Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Oct 29, 2010
You’ve got to be shitting me.

Imagine what would happen if a real candidate entered the race.
Lmao. A straw poll huh? Are you this stupid in real life? Is it possible?

more chance of you being honest than Bernie in dem primary.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Rather than trolling and being an Alinskite can you refute any of the allegations in this thread. Hell no, why, because you are missing much more than a dot. Why would she be in such a hurry then and in no hurry at all to answer all of those same allegations. You don't get it and you never will. Keep on trolling loser (Alinsky back lol).

The burden of proof is on you and so far you haven't provided anything that needs to be refuted. Speeding violations and her brother wanting money are some pretty lame dots, lmao. You're a loon. My favorite is when Scott L said you are not far right. That has to be one of the dumbest comments I've ever heard. You're one of the furthest loon righties on this site and that's an accomplishment since there are so many.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary Has LGBT Fundraiser Tonight in Washington[/h][h=2][/h]4:27 PM, JUN 8, 2015 • BY DANIEL HALPER

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Hillary Clinton is coming to Washington, D.C. for an LGBT fundraiser tonight. "Clinton will be in Washington, D.C., on Monday night for a fundraiser hosted by and attended by predominantly lesbian supporters," reports the Huffington Post.
"About 120 people are expected to attend the event, which is being billed as 'an intimate fundraiser' at the Woman's National Democratic Club. The cost to attend is $2,700 per person. For the more generous, those willing to bundle $27,000 ahead of the event also get to attend a special reception with Clinton.
"The event is being hosted by Claire Lucas and her partner, Judy Dlugacz, who founded a travel company called Olivia, which sells cruises targeting the lesbian community. Lucas told The Huffington Post that she and Dlugacz decided a couple of weeks ago that they wanted to do something to support Clinton's presidential run, so they started reaching out to their network of contacts to gauge interest. The result is Monday's event, which Lucas estimates will be about 75 percent lesbian attendees from around the country. That's atypical for an LGBT political fundraiser, which are by and large organized and attended by gay men."
The event is expected to have a strong turnout. And Huffington Post reporter Jennifer Bendery described tonight's event this way: "Hillary Clinton coming to DC tonight for some le$bian love."


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Jan 9, 2009

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This article was written on Nov 4

9:18 AM ET9:18AM ETBy Amy Chozick

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A 2016 Preamble: Opposition Research for Hillary Clinton

Hillary Rodham Clinton hasn’t said whether she will run for president in 2016, but it’s never too early to dig up some dirt on her potential competitors.
Even before the midterm election results are tallied, American Bridge, the Democratic super PAC, is tracking and researching 20 Republicans who could be potential presidential or vice presidential nominees in 2016.
David Brock, a onetime adversary of Bill Clinton who is now among Mrs. Clinton’s staunchest supporters, founded American Bridge ahead of the 2012 presidential election. The group has been mostly focused on the midterms, but after Tuesday Mr. Brock says it will double down on collecting video footage of Republican presidential and vice presidential hopefuls.
The group is building a searchable video archive for any of Mrs. Clinton’s potential Republican rivals and intends to counter attacks from well-financed conservative super PACs that have for months taken aim at Mrs. Clinton.
Bridge has already scored a couple of points. The group’s young videographers captured Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey telling a protester who criticized his response to the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy to “sit down and shut up.”
And it was a Bridge employee who asked former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida about the Paycheck Fairness Act during an event for Michigan Republican Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land. “What’s the paycheck fairness act?” Mr. Bush responded, in a video that went viral on progressive web sites. (The bill is meant to give women workers greater leverage in salary negotiations by making more wage information public.)
“We learned in the first cycle that the earlier we are able to be out there and involved and put out information whether it’s research or tracking, the better,” Mr. Brock said. “You can help form public impressions even before they get their own act together.”


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Jan 9, 2009

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Political News, Now.

