hillary Clinton over challengers Barack Obama and John Edwards. At the time there were reports that the editorial board had been leaning toward endorsing Obama but switched after then-publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. intervened in favor of Clinton.
Times spokesperson Eileen Murphy told the Free Beacon on Monday that the Clinton donation had no bearing on the editorial board’s decision.
“NO donation to The Neediest Cases Fund has ever had any impact on a Times endorsement,” said Murphy in an email. “Not this one. Not any other one over 100 years. We’re not commenting further.”
Murphy declined to say what date the donation was made, and whether any other candidates have contributed to the charity. Clinton ended her presidential run on June 7, 2008.
A Clinton spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment about the date of the donation.
The New Republic and Vanity Fair reported in 2008 that the Times endorsement may have been influenced by pressure from Sulzberger, whose family controlled the paper at the time. Two of Sulzberger’s cousins—who were also on the Times Company board of directors—chaired the New York Times Neediest Cases Fund in 2008, along with other top executives at the media company.
“The Times editorial board was, apparently, planning to endorse Barack Obama in the New York primary; the Clinton campaign, getting wind of this, called upon one of its major financial supporters [Steven Rattner], the best friend and principal adviser of Arthur Sulzberger Jr.,” Michael Wolff wrote inVanity Fair.
“Rattner is thought to have petitioned Sulzberger, and Sulzberger thereupon overruled his editorial board, which then backed Clinton.”
Times editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal denied at the time that Sulzberger tipped the scales in favor of Clinton, calling the Vanity Fair story “completely false.”
The Clinton Family Foundation is separate from the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. The organization is financed directly by the Clintons and they use it to contribute to personal charitable causes.
A review of the Clinton Family Foundation’s tax disclosures between 2006 and 2013 showed the Clintons have donated to dozens of groups, including the King Hussein Foundation, libraries that house Clinton-related document archives, and the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.
The CFF contributed $10,000 to the now-defunct Association for Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) in 2007. ACORN, a government-subsidized group that conducted voter registration drives and advocated for increased funding for social programs, often came under fire from conservatives and watchdog groups. The organization lost its federal funding and shut down in 2010, after undercover videos by James O’Keefe appeared to show ACORN employees encouraging illegal activities.
Clinton spoke at the ACORN 2007 forum, along with other Democratic presidential candidates John Edwards and Dennis Kucinich. ACORN also launched a heavily funded registration effort in 2008, which was marred by allegations of voter fraud.


New member
Oct 19, 2007
Hey dummy, if Hillary goes down it will only be if the informed out number the uninformed. Benghazi and the emails and the foundation define Hillary. If she wins we will all pay the price and if you don't get that you never will. You are the fool if you do not realize that everything that can be done to stop her must be done. Duh, that is why I started the thread. Simply announcing that you are not going to vote for her does not mean that you wish to inform others as to why you will not vote for her. You still have not explained why you are not voting for her. This thread shows there are numerous reasons. Do you think Benghazi or the emails are a factor to be considered by an intelligent voter? Please explain.

Yea, this guys definitely not far right... hahahahaha!!! This site produces some real winners!

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Yea, this guys definitely not far right... hahahahaha!!! This site produces some real winners!
Lol. Fucking Russ is completely lost. His latest article accuses the Clinton foundation of donating to a charity. Damn those clintons!!! Somebody stop them!!
Jan 24, 2012
Hey dummy, if Hillary goes down it will only be if the informed out number the uninformed. Benghazi and the emails and the foundation define Hillary. If she wins we will all pay the price and if you don't get that you never will. You are the fool if you do not realize that everything that can be done to stop her must be done. Duh, that is why I started the thread. Simply announcing that you are not going to vote for her does not mean that you wish to inform others as to why you will not vote for her. You still have not explained why you are not voting for her. This thread shows there are numerous reasons. Do you think Benghazi or the emails are a factor to be considered by an intelligent voter? Please explain.

Who is your candidate of choice in the 2016 election?

New member
Jan 9, 2009
This will never happen but the person I think would be the best President is Mike Huckabee with V.P. Ben Carson. Common sense would flow from the WH as never before. Both would listen to each other and have the best interests of this country in mind at all times. Both believe in this country and are transparent as opposed to what we see now. I think Bobby Jindal would make a good Secretary of State, Ted Cruz a good Attorney General, and Carly Fiorina a good Secretary of Commerce. I think they would clean up the existing mess to include the IRS, Veterans Hospitals, Obamacare (Carson could concentrate on that big time), and get our military back into the game. But that is just me.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
This will never happen but the person I think would be the best President is Mike Huckabee with V.P. Ben Carson. Common sense would flow from the WH as never before. Both would listen to each other and have the best interests of this country in mind at all times. Both believe in this country and are transparent as opposed to what we see now. I think Bobby Jindal would make a good Secretary of State, Ted Cruz a good Attorney General, and Carly Fiorina a good Secretary of Commerce. I think they would clean up the existing mess to include the IRS, Veterans Hospitals, Obamacare (Carson could concentrate on that big time), and get our military back into the game. But that is just me.