9:18 AM ET9:18AM ETBy Amy Chozick

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A 2016 Preamble: Opposition Research for Hillary Clinton

Hillary Rodham Clinton hasn’t said whether she will run for president in 2016, but it’s never too early to dig up some dirt on her potential competitors.
Even before the midterm election results are tallied, American Bridge, the Democratic super PAC, is tracking and researching 20 Republicans who could be potential presidential or vice presidential nominees in 2016.
David Brock, a onetime adversary of Bill Clinton who is now among Mrs. Clinton’s staunchest supporters, founded American Bridge ahead of the 2012 presidential election. The group has been mostly focused on the midterms, but after Tuesday Mr. Brock says it will double down on collecting video footage of Republican presidential and vice presidential hopefuls.
The group is building a searchable video archive for any of Mrs. Clinton’s potential Republican rivals and intends to counter attacks from well-financed conservative super PACs that have for months taken aim at Mrs. Clinton.
Bridge has already scored a couple of points. The group’s young videographers captured Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey telling a protester who criticized his response to the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy to “sit down and shut up.”
And it was a Bridge employee who asked former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida about the Paycheck Fairness Act during an event for Michigan Republican Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land. “What’s the paycheck fairness act?” Mr. Bush responded, in a video that went viral on progressive web sites. (The bill is meant to give women workers greater leverage in salary negotiations by making more wage information public.)
“We learned in the first cycle that the earlier we are able to be out there and involved and put out information whether it’s research or tracking, the better,” Mr. Brock said. “You can help form public impressions even before they get their own act together.” ( the group’s president, Rodell Mollineau, ) American Bridge


New member
Jan 9, 2009
^^^^^Can you imagine if this group was after Hillary, OMG. Obviously they are just into smearing the opposition and they do not even waste time defending Hillary (who could). This is what Liberalism is all about and Hillary and this group personify how the elite approach politics and are not even invested in truth or transparency.
What Rubio did was a matter of public record. What Hillary has done is not transparent and questionable to say the least. One thing is for sure Trey is not a member of that group but he is all about transparency at least where Hillary is concerned. No doubt in my mind that this group will go after Trey Gowdy just about the time that all comes down. What ever happened to the truth?
For Liberals the ends justify the means.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
^^^^^Can you imagine if this group was after Hillary, OMG. Obviously they are just into smearing the opposition and they do not even waste time defending Hillary (who could). This is what Liberalism is all about and Hillary and this group personify how the elite approach politics and are not even invested in truth or transparency.
What Rubio did was a matter of public record. What Hillary has done is not transparent and questionable to say the least. One thing is for sure Trey is not a member of that group but he is all about transparency at least where Hillary is concerned. No doubt in my mind that this group will go after Trey Gowdy just about the time that all comes down. What ever happened to the truth?
For Liberals the ends justify the means.

Lmao!!!! This is what you have against Hillary? You're a loon dude.

Sep 21, 2004
The Clintons have an oppo research team??? I'm shocked, SHOCKED. (Guesser)

You are shocked because it was uncovered while unconvering something that had nothing to do with politics. Yet you have no comeback for all the assertions on this thread alone concerning Hillary and Bill. Get real. Oh yes, Hillary has no tickets because she does not drive but her motorcades have been seen speeding. Why aren't you defending Hillary as more and more begin to connect? Forget it that would be a full time job.

Also note, Rubio is not denying any of this stuff and Hillary will not even address all the stuff around her. That is probably because anything she says can be used against her in a court of law.
Are you senile? I'm the opposite of Shocked. That's why I know Obama was as clean as a hounds tooth against the ridiculous assertions of Casper and his sick ilk. IF Clinton Oppo research couldn't find anything, there was nothing to find. I don't defend Hillary because I'm not supporting or voting for Hillary, but I do know all your "assertions" are the same old same old, FROM the same old same old. Nothing to see, same as Rubio's tickets. The NEW stuff, Hillary's E mail nonsense, I attacked Hillary for without any silly dot connecting, just common sense.

Sep 21, 2004
^^^^^Can you imagine if this group was after Hillary, OMG. Obviously they are just into smearing the opposition and they do not even waste time defending Hillary (who could). This is what Liberalism is all about and Hillary and this group personify how the elite approach politics and are not even invested in truth or transparency.
What Rubio did was a matter of public record. What Hillary has done is not transparent and questionable to say the least. One thing is for sure Trey is not a member of that group but he is all about transparency at least where Hillary is concerned. No doubt in my mind that this group will go after Trey Gowdy just about the time that all comes down. What ever happened to the truth?
For Liberals the ends justify the means.

Was it "Liberalism" when Clinton Oppo research uncovered Rev Wright's speech and attacked Obama for Associating with Rev Wright?

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Are you senile? I'm the opposite of Shocked. That's why I know Obama was as clean as a hounds tooth against the ridiculous assertions of Casper and his sick ilk. IF Clinton Oppo research couldn't find anything, there was nothing to find. I don't defend Hillary because I'm not supporting or voting for Hillary, but I do know all your "assertions" are the same old same old, FROM the same old same old. Nothing to see, same as Rubio's tickets. The NEW stuff, Hillary's E mail nonsense, I attacked Hillary for without any silly dot connecting, just common sense.

You left one very important factor out of that equation about connecting dots on Obama, George Soros. If you don't know what that is all about hang it up. Same old same old then why are all these assertions getting so much attention. Rubio's offense was not politically connected and he has accepted the consequences. Hillary avoids the facts and cannot accept the consequences. If you think dot connecting is silly go read another thread. There are so many dots connecting Hillary that they deserve all the attention they are getting. So you are not voting for Hillary. I say you are simply because you will not vote for any republican. Let me ask you this, are you shocked by all these allegations surrounding Hillary? Were you aware that they existed before you "decided" not to vote for her? What were the main reasons you decided not to vote for her then? Will you vote Republican if she makes it to the ballot? Am I senile, no just old enough to know better. Maybe some day you will get there.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Oh no.....Russ is using George Soros again.

Lol. Soros is evil but Russ says the Koch brothers are good guys. You can't make up this amount of stupidity.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Oh no.....Russ is using George Soros again.

Lol. Soros is evil but Russ says the Koch brothers are good guys. You can't make up this amount of stupidity.

Did you know Russ isn't far right. He's just slightly to the right of you. Lmao!!!!

Sep 21, 2004
You left one very important factor out of that equation about connecting dots on Obama, George Soros. If you don't know what that is all about hang it up. Same old same old then why are all these assertions getting so much attention. Rubio's offense was not politically connected and he has accepted the consequences. Hillary avoids the facts and cannot accept the consequences. If you think dot connecting is silly go read another thread. There are so many dots connecting Hillary that they deserve all the attention they are getting. So you are not voting for Hillary. I say you are simply because you will not vote for any republican. Let me ask you this, are you shocked by all these allegations surrounding Hillary? Were you aware that they existed before you "decided" not to vote for her? What were the main reasons you decided not to vote for her then? Will you vote Republican if she makes it to the ballot? Am I senile, no just old enough to know better. Maybe some day you will get there.

I am shocked at NOTHING regarding Hillary, so I'm certainly not shocked at anything your dot connecting/extreme right wing blogs find. I've been against her since her trying to deflect the actions of Bill with Monica on the vast right wing conspiracy, instead of putting the blame where it belonged, and when I saw the movie Primary Colors, a Great movie. I don't trust her, nor her husband, never will, and never have or will vote for one of these 2 Clintons(I'll wait on Chelsea). But what you don't get, and you never will, is that piling on with the same shit on her works to her advantage. People like us aren't voting for her no matter what, but when undecideds see the same shit, from the same sources, they go onto her side, because she's great at playing the victim, and plays the piling on stuff perfectly.
I will vote R if a sane R makes it through the clown show. Kasich is a guy I can vote for, and Rand is also if he sticks to his latest foreign policy and NSA stuff. Otherwise, it's 3rd/4th party for me. Unless, something weird happens and one of the other D's, all of whom I'd vote for, somehow get through.

New member
Nov 10, 2010


Red on red: Monica Lewinsky stepped out on the red carpet Sunday night to attend the Tony Awards in New York City



New job: Lewinsky's appearance at the Broadway awards came as she announced her new position at an anti-bullying foundation


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Nov 10, 2010

Good cause: On Monday, Lewinsky said that she will be working as a strategic advisor for Bystander Revolution


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Nov 10, 2010


Pals: Cumming and Lewinsky met at a magazine party in the late 1990s and have been friends ever since, Cumming said in an interview last year. Pictured together in January at the Golden Globe Awards




There for support: Lewinsky posted this picture and message just before the Tony Awards kicked off Sunday night in New York City




Like family: Cumming's husband Grant Shaffer (left) and mother Mary (right) appear in this picture with Lewinsky on the red carpet Sunday night



New member
Oct 19, 2007
Lol. Yeah.....Russ is a real centrist....and Acebb has no ghosts!!