Yea, this dude is definitely slightly to the right of Vit. Good call on that one Scott!! Lmfao!!!!!

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Yea, this dude is definitely slightly to the right of Vit. Good call on that one Scott!! Lmfao!!!!!

So if you want the mess that Obama has created cleaned up and this country back on track you are "slightly to the right of Vit"...get real. What it means is I am not a liberal in any shape or form. You don't get it and you never will. Meanwhile back this thread. Why do you support Hillary Clinton?

New member
Oct 19, 2007
So if you want the mess that Obama has created cleaned up and this country back on track you are "slightly to the right of Vit"...get real. What it means is I am not a liberal in any shape or form. You don't get it and you never will. Meanwhile back this thread. Why do you support Hillary Clinton?

Oh I get it, you're a right wing loon. Everyone gets that except for some people I guess, lol.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Oh I get it, you're a right wing loon. Everyone gets that except for some people I guess, lol.
Lmao. Huckabee who is standing by josh duggar...a true wacko religious dude....along with equally whacky Ben Carson who says prison turns people gay and obamacare is equal to slavery.

Quality ticket there Russ. Ya, he's right in the middle. Slightly to the right!!! Lol

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Lmao. Huckabee who is standing by josh duggar...a true wacko religious dude....along with equally whacky Ben Carson who says prison turns people gay and obamacare is equal to slavery.

Quality ticket there Russ. Ya, he's right in the middle. Slightly to the right!!! Lol

And we will ask you the same question. Why do you support Hillary Clinton. I was asked a question and I anwered it back, something you would know nothing about. You two peas need to find a new pod lol.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
I will ask again, why do you support Hillary Clinton?

I support her because I believe she represents ideas and policies that are good for this nation like her husband. I don't care about Benghazi talking points, her charitable Foundation, or her speeding. No one does except far right loons. Every single candidate out there you can find information and "connect the dots". You can have a field day on Cruz, Jeb Bush, Paul, etc. But for some reason those dots don't matter to you. Lmao. You're such a clown, but it's kind of the funny party clown type. Make me a bicycle clown.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
I support her because I believe she represents ideas and policies that are good for this nation like her husband. I don't care about Benghazi talking points, her charitable Foundation, or her speeding. No one does except far right loons. Every single candidate out there you can find information and "connect the dots". You can have a field day on Cruz, Jeb Bush, Paul, etc. But for some reason those dots don't matter to you. Lmao. You're such a clown, but it's kind of the funny party clown type. Make me a bicycle clown.

Typical Libtard response…


New member
Oct 29, 2010
And we will ask you the same question. Why do you support Hillary Clinton. I was asked a question and I anwered it back, something you would know nothing about. You two peas need to find a new pod lol.
I answer every question posed to me....EVERY ONE.

Her social policies are what I like best....the fact that she doesn't believe in republican economics that bankrupted the country is a good thing. And every current republican candidate is either a joke or dangerous. It really is a very easy decision. The stupid shit you care about is laughed at by normal people.

Any other questions? You should ask me more stuff....I know a lot more than you and I'm almost always right. Don't you want to be right in the twilight years of your life? You've been wrong for almost 70 years now....don't you wanna be right for once?

Aug 6, 2006
Once again for the dummies...

Just because someone is Right Wing does not make them Far Right Wing. Far Right are people who believe races should not be mixed in society, or that one pure race should rule. Another trait of the Far Right -- they want the gov't out of THEIR lives, but they themselves want to control how everyone else conducts their lives. By this standard Russ is not Far Right. Russ doesn't bible thump in here, rail against gays, or even abortion. Russ is Far Right only of the two posters that are trolling him in this thread (Ex: Posts 687, 688, 690, 692, 693, 696).

One of them even has the nerve to call Russ a troll. Trolls post mainly in other poster's threads, usually with off-topic insults like those posted by the Turgid Alaskan. Vit calling Russ a troll is a joke. Russ starts threads about public figures. Russ does not enter threads started by other posters and if he does it is to attack the topic, not the thread starter. Starting a thread, "connecting the dots" regarding Hillary Clinton, regardless of whether it succeeds or fails is not trolling.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Lmao!!!! Scott L is still claiming Russ isn't far right. That's classic! He definitely seems like just a normal right of center guy to me.

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