Hahaha!! It's amazing how much entertainment this site provides. I never even knew people like this existed. I always imagined those stereotypes were just exaggerations, but wholly shit... there are adults out there in this world that think and act like these people. It is amazing!

New member
Jan 9, 2009


Phyllis Schlafly spotlights devious plan to capture even more illegal-alien votes

Published: 13 hours agoimage:
PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY About | Email | Archive

Hillary Clinton has laid out her game plan for winning back the White House for herself and her husband next year. Let’s hope Republicans were paying attention.
She apparently decided it won’t be enough to rely on the 66 million people who voted twice for Barack Obama, many of whom are disillusioned by the failure of “hope and change.” Obama promised an end to wars in the Middle East, a more prosperous economy for the average American and more harmonious race relations, but all three problems have only gotten worse.

Since Hillary won’t have the youthful exuberance that propelled Obama to his unlikely double victory, she plans to build a whole new electorate out of people who didn’t vote for Obama. That’s the gist of her speech in Houston last week, which her friends at MSNBC called a “far-reaching vision for expanding access to the ballot box.”
Who are the new voters to whom Hillary wants to give “access to the ballot box”? They include felons and non-citizens, along with anyone who can’t prove identity, citizenship, or residence within the voting precinct.
She also plans to harvest millions of new votes by expanding the dangerous practices of same-day registration and early voting, which enable Democrats to badger, berate, bribe, or bamboozle reluctant low-information voters to the polls. Democratic Party and union workers can identify reluctant voters and harass them until the party worker verifies that they have actually cast their ballot.
In her new book, “Adios, America,” Ann Coulter asks a relevant question: “Should Democrats be given 30 million new voters?” Answering her own question, Ann says, “There is simply no reason for Republicans to legalize 30 million people who will vote 8-2 against them.”
While Hillary gave lip service to the notion that “every citizen” should vote, her Democratic allies are in court trying to stop every reasonable means of verifying a voter’s citizenship. That’s no surprise because, according to a recent Rasmussen survey, a majority (53 percent) of Democrats believe that non-citizens, including even illegal immigrants, should be allowed to vote.
Hillary’s commitment to voting by “every citizen” is belied by her earlier promise to “go even further” than Obama on amnesty for illegal immigrants. By “go even further,” she explained, she would include all 11-plus million (not just Obama’s 5 million), and she would give them full citizenship with voting rights, not just “legal status” with permission to work.
Attacked, debased, maligned and vilified: This foundational institution is fighting for its life. Order Phyllis Schlafly’s latest book, “Who Killed the American Family?” along with her updated classic, “A Choice, not an Echo”
The Census Bureau estimates that 22 million non-citizen adults, both legal and illegal, are living permanently in this country. That’s almost 10 percent of our entire population 18 and over, and more than half of those non-citizens are concentrated in just five states.
Arizona, which is on the front lines of illegal immigration, has been trying to require proof of citizenship as part of voter registration ever since that simple requirement was approved by Arizona’s voters in 2004. The Obama administration refused to add the proof-of-citizenship requirement to the federal form Arizona must use for motor-voter registrations.
Hillary has assigned her top lawyer to sue Wisconsin to overturn its effective voter-ID law, one of the best in the nation. But that’s not all. The New York Times just reported that left-wing Hungarian billionaire George Soros has agreed to pour $5 million into a national effort to protect and expand early voting.
Federal law provides that voting in federal elections take place in even years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, also known as “Election Day.” Just as no member of a jury should vote on guilt or innocence until all the evidence has been presented at a trial, voters should not cast their ballots before political campaigns are over.
The U.S. Constitution requires that the delegates to the Electoral College cast their ballots for president on the same day. Many states continue to adhere to the tradition of Election Day being on one day in November, not spread out over the ridiculous 35 days that resulted in a political circus in Ohio in 2012.
The integrity of elections is just as important as the universally accepted rules for jury trials, whereby jurors are asked to keep their minds open and withhold judgment until after closing arguments. Spreading out voting over an extended period of a month or more makes it impractical for poll watchers to monitor the voting for fraud.
Isn’t it odd that Democrats are all in favor of busing churchgoers in some neighborhoods to polling booths, but then insist that churches in Republican neighborhoods never try to influence an election?


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